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Advertising is often the most__method of promotion.





更多“Advertising is often the most__method of promotion.”相关的问题


People are often deceived by false or exaggerated advertising claims.A.YB.NC.NG

People are often deceived by false or exaggerated advertising claims.






The eco-touristA.is often a victim of false advertising by unethical tour operators.B.acce

The eco-tourist

A.is often a victim of false advertising by unethical tour operators.

B.accepts the restrictions that are placed on natural habitats.

C.can unintentionally contribute to the negative effects of tourism.

D.never goes to larger-scale tourist resorts.



A.Movie attendance increased due to advertising on television.B.Old motion pictures we

A.Movie attendance increased due to advertising on television.

B.Old motion pictures were often broadcast on television.

C.Television had no effect on movie attendance.

D.Motion picture popularity declined.



A.Motion picture popularity declined.B.Old motion pictures were often broadcast on tel

A.Motion picture popularity declined.

B.Old motion pictures were often broadcast on television.

C.Television had no effect on movie attendance.

D.Movie attendance increased due to advertising on television.



Why does Clive think advertising in guidebooks would be effective?A.Guidebooks generally o

Why does Clive think advertising in guidebooks would be effective?

A.Guidebooks generally only carry a few advertisements,

B.Copies of guidebooks are often kept for several years.

C.Several people usually read each copy of a guidebook



According to the speaker, how did the introduction of television affect motion pictures?A.

According to the speaker, how did the introduction of television affect motion pictures?

A.Movie attendence increased due to advertising on television.

B.Old motion pictures were often broadcast on television.

C.Television had no effect on movie attendance.

D.Motion picture popularity declined.



根据下面资料,回答题 Sell, Sell, Sell Last year over ε 13bn was spent on advertising in the


Sell, Sell, Sell

Last year over ε 13bn was spent on advertising in the UK and research indicates that most people will have seen 2m sales messages by the time they are 30. Advertising is big business and often acts as the interface between commerce and culture. While there are many adverts that just irritate, there are some that are miniature works of art. (0).. G... The advertisers themselves believe they are delivering an important message because they are protecting and promoting a client"s brand and extending greater choice to the consumer. (8)Instead of being free, many TV channels would only be available on subscription packages of about ε 500 per month and newspapers might cost six times more than their present cover pdce.There are many different models of advertising practice, but no one is precisely sure what makes a good advert. (9) While some try to get you to buy a product, others, such as anti- smoking campaigns, aim to get you not to do something. Some adverts are not aimed at consumers at all, but at retailers, shareholders or employees. For example, manufacturers

often advertise their products in trade magazines to reassure retailers that a new brand will be widely promoted. Petrol companies often choose to emphasize how environmentally friendly they are; this is to offset any negative public perceptions of the industry rather than to persuade consumers to buy an individual brand of petrol. (10) This is because petrol is regarded, in advertising terms, as a distress purchase. We get it because we can"t do without it, not because we really want it. In general, however, the main aim of advertising is to attribute emotional qualities to a product in order to create an individual brand that the consumer can associate with.

Working out whether an advert has been successful is extremely difficult. (11) For example, what persuaded them to buy a car? You cannot be sure whether it was the advertising, the price, the opposition"s distribution, changes in the law or changes in consumer attitudes that was the determining factor. What advertising can"t do is make consumers buy something they don"t want. It can perhaps persuade you to try something once, but if you don"t like what you get, you won"t try it again, (12) In other words, where there is no emotional engagement, such as a consumer"s feelings about a bag of peas, beliefs are much harder to shift.

A.Moreover, it is almost impossible to get people to change the way they view things they are indifferent to.

B.Over the last ten years, other forms of advertising, such as direct marketing, have become increasingly popular as well as scientific.

C.They don"t, as the industry well knows, care enough to be brand loyal to such a product.

D.Whether you accept this argument or not, you have to recognize that without advertising our world would be very different.

E.The problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to behave in a particular way.

F.This is partly because not all advertisements are designed to do the same thing.

G.The production costs involved in these can reach higher figures than those for the average movie.





Advertising is a form. of commercial mass communication designed to【C1】______the sale of a
product or service, or a message on【C2】______of an institution, organization, or candidate for political office. Evidence of advertising can be found in cultures that existed thousands of years ago,【C3】______advertising only became a major industry in the 20th century. Today the【C4】______employs hundreds of thousands of people and【C5】______the behavior. and buying habits of billions of people. Advertising spending worldwide now【C6】______$350 billion per year. In the United States【C7】______about 6,000 advertising agencies help create and place advertisements in a variety of【C8】______, including newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, the Internet, and outdoor signs. Advertising is so commonplace in the United States that an average person may【C9】______from 500 to 1,000 advertisements in a single day, according to some【C10】______.

Most advertising is【C11】______to promote the sale of a particular product or service. Some advertisements,【C12】______, are intended to promote an idea or influence behavior, such as【C13】______people not to use illegal drugs or smoke cigarettes. These ads are often called public【C14】______ads. Some ads promote an institution, such as the Red Cross or the United States Army, and are known【C15】______institutional advertising. Their【C16】______is to encourage people to volunteer or donate money or services or【C17】______to improve the image of the institution doing the advertising. Advertising is also Used to promote political parties and【C18】______for political office.【C19】______advertising has become a key component of electoral【C20】______in many countries.








The business of advertising is to invent methods of addressing massive audiences in an eff
ective way. The language used in an ad should be easily accessible and immediately 【26】______ . No advertising agency wants to put 【27】______ an ad that is neither clear nor convincing. But these agencies disagree when it 【28】______ to the most effective methods of doing so. 【29】______ the years, advertising firms have developed a variety of distinctive styles 【30】______ on their understanding of the different kinds of audiences they want to 【31】______ . No two agencies would handle the same product 【33】______ . For the advertisers, advertising is 【32】______ more than a sophisticated sales pitch, an attractive verbal and 【34】______ device to serve manufacturers. In 【35】______ , ads often 【36】______ their products, and in the 【37】______ of early ads for products that are no longer available, we cannot help 【38】______ consider the advertisement independently of our responses 【39】______ those products. Therefore, some people suggest we should examine ads apart 【40】______ their announced subjects. However, it does not mean that we should 【41】______ the products completely; instead, we should try to see the product only 【42】______ it is talked about and portrayed in the full 【43】______ of the ad. Of course, it is not necessary to have tried a particular 【44】______ to be able to 【45】______ the technique section and design used in its advertisement.








?Read the following article about advertising.?For each question 15- 20,mark one letter (A

?Read the following article about advertising.

?For each question 15- 20,mark one letter (A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet for the answer you


The primary function of advertising is to communicate marketing objectives to selected target audience. It is used to accomplish a number of tasks, using different media vehicles, reaching diverse audience, and gaining interest with a number of creative approaches. However, despite the seemingly endless channels for utilizing advertising, it is basically a marketing communication too. When we examine an- successful advertising campaigns, we often find that advertising was used to accomplish inappropriate tasks. Successful advertising must be oriented to specific objectives. Before we can determine advertising objectives, it is advisable to distinguish between marketing and advertising goals. Effective advertising is an extension of the basic marketing plans and is derived from it. However, advertising goals are not the same as marketing goals. The marketing staff sets the marketing goals or objectives. The marketing department decides how to allocate resources to various tasks, including advertising. It also determines how these resources will be distributed to specific target markets and what sales objective can be expected over time and geography.

Examples of marketing objectives are

1. Attaining a market share increase from 2 percent of industry sales to 4 percent within 18 months.

2. Increasing distribution by number of retail outlets and/or geographical regions: If a product is currently available to 50% of the population or can be found in 50% of retail outlets, a marketing goal might be set to increase this figure to 60 percent by the end of the year.

3. Increasing total sales. Coals troy ha set in either number or units sold or traits sold ca: dollar volume of sales. Advertising goals are communication objectives designed to reach the target audience with the appropriate message. Ad goals are based on marketing objectives, but they are not the same as marketing goals. Advertising objectives might include

1. Increasing brand awareness from 20 percent to 30 percent among 18-to-34-year-old women within one year.

2. Increasing recall of brand advertising by 10 percent in the next three months.

3. Increasing favorable product attitudes by 10 percent in the next year.

Note that advertising goals are based on improving communication and consumer attitudes toward a product. It is interesting to note that a survey indicated that a majority of companies wanted to measure advertising success based on sales. Obviously, even sophisticated corporations often confuse marketing and advertising goals.

Advertising is the communication arm of the marketing process. It is a method of delivering a message from a sponsor, through a formal communication channel, to a desired audience. Advertising has many roles. It is designed to dispose a person to buy a product, to change minds, or even to advocate leas con- starting ("demarketing"). It may be used to help elect a candidate, raise money for charity, or support a cause. Must advertising, however, is for the marketing of goods and services.

Advertising is also part of the everyday culture of virtually every American. It is estimated that the average person sees or hears as many as 1,200 ads and commercials each day. Advertising is part of the social, cultural, and business environment, it mirrors this environment and also brings about subtle changes in the behavior. of the public that uses it. It is no wonder that advertising is one of the most scrutinized of all business enterprises.

Today, advertising is functioning in a changing economic and social climate. Advertisers are viewed in many ways by the publics they serve, Manufacturers are asking for

A.the number of products sold.

B.increase of a product's market share.

C.the improvement of communication and consumers' attitude toward products.

D.increase of retail outlets.

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