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In Canada, the term of the Governor General is______years.A.twoB.fourC.fiveD.seven

In Canada, the term of the Governor General is______years.





更多“In Canada, the term of the Governor General is______years.A.twoB.fourC.fiveD.seven”相关的问题


听力原文:To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. A

听力原文: To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. At that time the French dreamed of discovering and controlling more land, of expanding trade beyond their borders and of spreading their faith across the world. In 1535, Francois I, King of France, ordered a navigator named Jacques Cartier to explore the New World and search for a passage to India.

Cartier first arrived at the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, which he wanted to explore. He did not know what to expect but he hoped that this Gulf was just an arm of the ocean between two islands, if it was, be would soon be on his way to the Far East. So he sailed upstream along the St. Lawrence River. However, instead of reaching Asia he arrived at Quebec or Stadacona, as the Indians called it. It was at this point that the term "Canada" entered the country's history. Apparently the word "Canada" came from an Indian word Kanata, which means community or village. Cartier first used it when he referred to Stadacona or Quebec. What a huge village Canada is!


A.To build a new country.

B.To explore the New World.

C.To get in touch with the American Indians.

D.To know more about France.



To find out how the name Canada came about, we must go back to the 16th century. At that t
ime, the French dreamed of (梦想) discovering and controlling more land across the world. In 1535 Fran? ois I , King of France, ordered a navigator (航海家) named Jacques Cartier to explore (探险) the New World and search for a passage to India.

Cartier first arrived at the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, which he wanted to explore. He did not know what to expect but he hoped that this Gulf was just an arm of the ocean between two islands. If it was, he would soon be on his way to the Far East. So he sailed upwards along the St. Lawrence River. However, instead of reaching Asia he arrived at Quebec or Stadacona, as the Indians called it. It was at this point that the term (词) "Canada" entered the country's history. Apparently (明显地) the word "Canada" came from an Indian word "Kanada", which means village. Cartier first used it when he referred to Stadacona or Quebec. What a huge "village" Canada is!

What was Cartier ordered to do? ______.

A.To build a new country

B.To find the New World

C.To get in touch with American Indians

D.To know more about America and find a new way to Asia



The 1990s were all about downsizing, the practice of laying off large numbers of staff in
the search for efficiency and profitability. More than 17 million workers were laid off between 1988 and 1995, although about 28 mil lion jobs were added back to the economy.

Two economists at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, W. Michael Cox and Richard Alin, reported on the 10 largest downsizers of the 1990—1995 period, which include Digital Equipment, McDonnell Douglas, General Electric, and Kmart. Collective output (sales adjusted for inflation) declined by almost 10 percent. On the other hand, productivity per worker rose nearly 28 percent, compared with a gain of 1.5 percent in the rest of the economy. Says Cox, "Most of the companies emerged from the downsizing more competitive than before and thus were able to provide greater security to their workers. " The cost? 850,000 workers.

Yet negative outcomes prevailed at many firms. Devastatingly low morale, increased disability claims and suits for wrongful discharge (解雇), and general mistrust of management plague many companies. A study done at the Wharton School examined data on several thousand firms and found that downsizing had little or no effect on earnings or stock market performance. Far more effective were leveraged buyouts (举债全额收购) and portfolio (投资组合) restructuring.

There is some evidence that consistent focus on creating value for share holders, which includes paring unneeded workers, actually increases jobs in the long run, "Stronger, leaner companies are able to compete in the world market more effectively, and that ultimately draws jobs back to those companies." That's the opinion of Thomas Copland, a director of McKinsey and Co., a management consulting firm that studied 20 years of data or 1,000 companies in the United States, Canada, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and France. The study revealed that, unlike those in the United States and Canada, the European firms lost jobs in the long term because their returns to shareholders fell between 1970 and 1990.

Although long-run growth is a pleasant prospect for shareholders, the short-term loss of jobs and income has left many employees and their families struggling in the aftermath of downsizing.

The term "downsizing" in this passage means ______.

A.just cutting down to size

B.producing smaller models or styles

C.cutting jobs and positions for higher performance and profits

D.cutting down on incentive programs



Aborigines were earliest known inhabitants of a country. The term is generally applied to
the original or native inhabitants of a country, as opposed to a race from another area or colonists and their descendants. Most nations have instituted measures for the welfare of the aborigines within their territories. Such measures include those of the U.S. and Canada concerning Indians and Inuits and those of Australia concerning its aboriginal groups.

All aboriginal peoples have been affected by contact with contemporary civilization; in some cases, the introduction of disease, warfare, alcohol, and drugs has demoralized and destroyed peoples. Others, such as the Ainu of northern Japan, have become almost wholly assimilated. The greatest degree of racial mixture has occurred among the native Polynesians of Hawaii. The Indian population of the U.S. has extensively intermarried with whites; those Indians living on reservations retain some traditional Indian folkways. In Central and South America and in the Caribbean region, many tribes have become extinct, in most cases after Spanish or Portuguese conquest. Among aborigines who have kept strong elements of their original identity are the Inuit, Maori, Dayak, and Australian aborigines. Tribes in such comparatively inaccessible areas as the Amazon River Basin of South America still live largely according to their traditional cultures.

The word "aborigines" most probably means ______.

A.strong colonists.

B.local inhabitants.

C.poor farmers.

D.native people.



听力原文: Professor Barry Wellman of the University of Toronto in Canada has invented a
term to describe the way many North Americans interact these days. The term is "networked individualism". This concept is not easy to understand because the words seem to have opposite meanings. How can we be individuals and be networked at the same time? You need other people for networks. Here is what Professor Wellman means. Before the invention of the Internet and email, our social networks included live interactions with relatives, neighbors, and friends. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real time. A recent research study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced this person-to-person interaction. However, a lot of people interviewed for the Pew study say thats a good thing. Why? In the past, many people were worried that the Internet isolated us and caused us to spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. But the Pew study discovered that the opposite is true. The Internet connects us with more real people than expected — helpful people who can give advice on careers, medical problems, raising children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important role in helping them make major life decisions. Thanks to the computer, we are able to be alone and together with other people — at the same time! Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. 20. What do many people rely on to make major life decisions according to the Few study? 21. What can be inferred from the Pew study? 22. Which would be the best title for this passage?20.

A.People have been separated from each other by using computers.

B.The Internet makes people waste a lot of time and feel very lonely.

C.The Internet has become a tool for a new kind of social communication.

D.A lot of people regard the person-to-person communication as a good thing.



Section III Reading Comprehension(60 minutes)Part ARead the following four texts. Answer t

Section III Reading Comprehension

(60 minutes)

Part A

Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A] , [B] ,[C] or [D] . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.

Text 1

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three major Chinese traditional festivals, along with Spring Festival and the Moon Festival. Of the three, it is possibly the oldest, dating back to the Warring States Period. As the term suggests, dragon-boat is a boat caved like a dragon. The origin of the dragon-boat race is related to Quyuan , a senior official of Chu in the period of the Warring States. He hated the crafty sycophants in the important positions. At last, he was squeezed out by them and exiled. He threw himself into a river on the fifth of the fifth lunar month in 278 BC. The local people organized spontaneously to rescue him by rowing boat. However, the rescue ended in vain. This common practice developed into the dragon-boat sports to memorize Quyuan .

The dragon-boat race has become a custom since Tang Dynasty. To win the race, the following must be concerned about:

1. High quality wood. Heavy wood will affect the speed, so it is usually made of light wood.

2. Players with energy, endurance and rowing skills. The method to choose excellent oarsmen is interesting. Two contestants sit in the same boat back to back. They both row to the directions they are facing, and the one whose direction the boat moves to is the winner. He will be chosen as the player.

3. Excellent dispatch. Since there are scores or even a hundred oarsmen on a boat, they can not win the game until they are in the same step. A strong man beat a drum in the center of the boat, and the oarsmen unity the rhythm accordingly, which helps them to be in step to win the game.

Last but not least, an excellent coxswain is very important. The boat moves forward like a lightning once it sets off. It is not easy to adjust if it moves off the right direction. ":

Nowadays, dragon-boat race has been a world competitive game. The first world dragon boat championship was held in China in 1995. Every spring there are nearly 60 dragon boat races are held outside China in cities from Vancouver to Sydney, from Gdanisk, Poland to Cape Town, South Africa. Canada alone has nearly 50 dragon boat teams and Germany has nearly 30. It is influencing the world with its special power.

41. Which of the following statements would the author be likely to agree?

[A] The heavier the wood is, the better the boat is.

[B] The stronger players are more likely to be chosen in the dragon boat race.

[C] Good oarsmen can drive the boat in perfect direction.

[D] The final result of the race is dependant on three conditions.



Canada is the largest exporter of beef to South Korea and Japan.A.YB.NC.NG

Canada is the largest exporter of beef to South Korea and Japan.






The capital city of Canada isA.Montreal.B.Toronto.C.AlbertD.Ottawa,

The capital city of Canada is







The official head of state of Canada is______.A.the Governor-GeneralB.the Queen of CanadaC

The official head of state of Canada is______.

A.the Governor-General

B.the Queen of Canada

C.the Prime Minister

D.the President

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