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This section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English. There are

three passages in the section. Give yourself 20 minutes to read each passage and answer the questions about it. The entire section will take 60 minutes to complete. You may look back at a passage when answering the questions. You can skip questions and go back to them later as long as there is time remaining. Directions: Read the passage. Then answer the questions. Give yourself 20 minutes to complete this practice set. HABITATS AND CHIPMUNK SPECIES

This section measures your ability to understand aThere are eight chipmunk species in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and most of them look pretty much alike. But eight different species of chipmunks scurrying around a picnic area will not be found. Nowhere in the Sierra do all eight species occur together. Each species tends strongly to occupy a specific habitat type, within an elevational range, and the overlap among them is minimal. The eight chipmunk species of the Sierra Nevada represent but a few of the 15 species found in western North America, yet the whole of eastern North America makes do with but one species: the Eastern chipmunk. Why are there so many very similar chipmunks in the West? The presence of tall mountains interspersed with vast areas of arid desert and grassland makes the West ecologically far different from the East. The West affords much more opportunity for chipmunk populations to become geographically isolated from one another, a condition of species formation. Also, there are more extremes in western habitats. In the Sierra Nevada, high elevations are close to low elevations, at least in terms of mileage, but ecologically they are very different. Most ecologists believe that ancient populations of chipmunks diverged genetically when isolated from one another by mountains and unfavorable ecological habitat. These scattered populations first evolved into races—adapted to the local ecological conditions—and then into species, reproductively isolated from one another. This period of evolution was relatively recent, as evidenced by the similar appearance of all the western chipmunk species. Ecologists have studied the four chipmunk species that occur on the eastern slope of the Sierra and have learned just how these species interact while remaining separate, each occupying its own elevational zone. The sagebrush chipmunk is found at the lowest elevation, among the sagebrush. The yellow pine chipmunk is common in low to mid-elevations and open conifer forests, including pinon and ponderosa and Jeffrey pine forests. The lodgepole chipmunk is found at higher elevations, among the lodgepoles, firs, and high-elevation pines. The alpine chipmunk is higher still, venturing among the talus slopes, alpine meadows, and high-elevation pines and junipers. Obviously, the ranges of each species overlap. Why dont sagebrush chipmunks move into the pine zones? Why dont alpine chipmunks move to lower elevations and share the conifer forests with lodgepole chipmunks? The answer, in one word, is aggression. Chipmunk species actively defend their ecological zones from encroachment by neighboring species. The yellow pine chipmunk is more aggressive than the sagebrush chipmunk, possibly because it is a bit larger. It successfully bullies its smaller evolutionary cousin, excluding it from the pine forests. Experiments have shown that the sagebrush chipmunk is physiologically able to live anywhere in the Sierra Nevada, from high alpine zones to the desert. The little creature is apparently restricted to the desert not because it is specialized to live only there but because that is the only habitat where none of the other chipmunk species can live. The fact that sagebrush chipmunks tolerate very warm temperatures makes them, and only them, able to live where they do. The sagebrush chipmunk essentially occupies its habitat by default. In one study, ecologists established that yellow pine chipmunks actively exclude sagebrush chipmunks from pine forests; the ecologists simply trapped all the yellow pine chipmunks in a section of forest and moved them out. Sagebrush chipmunks immediately moved in, but yellow pine chipmunks did not enter sagebrush desert when sagebrush chipmunks were removed. The most aggressive of the four eastern-slope species is the lodgepole chipmunk, a feisty rodent indeed. It actively prevents alpine chipmunks from moving downslope, and yellow pine chipmunks from moving upslope. There is logic behind the lodge-poles aggressive demeanor. It lives in the cool, shaded conifer forests, and of the four species, it is the least able to tolerate heat stress. It is, in other words, the species of the strictest habitat needs: it simply must be in those shaded forests. However, if it shared its habitat with alpine and yellow pine chipmunks, either or both of these species might outcompete it, taking most of the available food. Such a competition could effectively eliminate lodgepole chipmunks from the habitat. Lodgepoles survive only by virtue of their aggression. Directions: Now answer the questions. There are eight chipmunk species in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and most of them look pretty much alike. But eight different species of chipmunks scurrying around a picnic area will not be found. Nowhere in the Sierra do all eight species occur together. Each species tends strongly to occupy a specific habitat type, within an elevational range, and the overlap among them is minimal.

Why does the author mention a "picnic area" in paragraph 1?

A.To identify a site where a variety of different species of chipmunks can be seen

B.To support the point that each species of chipmunk inhabits a distinct location

C.To emphasize the idea that all species of chipmunks have a similar appearance

D.To provide an example of a location to which chipmunks are likely to scurry for food

更多“This section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English. There are”相关的问题


Section D听力原文:A researcher says lead in the environment could be a major cause of viol

Section D

听力原文: A researcher says lead in the environment could be a major cause of violence by young people. Doctor Herbert Needleman is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania and he presented his findings at the yearly meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Doctor Needleman says the presence of lead in the brain changes the neurons that control actions and that can cause a person to act in antisocial and criminal ways.

In the 1970s, Doctor Needleman found lower scores on intelligence tests even in children who did not have such signs of lead poisoning. After that, lead was removed from gasoline and paint in the United States. Yet many homes still have old lead paint. Lead was also used in older water pipes. In fact, officials just announced stronger testing and reporting requirements as from next year for lead in American drinking water.

The newest research shows that even very small amounts of lead in bones can affect brain development. A simple blood test can measure lead except that an X-ray process is needed to measure levels in bone. In 2004, such tests were done on 190 young people who were in jail and the findings showed that their average levels were higher than normal. And, in 1998, three hundred children were studied and the test scores showed higher levels of aggression and learning problems in those with increased levels of lead. Yet these levels were still considered safe by the government.

A researcher says lead in the environment could be a major cause of violence by young people. Doctor Herbert Needleman is a【21】______ at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania and he【22】______his findings at the yearly meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Doctor Needleman says the presence of lead in the 【23】______changes the neurons that control actions and that can cause a person to act in antisocial and【24】______ways.

In the 1970s, Doctor Needleman found lower scores on【25】______even in children who did not have such signs of lead poisoning. After that, lead was【26】______gasoline and paint in the United States. Yet many homes still have old lead paint. Lead was also used in older【27】______. In fact, officials just announced stronger testing and reporting requirements as from next year for lead in American drinking water.

The newest research shows that even very small amounts of lead in bones can affect brain development. A simple【28】______can measure lead except that an X-ray process is needed to measure levels in bone. In 2004, such tests were done on 190 young people who were【29】______and the findings showed that their average levels were higher than normal. And, in 1998, three hundred children were studied and the test scores showed higher levels of【30】______problems in those with increased levels of lead. Yet these levels were still considered safe by the government.




?Read the extract below about customs procedure.?Choose the correct word to fill each gap,

? Read the extract below about customs procedure.

? Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B, or C on the opposite page.

? For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

Customs Procedure

All goods to be imported whether or not subject (29) import duties must be declared to the Customs in (30) on prescribed forms (Customs Form. No. 1). All declaration (31) indicate a full and true account (32) the number and description of packages, as well as the description, value, weight and measure of quantity of (33) such goods. The goods shall be examined by proper customs officers as and (34) necessary.

All goods imported (35) Malaysia shall, (36) first arrival of landing, be deposited by the importer (37) his agent in a customs or licensed warehouse or in a warehouse approved (38) the Director General of Customs.

Goods deposited in a Customs warehouse are required to be declared (39) the stipulated period.

The question of whether or not these goods are dutiable is decided by the Director General of Customs based (40) Section 22 of the Customs Act, 1967.







Seismologists can measure the size of sea waves.A.YB.NC.NG

Seismologists can measure the size of sea waves.






People can use it to measure (测量) things.

People can use it to measure (测量) things.



Their success was _______ the result of thorough preparation

A.in some measures

B.in some measure

C.to some measure

D.with some measures



To measure life quality is easy.A.Right B.Wrong C.Notmentioned

To measure life quality is easy.



C.Not mentioned










This measure is suited to some localities, but not to others.(英译汉)

This measure is suited to some localities, but not to others.(英译汉)



To measure life quality is easy.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

To measure life quality is easy.



C.Not mentioned



[A] chance[B] look[C] measure[D] choice

[A] chance

[B] look

[C] measure

[D] choice

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