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A 69-year-old male with angina develops severe constipation following treatment with()

A. Propranold

B. Verapamil

C. Captopril

D. Dobutamine

E. Nitroglycerin

更多“A 69-year-old male with angina develops severe constipation following treatment with()”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Hello, Cindy. Congratulations! I hear you're getting married, When's the big d

W: Thank you. We're planning a June wedding, but we haven't picked a date yet.

Q: What do we learn about the woman?


A.She will get married with the male speaker.

B.She will get married this winter.

C.She has got married for about six months.

D.She has decided to marry in June.



听力原文:W: Good afternoon. Today our topic is child care. Most people with young children
work and need to use child care. In some families, a relative can take care of the children. But in the United States, more than 50 percent of all families pay for child care—they hire someone to take care of the children. Some people take their children to day-care centers. Some people hire a sitter to take care of the children. And some families hire a nanny. A nanny usually lives with a family and takes care of the children in the family's home every day. Today, we have an unusual nanny to tell us about the job. Let's welcome our nanny.

M: Hello.

W: Well hello, good afternoon. You are an unusual nanny, aren't you?

M: Yes, I am. A nanny is usually a woman. But a man can be a nanny, too. A man is a male nanny—or a manny. M for man. M-a-n-n-y.

W: Hmm. So you are a manny, right?

M: Yes, I am a manny.

W: What does a manny do?

M: Well, first of all, a nanny, male or female, is the same thing. It's just one is a man and one is a woman. We do the same thing. A nanny takes care of children. A nanny usually lives with a family, but not always.

W: And what is a typical day for you?

M: Well, I usually help the children get ready for school. I help them get dressed, make breakfast and lunch. Sometimes, I take them to school and always pick them up after school. I usually help them with their homework, and we often play together and things like that.

W: A nanny is not a typical job for a man. I mean, it is a little. unusual for a man to take care of children and do household chores, isn't it?

M: Yeah, some people just don't think men can take care of children. They think child care is a woman's job. I disagree. I like it. I also like doing household chores. A nanny is a good job for me. I don't think it's woman's work at all.

W: And how did you know what a nanny does? I mean how did you learn to be a nanny?

M: Well, I went to a special school that trains nannies. I studied about children and child care in my classes. There are schools where people can go to learn how to become a nanny.

W: I see. You went to school and got some training.

M: Yes, I did.

W: Do you have other friends who are male nannies?

M: Well, now I do. My other friends used to make fun of me. They thought it was strange—you know-I was doing a woman's job. But they didn't have a job and I did. I thought it was pretty funny.

W: Well, I learned something today. The new child care workers—male nannies. Thank you very much for coming.


11. According to the conversation, what are the speakers mainly talking about?

12.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the man's typical day as a nanny?

13.According to the conversation, which of the following statements is NOT true?

14.How did the man learn to become a nanny?

15.What does the man think of his job?


A.The difference between a male nanny and a female nanny.

B.The difference between a nanny and a sitter,

C.How to become a nanny in the United States.

D.The job of a nanny.



听力原文:W: Let's go into the penguin house.M: Great! I read that they've added a couple o

听力原文:W: Let's go into the penguin house.

M: Great! I read that they've added a couple of emperor penguins from Antarctica.

W: I was hoping to stay in the warmer section. You know, they have some penguins here from the Galapagos Islands-and that's practically on the equator.

M: But the emperor penguin's huge! It's a lot bigger than the Galapagos penguin—in fact, it's bigger than all the other penguins—almost four feet high.

W: Imagine a bird that size flying through the air...

M: Penguins don't actually fly.

W: I know that. They just sort of... waddle.

M: They swim, too. Even though they're feathered, their wings are more like flippers-they work like paddles in the water.

W: I thought they were land animals.

M: They lay their eggs on land. They make their nests in these enormous colonies called rookeries. See, the emperor penguin has this interesting nesting habit. The female bird leaves the ocean at the beginning of autumn. She lays an egg on the ice and then immediately returns to the water.

W: What happens to the egg?

M: The male rolls it onto his feet and then covers it with the lower part of his belly.

W: Then what?

M: For two whole months. During the worst part of the winter, he huddles together with other male penguins to keep the eggs warm.

W: So the female brings him food?

M: No. See, the penguin can fast for up to four months. The female comes back after the chick hatches. When she does, the male goes out to sea to get food for himself and the chick.


A.The zoo has built a rookery there.

B.He's writing a book about penguins.

C.He's interested in seeing a certain species.

D.It has recently been renovated.



听力原文:M: What did you think about the video we were supposed to watch for Professor Ste
phen' s class?

W: I didn't see it. Was it good?

M: Really it was. It was about stress, the effects of stress on the national health.

W: It was interesting, right?

M: Yes. I think they said that one out of nine women aged 45 to 65 will have a heart attack.

W: I' m surprised at that.

M: I was too. Oh, another thing. They said that women usually don' t get the same level of care as men do, so the heart attack is likely to be more serious.

W: Why is that?

M: Because many members of the medical profession still think of a heart attack as a male problem, so they don' t recognize the symptoms in women patients.

W: Well, it does sound very interesting. I' m going to try to see it before class next time, so I'll be ready for the discussion.


A.It is required by Professor Stephen.

B.It is very interesting.

C.He wants to know about heart attacks.

D.He took part in the discussion.



听力原文:M: Why do you think that way?W: While I admit there is very little discrimination

听力原文:M: Why do you think that way?

W: While I admit there is very little discrimination here on campus towards orientation, appearance and nationality, women are not treated equally. Women are not represented in many faculties. They also hold fewer senior faculty positions, are not represented well in administration and, do you know, not once has them been a female president of the student union.

M: You are running for president of the student union on the issue of equality, but you are not going to be a winner, I suppose. Most students feel women have equality nowadays.

W: Not the students I have talked to, particularly the women. My brother is a lawyer and he says the women in his firm have to work much harder than the men if they want to become a partner in the firm.

M: So you are going to champion women's rights for the election.

W: Yes, my campaign will focus on that but I will not ignore other issues such as transportation, cafeterias and so on. I have been a student here lot 4 years and am aware of all the issues. If I can make this campus a better place for all students, then as a woman, I would be setting an excellent role model. And, I am sure I can do a better job than Jerry did this year.

M: What did Jerry accomplish this year?

W: Next to nothing. He put pressure on the cafeterias to be a little more environmentally friendly but that is all about it.


A.To prove women's diligence.

B.To seek gender equality on campus.

C.To improve transportation and accommodation.

D.To put pressure on male students.



听力原文:M: Good evening and welcome to "Hardlife", the program that talks to ordinary peo
ple about their jobs. Today's guest is Barbara Currie, who's a dentist. Welcome, Barbara.

W: Thank you.

M: I suppose I should start by asking you how you became interested in dentistry.

W: Well, I suppose it started when I was eight. I smashed my front tooth and the dentist put in a gold one, which I thought was wonderful. I had it until I was 17.

M: And you've been a dentist for ten years or so?

W: Fifteen now.

M: Would you say that dentistry is still a man's world? I mean, I can't remember ever having a woman dentist in my life.

W: Well, it used to be a totally male profession. It's getting better, but you still find only a few women who own their own practices. Most of them are junior partners or employees in a man's business.

M: In your experience, is it common for people to be frightened of the dentist?

W: Yes, that's common. Some people are even frightened of coming into the room. I have to go through a long process of getting them to come in, walk around, sit down and then leave.

M: You mean you don't actually do any work on their teeth?

W: That's right. Sometimes, if people are scared, the first thing is simply helping them to feel a bit more comfortable with the place. M: Would you say you enjoyed your work?

W: Yes, I think so on the whole. But I'm still not used to some of the horrors I see when people open their mouths, and bad breath is not pleasant to deal with. Another thing that I find difficult is the noise of the drill. But laser treatment is now doing a lot of work we had to use the drill for, so now it's not so much of a problem.


A.She smashed her front tooth in her childhood and the dentist put in a beautiful one.

B.Her childhood experience was so horrible that she made up her mind to help those with bad teeth.

C.She liked to be dentist without any particular reasons.

D.She fell in love with a dentist.



听力原文:M: I consider friendship to be one of the most important things in life--whatever
your status, married or single. I see too many lonely people work around. A lot of us get so involved with material values, family problems etc., that we forget the real meaning of friendship.

W: Which is what, according to you?

M: They say 'a friend in need is a friend indeed', which is partly true, but a real friend should also be able to share your happy moments--without feeling jealous. A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and don't feel hurt if a friend doesn't feel like seeing you. Of course, honesty is an essential part of any relationship. We should learn to accept our friends for who they are.

W: As a married man, do you find your friendships are only with other men?

M: Of course not! Both my wife and I have men and women friends -- thank goodness. Although family life is fulfilling, it isn't enough! Both, my wife and I get tremendous satisfaction from our friends, married and single, male and female -- and we both have our separate friends too. We'd get bored with each other if we had the same friends!

W: You must have a full life.

M: We certainly do! And as I say, our friends give us a lot of plea- sure. After all, friends should not be people with whom you kill time. Real friendship, in my opinion, is a 'spiritually developing' experience.


A.One where you can accept and forgive faults.

B.One where you understand moods.

C.One where you chat.

D.One where you don't feel hurt if a friend doesn't feel like seeing you.










The semantic features of the word "boy" can be expressed asA.[+ animate], [- human], [+ ad

The semantic features of the word "boy" can be expressed as

A.[+ animate], [- human], [+ adult], [+ male].

B.[+ animate], [+ human], [- adult], [+ male].

C.[+ animate], [+ human], [+ adult], [- male].

D.[+ animate], [+ human], [- adult], [- male].







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