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After his vacation in this ______ section, he felt soothed and rested.A.plausibleB.placidC

After his vacation in this ______ section, he felt soothed and rested.





更多“After his vacation in this ______ section, he felt soothed and rested.A.plausibleB.placidC”相关的问题


听力原文:W:My parents think I may take a trip after finishing the study at the university.
But I do not want to spend my parents' money on it.

M:Taking a part time job during summer vacation can afford enough for the travel.

Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?


A.Take a part time job during the holiday.

B.Ask for his parents' help.

C.Go traveling after the summer holiday.

D.Give up the idea.



听力原文:M: Is your brother coming back right after the holiday?W: No. I don't expect to s

听力原文:M: Is your brother coming back right after the holiday?

W: No. I don't expect to see him till next week.

Q: What docs the woman say about her brother?


A.Her brother will return the following week.

B.Her brother will be back light after the holiday.

C.Her brother will come back for the holiday.

D.Her brother will begin his vacation next week.



听力原文:M: I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith tomorrow.W: I'm sorry. Doc

听力原文:M: I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith tomorrow.

W: I'm sorry. Doctor Smith went on a one-week vacation in Mexico. And on his way back he will be staying in California for five days. Let me see. He'll probably be back the day after tomorrow.

Q: Where is Doctor Smith now?


A.In Mexico.

B.In California.

C.In the city.

D.In New Mexico.



听力原文:Man: I'm going hiking in the mountains for my vacation. Woman: Hiking? That's ene

听力原文:Man: I'm going hiking in the mountains for my vacation.

Woman: Hiking? That's energetic of you. After working as hard as you do, I would think you would want to spend a few weeks just lying on a sunny beach reading a good book.

Man: I'm tired of lazy vacations by the sea. I like to be active when I take a vacation. I'm really looking forward to three weeks walking in the mountains.

Woman: Wow! That's a long time. Are you leaving soon?

Man: Yes, on Sunday. Just two days away. I can't wait.

How will the man spend his vacation?



C.Lying in the sun.

D.Swimming in the sea.



听力原文:M: I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith tomorrow.W: I'm sorry. Dr. Sm

听力原文:M: I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith tomorrow.

W: I'm sorry. Dr. Smith went on a one-week vacation in Mexico, and on his way back he'll be staying in California for 5 days. Let me see. He'll probably be back the day after tomorrow.

Q: Where is Dr. Smith now?


A.In Mexico.

B.In California.

C.In the city.

D.In New Mexico.



听力原文:W: How was your trip to Bali? Did you get a chance to tour around the place after
the management seminar like you had planned?

M: You wouldn't believe it, but I spent most of my time hanging around the hotel. The weather there was so bad that all the places were shut down.

W: You're kidding me. You mean to say that you didn't do anything?

M: Weil, I did do some shopping at a department store, but I didn't get to see any of the famous places like I had planned. If I knew what the weather would've been like, I would have never begged my boss for a few days off because I just ended up wasting my vacation days.

What was the main reason for the man's visit to Bali?

A.To enjoy his vacation.

B.For business.

C.To meet his boss.

D.To do some shopping.



David didn' t have ______ money left after his vacation;______.A.some, and so did sheB.no,

David didn' t have ______ money left after his vacation; ______.

A.some, and so did she

B.no, and she did so

C.any, neither did she

D.any, she did either



What happened to the cherished list several months after the author's vacation?A.He post c

What happened to the cherished list several months after the author's vacation?

A.He post copies to many people.

B.He forgot about its contents.

C.He published it in a journal.

D.He shared it with his colleagues.



I came back yesterday from Hong Kong where I had spent a two weeks vacation after the comp
letion of the construction job I had been in charge of in the South.



Happy Therapy (诊疗) I Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who

Happy Therapy (诊疗)

I Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling.

Then, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak.

In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night.

The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.

He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night.

Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for exercise.

After a few months, Mr. Cousins returned to work. He had laughed himself back to health.

第 31 题 Mr. Cousins got sick after returning from

A. a busy trip to the US.

B. a tiring trip to Russia.

C. a trip around the world.

D. a trip to Puerto Rico.

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