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Susan found out about the vacancy fromA.her colleague.B.a piece of newspaper.C.an internal

Susan found out about the vacancy from

A.her colleague.

B.a piece of newspaper.

C.an internal memo.

更多“Susan found out about the vacancy fromA.her colleague.B.a piece of newspaper.C.an internal”相关的问题


听力原文:Would you like to go out to watch movies after the test?(A) I'd like to, how abou

听力原文:Would you like to go out to watch movies after the test?

(A) I'd like to, how about an Italian film?

(B) I've been there already.

(C) Yes, I did a good job in the exam.







The writer asked abou the price of a glass butter-dish in Change Alley because he wanted t

A.buy it at a lower price

B.change his dish for something else

C.find out if the shop assistant is polite

D.compare the prices of the dish in two stores



The vehicle sales were greatly cut down becauseA.the car manufacturers were concerned abou

The vehicle sales were greatly cut down because

A.the car manufacturers were concerned about the American economy.

B.the market"s performance was found to be the worst in 50 years.

C.the prices of fuel rose to a level which was last seen in the 1950s.

D.the fuel prices were so high and the economy was facing a depression.



听力原文:M: I have some news about Barbara that might interest you.W: Are you talking abou

听力原文:M: I have some news about Barbara that might interest you.

W: Are you talking about the great new job she found?

M: So you know about it too?

Q: What can we assume about the man?


A.He isn't interested in the news.

B.He's surprised that the woman knows.

C.He was also going to look for a job.

D.He thinks that the woman made a mistake.



Conversation Two(Questions 5—8)·Look at the note below. ·You will hear a conversation abou

Conversation Two

(Questions 5—8)

·Look at the note below.

·You will hear a conversation about a payment.

To find out what went wrong with the last(5) _________.

It seems as though we were billing them for lwo(6) _________0f T140s last month…

The(7) _________figure came up…

Suggest to send a new(8)_________with the batch next month…

5._________ 查看材料



听力原文:M: Hi Susan, how are you doing?W: I'm fine, how are you?M: I'm okay, but things h

听力原文:M: Hi Susan, how are you doing?

W: I'm fine, how are you?

M: I'm okay, but things haven't been going very well with my composition class and I can't figure out why.

W: Really? What seems to be the problem?

M: Well I'm not exactly sure, but it just seems that my students aren't enjoying my classes.

W: Hmm, are you holding office hours to see what their specific problems are?

M: Yes, but no one comes to ask me questions.

W: Well you might try reminding them again to come and see you. Tell them that if they're getting low grades for their papers, they can find out how to improve if they come to talk to you.

M: That's a good idea. I should do that.

W: I've had similar problems with some of my classes. They just don't seem to be interested because the texts we're reading don't speak to them, or they're just bored.

M: So what did you do to handle the problem?

W: Well there are a couple of things that I found really useful. One is giving them midterm student evaluations. This way they have a place to express their concerns anonymously.

M: That's a great idea. But what if you get nasty comments back from them?

W: It's difficult to deal with harsh criticism, especially if you are new to teaching and feel self-conscious about how you are doing. But in the long run it's good to find out what they really think of you.

M: Ok, but what if they aren't really telling the truth? Or, what if they say a bunch of mean things just because they're angry for getting low grades?

W: That's a good point. But the evaluations usually seem to be helpful. And those angry, negative comments are perfectly understandable, after all.

M: Right, but those mean comments might have negative effect on you if the head of your department sees them and thinks you're doing a bad job teaching.

W: Yes, although we are lucky because oar department has a very good support system for teachers. We get reviewed by our supervisors to make sure we're doing well.


A.How to check their students' compositions.

B.How to handle problems in their writing course.

C.How to invite students to attend office hours.

D.How to address students in an appropriate way.



From her research, Susan D. Blum set out to understand that students are ______.A.having a

From her research, Susan D. Blum set out to understand that students are ______.

A.having a new understanding of creating and quoting

B.not easy to get access to the authorship

C.on the way to accept new notion of authorship

D.trying to redefine the notion of authorship



What is Susan Gates' opinion of the research work carried out in higher education?A.It oug

What is Susan Gates' opinion of the research work carried out in higher education?

A.It ought to benefit the economy more.

B.It is a direct result of links with business.

C.It has made British companies more competitive.



听力原文:M: Hi, Susan, I hear that you walk all the way to the office these days.W: Yes, I

听力原文:M: Hi, Susan, I hear that you walk all the way to the office these days.

W: Yes, I found great pleasure in walking. That's the type of exercise I enjoy very much.

Why does Susan walk all the way to the office?

A.She takes it as a kind of exercise.

B.She wants to save money.

C.She loves doing anything that is new.

D.Her office isn't very far.



Why did Susan and Michael interview children aged between 9 and 11?A.To find out whether t

Why did Susan and Michael interview children aged between 9 and 11?

A.To find out whether they take music lessons in their spare time.

B.To find out whether they can name four different musical instruments.

C.To find out whether they enjoy playing musical instruments in school.

D.To find out whether they differ in their preference for musical instruments

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