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【英译中】The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this city's s

kyline. Today the cold war is over. The risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced and the free flow of goods and ideas is bringing to life the concept of a global village. But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that respects no borders-terrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. To meet these challenges most effectively, China and the United States must act in concert. Some argue that with the Cold War's end, the strategic importance of the US-China relationship has diminished. I believe they have it exactly backwards. As a new century begins, the importance of strengthening the ties between the United States and China will grow even greater.

更多“【英译中】The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this city's s”相关的问题


Pruning is probably usually done to______.A.make the small branches thickerB.get rid of th

Pruning is probably usually done to______.

A.make the small branches thicker

B.get rid of the small branches

C.improve the shape of the tree

D.make the tree grow taller



The word "springs" in Paragraph 3 meansA.a small stream of water flowing naturally from th

The word "springs" in Paragraph 3 means

A.a small stream of water flowing naturally from the earth.

B.the season of the year, occurring between winter and summer.

C.the act or an instance of jumping or leaping.

D.a' length of metal wound around, which returns to its original shape after being pushed.



Adaptation of Living ThingsCertain animals and plants develop characteristics that help th

Adaptation of Living Things

Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environments better than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation. Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in getting food or shelter, in providing protection, and in producing and protecting the young. That results in the evolution of more and more organisms that are better fitted to their environments.

Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way, but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class. A plant, for example, depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals. It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun's energy to make food from inorganic chemicals. These are general adaptations, common to most plants. In addition, there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.

Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies. Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape, and many look like a leaf or a little branch. The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings. Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.

Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting. They may adapt in their structure, function, and genetics; in their development and production of the young; and in other respects. An organism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals, which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather. Usually adaptations are an advantage, but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that, if conditions change, it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.

Some plants and animals develop superior characteristics so that they may

A.help others of their kind get food, shelter and other things needed.

B.survive even in extremely severe conditions.

C.become better adapted to the environments than others of their kind.

D.result in the evolution and production of more intelligent organisms.



The Deer’s Death He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him th

The Deer’s Death

He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him the grass was whispering and alive. He looked wildly about, then down. The ground was black with ants, great energetic ants that took no notice of him, but hurried towards the fighting shape. And as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped. Now he could hear nothing but a bird singing, and the sound of the rustling (沙沙声) whispering ants.

He peered over at the blackness that twitched with the jerking(抽搐) nerves. It grew quieter. There were small twitches from the mass that still looked vaguely like the shape of a small animal.

It came into his mind that he could shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it again. The deer could no longer feel; its fighting was a mechanical protest of the nerves. But it was not that which made him put down the gun. It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that expressed itself in the thought: if I had not come it would have died like this, so why should I interfere? All over the bush things like this happen; they happen all the time; this is how life goes on, by living things dying painfully. I cannot stop it. He was glad that the deer was unconscious and had gone past suffering so that he did not have to make a decision to kill it. At his feet, now, were ants tricking back with pink fragments in their mouths and there was a fresh acid smell in his nose. He sternly controlled the uselessly convulsing(痉挛的) muscles of his empty stomach, and reminded himself: the ants must eat, too.

The shape had grown small. Now it looked like nothing to be recognized. He saw the blackness thin, and bits of white showed through, shining in the sun—yes, there was the sun just up. Then the boy looked at those insects. A few were standing and gazing up at him with small glittering eyes. “Go away!” he said to the ants coldly. “I am not for you—not just yet, at any rate.”

He bent over the bones and touched the sockets(孔) in the skull: that was where the eyes were, he thought suspiciously, remembering the liquid eyes of a deer.

That morning, perhaps an hour ago, this small creature had been stepping proud and free through the bush even as he himself had done. Proudly stepping the earth, it had smelt the cold morning air. Walking like kings, it had moved freely through this bush, where each blade of grass grew for it alone, and where the river ran pure sparkling water for it to drink.

And then—what had happened? Such a sure swift footed thing could surely not be trapped by a swarm of ants?

How was the deer when the boy first saw it?

A.It was already dead in the bush.

B.It was still on its feet.

C.It was lying on the ground dying.

D.It was fighting the ants to a finish.



The Deer's Death He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him th

The Deer's Death

He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him the grass was whispering and alive. He looked wildly about, then down. The ground was black with ants, great energetic ants that took no notice of him, but hurried towards the fighting shape. And as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped. Now he could hear nothing but a bird singing, and the sound of the rustling (沙沙声) whispering ants.

He peered over at the blackness that twitched with the jerking(抽搐) nerves. It grew quieter. There were small twitches from the mass that still looked vaguely like the shape of a small animal.

It came into his mind that he could shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it again. The deer could no longer feel; its fighting was a mechanical protest of the nerves. But it was not that which made him put down the gun. It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that expressed itself in the thought: if I had not come it would have died like this, so why should I interfere? All over the bush things like this happen; they happen all the time; this is how life goes on, by living things dying painfully. I cannot stop it. He was glad that the deer was unconscious and had gone past suffering so that he did not have to make a decision to kill it. At his feet, now, were ants tricking back with pink fragments in their mouths and there was a fresh acid smell in his nose. He sternly controlled the uselessly convulsing(痉挛的) muscles of his empty stomach, and reminded himself: the ants must eat too.

The shape had grown small. Now it looked like nothing to be recognized. He saw the blackness thin, and bits of white showed through, shining in the sun—yes, there was the sun just up. Then the boy looked at those insects. A few were standing and gazing up at him with small glittering eyes. "Go away!" he said to the ants coldly. "I am not for you—not just yet, at any rate."

He bent over the bones and touched the sockets(孔) in the skull: that was where the eyes were, he thought suspiciously, remembering the liquid eyes of a deer.

That morning, perhaps an hour ago, this small creature had been stepping proud and free through the bush even as he himself had done. Proudly stepping the earth, it had smelt the cold morning air. Walking like kings, it had moved freely through this bush, where each blade of grass grew for it alone, and where the river ran pure sparkling water for it to drink.

And then—what had happened? Such a sure swift footed thing could surely not be trapped by a swarm of ants?

How was the deer when the boy first saw it?

A.It was already dead in the bush.

B.It was still on its feet.

C.It was lying on the ground dying.

D.It was fighting the ants to a finish.



Bite the bullet英译中。


He worked until midnight.(英译中)
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