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We had a party last night. I’ve had to spend______morning clearing up the mess.A.wholeB.en

We had a party last night. I’ve had to spend______morning clearing up the mess.





更多“We had a party last night. I’ve had to spend______morning clearing up the mess.A.wholeB.en”相关的问题


We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so ___________ (让我们再举行一次吧) th

We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so ___________ (让我们再举行一次吧) this month.



We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have ______ one this


B.the other





We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ________ one this

A) another

B) more

C) the other

D) other



听力原文:W: Bob, you weren't at home last Saturday, were you? I tried to call you.M: Oh, t

听力原文:W: Bob, you weren't at home last Saturday, were you? I tried to call you.

M: Oh, that's right, I went shopping, I suppose you phoned me in the morning, didn't you?

W: Yes, it was late in the morning when I phoned.

M: Yes, Carolyn, I was out shopping. Why did you phone me,?

W: I wanted to ask if you'd like to come to dinner on Sunday.

M: Oh, what a pity! I wish I had come bur—actually, I were on a river trip practically the whole day Sunday.

W: How was the trip?

M: Very worthwhile. By the way, how did rite dinner party go?

W: Well, we had a wonderful time. I thought you might have enjoyed it too ff you had come. Tom Welsh and his wife were with us. You've met them before, haven' t you?

M: Tom Welsh, yes, I rather liked him.

W: And we had a lovely dinner with green cabbage, cucumber soup and fresh salad.

M: Very nice.

W: And they asked about you.

M: And how're they getting on?

W: Oh, very well. They enjoyed the party very much.

M: Ah, good.


A.On Saturday.

B.On Sunday.

C.On Monday.

D.On Friday.



听力原文:W: Mr. Green, you weren't at home last Sunday, were you? I tried to call you.M: O

听力原文:W: Mr. Green, you weren't at home last Sunday, were you? I tried to call you.

M: Oh, that's right, I went shopping. I suppose you phoned me in the morning, didn't you?

W: Yes, it was late in the morning when I phoned.

M: Well, I was out shopping. Why did you phone me?

W: I wanted to ask if you'd like to come to dinner on Sunday evening.

M: Oh, what a pity! I wish I had come at that time, but actually, I went on a river trip the whole Sunday.

W: How was the trip? That must be very exciting.

M: Very interesting. By the way, how did the dinner party go?

W: Well, we had a wonderful time...er...I thought you might have enjoyed it too if you had come. David Field and his wife were with us. You've met them before, haven't you?

M: David Field, yes. I rather liked them.

W: And we had a lovely dinner with beef, fish, lobster, cucumber soup and flesh salad.

M: Very nice.

W: And they asked about you.

M: And how're they getting on?

W: Oh, very well. They enjoyed the party very much.

M: Ah, good.


A.They had an appointment.

B.The woman wanted to go to a shopping mall with the man.

C.She wanted to go outings.

D.She wanted to invite the man to dinner.



听力原文:M: What was the party like last night, Jane?W: Really Fantastic l There are some

听力原文:M: What was the party like last night, Jane?

W: Really Fantastic l There are some interesting people there, and we have had a good time together. Why couldn't you come?

M: Well, I had to work overtime yesterday. And when I returned home, I had a headache, so I had to go to bed straightly. But I was exhausted, so I just couldn't get to sleep for hours.

W: What a pity. Why don't you take a sleeping pill?

M: To speak my mind, I don't like them. I used to take them after I had spent a long period of time working at night.

W: How many did you use to take?

M: Three every night.

W: Good heavens. Why did you take so many?

M: Because I had great pressure. The doctor said they weren't very strong. Anyway, I used to feel awful the next morning.

W: I am sure you did.

M: The doctor said I had to be careful

W: I couldn't agree more.

M: So I stopped drinking coffee late at night instead.


A.He didn't like the host.

B.He was not invited.

C.He has another appointment.

D.He had a headache after work.



听力原文:W: It was so nice catching up with you over lunch. Listen, before we go, tell me
quickly how the retirement party for your old boss went.

M: It was all right, but I've now got to find a different caterer. The party was supposed to start at 4:30 p.m., and the caterers didn't arrive until 4 p.m. They weren't completely set up by the time everyone started arriving.

W: Have you tried Urban Caterers? I used them for the annual general meeting at my company last month, and 1 was really pleased.

M: I've only heard about them. They're a new company, so I haven't had a chance to check them out. Do you have a contact number for them? I already have to start planning for the annual Christmas party.

Who most likely are the speakers?







听力原文:Woman: You didn't call last week like you promised. I hope you weren't sick. Man:

听力原文:Woman: You didn't call last week like you promised. I hope you weren't sick.

Man: No, I'm sorry. It must have just slipped my mind.

Woman: Well, if you had called, I would have invited you to my party last Saturday.

Man: Oh, that's right. It was your birthday! And I missed your party. Let me make it up to you. I'll take you out to dinner tonight. We'll go to that new French restaurant downtown.

Woman: Why, thank you. That's very sweet of you. It sounds lovely.

Why didn't the man call the woman?

A.He was away last week.

B.He didn't feel well.

C.He couldn't find the woman's number.

D.He forgot.



听力原文:A: Hello, Michael. How are things going?B: Very well, thanks. Cathy, guess what,

听力原文:A: Hello, Michael. How are things going?

B: Very well, thanks. Cathy, guess what, Tom and I have just won this year's speech contest.

A: Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations!

B: Thanks. Are you free this Saturday evening? You see, we are thinking about having a Party,.... you know ... just to celebrate.

A: Yeah, I'll be glad to come. You guys deserve to celebrate. You've been working so hard, haven't you?

B: Yes, to tell the truth, we haven't had a good night's sleep last week. We need a break.

A: Are there any other people coming to the party?

B: We've invited some of our friends to come over and we would especially like you to join us.

A: I'd be delighted to. Thank you ... Um ... Would you like me to bring some food or drinks?

B: Oh, don't bother. We've got everything ready.

A: Oh, that's very kind of you. By the way, can I bring my sister to the party? She’s coming to visit me this weekend.

B: Sure, you can. She'll be welcome.


A.They have just won the spelling contest.

B.They have just won the composition contest.

C.They have just won the speech contest.

D.They have just won the vocabulary contest.



Tom had to __________ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.

A.turn into

B.turn down

C.turn over

D.turn to

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