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Where may Anna be now?A.At home.B.At the meeting.C.In the car.

Where may Anna be now?

A.At home.

B.At the meeting.

C.In the car.

更多“Where may Anna be now?A.At home.B.At the meeting.C.In the car.”相关的问题


Why is Jenny calling?A.She wants to invite the man to tea.B.She wants to find out where An

Why is Jenny calling?

A.She wants to invite the man to tea.

B.She wants to find out where Anna is.

C.She wants to find out if Anna has her French dictionary.



Where's George going probably?A.To Linda's house.B.To Jim's house.C.To Anna's house.

Where's George going probably?

A.To Linda's house.

B.To Jim's house.

C.To Anna's house.



听力原文:Woman: Hello, Executive Catering Services, Anna speaking. How can I help you?Man:

听力原文:Woman: Hello, Executive Catering Services, Anna speaking. How can I help you?

Man: Hello Anna, this is Julian Russell from Family Holidays. I wondered if you could do some catering for us next week. We're having a small reception - it's to launch a new advertising campaign. Would you be free?

Woman: When exactly is it, Mr Russell?

Man: Next Thursday - that's May the second.

Woman: Oh yes, I can do that. Where will you be holding it?

Man: We thought we'd have it at Head Office and use the Boardroom because there's enough room for everyone there.

Woman: OK. What sort of things would you like?

Man: Just a light lunch, I think, so that people can eat while they move around and talk to each other. You did something similar for us last year - we'd be happy to have the same menu again.

Woman: Right, I'll look in my diary and see what you had. Oh, I nearly forgot to ask you, how many should I cater for?

Man: Well, I think most people will be able to come. Perhaps around 25. No, let's say 30 to be sure.

Woman: Right. Thank you for getting in much, Mr Russell, I'll send you confirmation of the arrangements by the end of the week and then I'll...

?You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.

?Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below.

?After you have listened once, replay each recording.

Conversation One

?Look at the form. below.

?You will hear a man making a request for catering.



Booking made by: Julian Russell

Company: Family Holidays

Event: Launch of new (1)______

Date: (2) ______

Location: Head Office, in the (3)______

Number attending: (4) ______



Which of the following is Anna's belief?A.French firms have made much use of opt-outs.B.Br

Which of the following is Anna's belief?

A.French firms have made much use of opt-outs.

B.British bosses may force workers to sign opt-outs.

C.American corps don't need any opt-outs.



If you want to know more about registration, you may ______.A.call 88643911B.call 46935040

If you want to know more about registration, you may ______.

A.call 88643911

B.call 46935040

C.email Anna Porter

D.email Lucy Becker



What can be inferred about Jack?A.He is not planning to talk about the topic now.B.He expe

What can be inferred about Jack?

A.He is not planning to talk about the topic now.

B.He expects the woman to respond to the questions in class.

C.He is concerned that her question may be difficult to answer.

D.He is not sure if he can discuss with Anna successfully.



?Read the article below about the British longer working hours.?For each question 23-28 on

? Read the article below about the British longer working hours.

? For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.

? Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

Put Down That Tool

The British work longer hours than anyone else in the European Union (EU), which may account for Britain's faster rate of economic growth in the past decade. But the European Commission wants to put a stop to it. In a recent report it notes disapprovingly that, "The UK is the only member state where weekly working time has increased over the last decade." The commission believes that British companies may be systematically violating the EU's "Working Time Directive ". This demands that Europeans should work a maximum of 48 hours a week on average. Under the directive, workers can sign an "opt-out", agreeing to work more than 48 hours. Some 33% of British workers have signed such opt-outs, although only 16% are believed actually to be working more than 48 hours.

Anna Diamantopoulou, the European commissioner for employment and social affairs, has a doubt about that. Firms in other European countries have not made much use of opt-outs. But, she thinks, some British bosses may be forcing workers to sign opt-outs as a condition of taking a job. (Some Americans may actually want to work more than 48 hours, but surely no European would be so silly, seems to her reasoning.) Citing reasons ranging from "health and safety" to the need to maintain "minimum social standards" in the EU and to strike a better balance between work and family life, the commission is launching a "consultation of interested parties" on possible changes to the directive. The commissioner hopes that Britain will be able to come up with solutions on a voluntary basis. This sounds innocent enough. But, in reality, if it does not, the commission will probably devise a new directive.

The commission is likely to push for tighter definitions of the conditions under which opt-outs can be used. This will inevitably reduce labour-market flexibility and may introduce yet more burdensome corporate form-filling and regulation. The British government claims to welcome the commission's review. Privately, however, it hopes that the appointment of a new commission next autumn will ensure that Mrs Diamantopoulou does not have enough time to revise the directive. She will certainly need to work long hours to get it done. Fortunately, being classified as a manager, at least she has an automatic opt-out from the Working Time Directive.

What is the attitude of the European Commission toward Britain's longer working hour?

A.It firmly supports it.

B.It pays no attention to it.

C.It wants to get rid of it.



听力原文:M: Anna, I am going to the headquarters now because the supervisor wants to see m
e, right now! I don't know why but I feel like I am in big trouble this time. Besides, I' ve got to do a bunch f things there.

W: But Mr. Shin, please don't forget about your appointment with Natalie at 2:00. You know she is a very important client for us, OK?

M: I know that. I' II try to be here on time. If I am late, could you please make an excuse for me?

W: Okay, by the way, did you finish making the list of things in the warehouse for the meeting with Susan at 5:00?

Where is the man going?

A.The sales department

B.To meet Anna

C.Business trip

D.Main office



听力原文:Ken :Hello, Rob.Rob :Hello, Ken... Hello Barbara. Come in. Shall I take your coat

听力原文:Ken :Hello, Rob.

Rob :Hello, Ken... Hello Barbara. Come in. Shall I take your coats?

Ken :Thank you very much. What a lovely house!

Rob :I'm glad you like it.

Ken :Where' s Anna?

Rob :Oh, she's in the kitchen. She'll be here in a minute. Just go into the dining room. How about a drink before dinner?

Ken :That's a good idea.

Anna :Here we are...,dinner's ready. Sit down, everybody.

Barbara :Thank you very much, Anna. Everything looks wonderful, and it smells delicious, too.

Anna :I'll put the salad in the middle of the table. Shall I serve you?

Barbara : No, it's all right. We can help ourselves.

Anna : Rob, could you pour the wine, please? Ken, help yourself to the vegetables, too.

Rob : Would you like some mere brandy, Barbara?

Barbara : Oh, no, thanks, no more for me. I'm driving tonight.

Rob : Oh, come on, just a little.

Barbara : No, really, I mustn't. Let me help you with the washing-up.

Rob : The washing-up! No, no, don't worry. We always leave that until the morning.

Rob : Here are your coats.

Ken : Thanks. It's been a marvelous evening. It was very kind of you to invite us.

Anna : Don't mention it. It was very nice to see you again.

Barbara : Well, we enjoyed ourselves very much.

Rob : We're so glad, you must come again.

Ken : Good ,fight, and thanks again.

Anna : Good night, and drive carefully. It's a very wet night.


A.Ken and Barbara are eating out tonight.

B.Rob and Anna are entertaining their friends at home.

C.Anna is cooking a big meal for a family party.

D.Old friends are gathering in Rob' s home to celebrate his birthday.



听力原文:M: Have you decided where to take the client to dinner tonight?W: Well, I origina

听力原文:M: Have you decided where to take the client to dinner tonight?

W: Well, I originally made a reservation at Apple's, which is a steakhouse and then I found out that the client is a vegetarian. I then tried to get us into a private room at Anna' s Garden, because the main dining room is too noisy, but now the rooms were all reserved. I got reservations at Muvi, though, for 7:30. I haven't tried it, but I heard it was good.

M: Oh, I've been there. The food is excellent. It's right next to that Japanese place, Tami, where we had the Joan' s birthday party last month.

W: Right. Traffic can be heavy going that way. Let's wrap up the meeting by 6:00 so we will be able to arrive there before the client.

Why did the woman first decide to change places for the dinner?

A.She couldn' t make a reservation.

B.Her guest doesn't eat meat.

C.The restaurant would be noisy.

D.Traffic might be heavy.

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