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Many wives work outside their home because they______.A.want to be independentB.don't want

Many wives work outside their home because they______.

A.want to be independent

B.don't want to stay at home

C.don't have to take care of their children

D.want to make money for their home

更多“Many wives work outside their home because they______.A.want to be independentB.don't want”相关的问题


Many wives work outside their home because they ______.A.want to be independentB.don't wan

Many wives work outside their home because they ______.

A.want to be independent

B.don't want to stay at home

C.don't have to take care of their children

D.want to make money for their home



In Paragraph 5, "two-tier system" means some______.A.men have many wives while others have

In Paragraph 5, "two-tier system" means some______.

A.men have many wives while others have none

B.people are very rich while others are very poor

C.people have too much work to do while others have nothing to do

D.people control others



In Paragraph 5, "two-tier system" means some ______.A.men have many wives while others hav

In Paragraph 5, "two-tier system" means some ______.

A.men have many wives while others have none

B.people are very rich while others are very poor

C.people have too much work to do while others have nothing to do

D.people control others



听力原文:How many men do housework? Recently, a European commission tried to find out peop

听力原文: How many men do housework? Recently, a European commission tried to find out people's ideas and reactions to the women's movement. As part of their survey, they asked many men and women the ques-tion,"Who does the house work?" The men answered very' differently from the women!

The housework they asked people about was: preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and babysitting. 48% of British husbands said they did these kind of housework, 37% of Danish men helped in the house, 15% of Italian men said they did the housework.

But there was an interesting point of view from the wives. According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands helped in the house. And Italian wives complained that their husbands hardly ever help: The Italian and British husbands did net tell the truth! The commission found that Danish men were the most truthful husbands: their answers were the same as their wives.


A.Who docs the housework in the family?

B.Do husbands help their wives in tile house?

C.How many husbands do housework in your country?

D.What's the reaction of women's movement?



听力原文: The family is changing. In the past, grandparents, parents, and children used to
live together, and they had an extended family. Sometimes two or more brothers with their wives and children were part of this large family group. But family structure is changing throughout the world. Nowadays, many families consist of only one father, one mother, and children. It is becoming the main family structure everywhere.

The new family structure offers married women some advantages: they have freedom from their relatives, and the husband does not have all the power of the family. Studies show that in these families, men and women usually make an equal number of decisions about family lives.

In the past, wives usually have to pay for the benefits of freedom and power. When women lived in extended families, sisters and grandparents and aunts helped one another with housework and childcare. In addition, older women in a large family group had important positions.

But now, wives do not often enjoy this benefit, and they have another disadvantage too: women generally live longer than their husbands, so older women from these families often have to live alone. Studies show that women are generally less satisfied with marriage than men are. In the past, men worked outside the home and women worked inside. Housework and childcare were a full time job, and there was no time for anything else. Now women work outside and have more freedom than they did in the past, but they still have to do most of the housework. The women actually have two full-time jobs, and they have not much free time.


A.There were only grandparents and children.

B.There were many relatives.

C.There was one father, one mother, and their children.

D.There were two or more brothers with their wives.



For many women choosing whether to work or not to work outside their home is a luxury: the
y must work to survive. Others face a hard decision.

Perhaps the easiest choice has to do with economists. One husband said, "Marge and I decided after careful consideration that for her to go back to work at this moment was an extravagance(奢侈) we couldn't afford," With two preschool children, it soon became clear in their figuring that with babysitters(临时照看小孩的人), transportation, and increased taxes, rather than having more money, they might actually end up with less.

Economic factors are usually the first to be considered, but they are not the most important. The most important aspects of the decision have to do with the emotional needs of each member of the family. It is in this area that husbands and wives find themselves having to face many confusing and conflicting feelings.

There are many women who find that homemaking is boring or who feel imprisoned(被禁) if they have to stay home with a young child or several children. On the other hand, there are women who think that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction.

From my own experiences, I would like to suggest that sometimes the decision to go hack is made in too much haste. There are few decisions that I now regret more. I wasn't mature enough to see how much I could have gained at home. I regret my impatience to get on with my career. I wish I had allowed myself the luxury of watching the world through my little girl's eyes.

Which word in the first two paragraphs best explains why many women have to work?



听力原文:The family is changing. In the past, grandparents, parents, and children used to

听力原文: The family is changing. In the past, grandparents, parents, and children used to live together, and they had an extended family. Sometimes two or more brothers with their wives and children were part of this large family group. But family structure is changing throughout the world. Nowadays, many families consist of only one Father, one mother, and children. It is becoming the main family structure everywhere.

The new family structure offers married women some advantages: they have freedom from their relatives, and the husband does not have all the power of the family. Studies show that in these families, men and women usually make an equal number of decisions about family lives.

In the past, wives usually have to pay for the benefits of freedom and power. When women lived in extended families, sisters and grandparents and aunts helped one another with housework and childcare. In addition, older women in a large family group had important positions.

But now, wives do not often enjoy this benefit, and they have another disadvantage too: women generally live longer than their husbands, so older women from these families often have to live alone. Studies show that women are generally less satisfied with marriage than men are. In the past, men worked outside the home and women worked inside. Housework and childcare were a full time job, and there was no time for anything else. Now women work outside and have more freedom than they did in the past, but they still have to do most of the housework. The women actually have two full-time jobs, and they have not much free time.


A.There were only grandparents and children.

B.There was one father, one mother, and their children.

C.There were many relatives.

D.There were two or more brothers with their wives.



Life in the United States is changing.Twenty-five years ago the housewife cleaned, coo
ked and cared for the children.The father earned the money for the family.He was usually out working all day.He came home tired in the evening and so did not see the children very much, except on weekends.These days, however, many women work outside the home.They can’t be at home with the children all day.They, too, come home tired in the evening.They don’t have time to do the housework.Today she can get help.Mothers can leave their children at the day-care centers during the day.The company a woman works for may allow her to work part-time.In that way, she can earn some money, but she can also be with her children part of every day.Now many men share the housework with their wives.The husband may also spend more time at home with the children.In the United States more and more men are becoming househusbands every year.These changes in the home mean changes in the family.Fathers can be closer to their children because they are at home more.Fathers and children can understand each other better.Husbands and wives may also find changes in their marriage.They, too, may have better understanding of each other.

(1)Twenty-five years ago most women().

A.had no children


C.weren’t housewives

D.were housewives

(2)In those days men ().

A.saw their children in the evenings and on weekends

B.spent a lot of time with their children

C.played with the children all day

D.never saw the children

(3)Today there are ().

A.more housewives

B.more women working outside the home

C.not so many women working

D.no jobs for women

(4)Day-care centers help ().

A.working mothers with their children


C.with cooking and cleaning

D.women with the housework

(5)This passage is about ().


B.American men

C.how many American women are working

D.how family life in America is changing



听力原文:In recent years, there have been an unusually large number of divorces in the Uni

听力原文: In recent years, there have been an unusually large number of divorces in the United States. In the past, when two people manned each other, they intended to stay together for life, while today many people marry believing that they can always get a divorce if the marriage does not work out.

In the past, the large majority of Americans frowned at the idea of divorce. Furthermore, many people believed that getting a divorce was a luxury that only the rich could afford. Indeed, getting a divorce was very expensive. However, since so many people have begun to take a more casual view of marriage, it is interesting to note that the costs of getting a divorce are lower. In fact, wherever you go in the United States today, it is no unusual to see newspaper ads that pro vide information on how and where to get a cheap divorce.

Hollywood has always been known as the divorce capital of the world. The divorce rate among the movie stars is so high that it is difficult to know who is married to whom. Today, many movie stars change husbands and wives as though they were changing clothes. Until marriage again becomes a serious and important part of people's lives, we will probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.


A.They thought it quite acceptable.

B.They believed it to be a luxury.

C.They took it to be a trend.

D.They considered it avoidable.



A.They choose to work harder.B.They choose to be house wives or work at home.C.They ch

A.They choose to work harder.

B.They choose to be house wives or work at home.

C.They choose to teach their children at home.

D.They choose to compete with men.

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