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The passage presents information that would answer which of the following questions?A.In w

The passage presents information that would answer which of the following questions?

A.In what ways do the coastlines of Africa and South America differ from one another?

B.How much lighter than the substratum of igneous rock below them are the continental masses?

C.Is the rotation of the globe affecting the stability of the present-day continental masses?

D.According to Wegener's theory, in what direction have the Americas tended to move?

E.How does Wegener's theory account for the apparent immobility of the African continent?

更多“The passage presents information that would answer which of the following questions?A.In w”相关的问题


The speaker presents the passage by the following logic:A.Induction.B.Deduction.C.Cause an

The speaker presents the passage by the following logic:



C.Cause and Effect.

D.Comparison and Contrast.



At the beginning of the passage, the author indicates that _____ .A.Amsterdam is generally

At the beginning of the passage, the author indicates that _____ .

A.Amsterdam is generally known as a quiet city

B.parties go on all day long in Amsterdam

C.Amsterdam presents two different pictures

D.Amsterdam attracts many daytime visitors



According to the passage some clients or customers may be invited because ______.A.they ar

According to the passage some clients or customers may be invited because ______.

A.they are likely to be annoyed if they are not

B.they may give valuable presents

C.their presence could provide future benefits

D.they may help with the expenses of the wedding



Which of the following best characterizes the function of the second paragraph of the pass

A.It develops a topic introduced in the first paragraph.

B.It provides evidence to refute a claim presented in the first paragraph.

C.It gives examples of a phenomenon mentioned in the first paragraph.

D.It presents a generalization about examples given in the first paragraph.



According to the passage some guests may be invited because ______.A.they are likely to be

According to the passage some guests may be invited because ______.

A.they are likely to be annoyed if they are not

B.they may give valuable presents

C.their presence could provide future benefits

D.they may help with the expenses of the wedding



Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage?A.The aut

Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage?

A.The author presents advantages and disadvantages of plankton as a food source.

B.The author quotes public opinion to support the argument for fanning plankton.

C.The author classifies the different food sources according to amount of carbohydrate.

D.The author makes a general statement about plankton and then moves to a specific example.



Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.A large variety of fo

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.A large variety of foods are available in the Chinese market now.

B.Chinese people like to go to Western restaurants.

C.Traditional Chinese people pay more attention to quantity than to quality.

D.A traditional Chinese dish that presents the right taste, flavor, and color is regarded as an excellent dish.



The relationship between the last paragraph and the other paragraphs can best be described
as ______.

A.it presents a recommendation based on the evidence presented earlier

B.it discusses an exceptional case in which the results expected by the author of the passage were not obtained

C.it introduces an additional area of concern not mentioned earlier

D.it cites a specific case that illustrates a problem presented more generally in the previous paragraph



Information in the passage provides support for which of the following assertions concerni
ng human cloning? Ⅰ. A better understanding of the genetic reprogramming process would not likely allow us to clone higher mammals. Ⅱ. The threat to public health that cloning presents should concern us more than that its threat to individual health. Ⅲ. The lack of interest in cloning owes less to a lack of technology than a skepticism toward its possible benefits.

A.Ⅰ only

B.Ⅱ only

C.Ⅲ only

D.Ⅰ and Ⅲ only

E.Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ



Books, even in this age of cheap literature, cost money? The shortage of paper, together w
ith the high cost of living, has made books an expensive item in our list of requirements. This would mean that fewer people can afford to have them. Yet there are people who think nothing of spending money on a rich dinner, but don’t like to spend the same sum on books. Therefore the time has come for a new public library policy to be introduced, for the higher the price of books the greater the need to give them the widest circulation possible.

The Hong Kong Government has set up Urban (城市的) Council Libraries and study rooms in various districts. There is no doubt that when books are Wisely selected, they have a great education- al value, and have done much to encourage the habit of reading among the people.

For setting up libraries, some factors should be taken into consideration. In the first place, it is not enough to have just a building, equip it with shelves and fill them with books. The library building itself must be attractive in structure, desirable in atmosphere, and uncumbered in administration. Then secondly, there is the choice of suitable books to look into. This presents difficulties: though most of the books are novels and most of the readers are novel-readers, moreover, reading fiction is quite a source of amusement and pleasure. Also, it is a means of broadening one’s mind and learning more about life and human being. Yet, there should always be a good selection of serious books--history, biography, travel, poetry and literature--which are appreciated by many readers.

According to this passage, some people ______.

A.give less consideration to books than food

B.can hardly afford time to read books

C.know nothing about the value of education

D.should have spent more money on daily needs

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