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It gives us light in the daytime.

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It gives light and warmth to the earth.



Electricity plays an essential part in our life. No one can deny that electric light is ne
cessary for people's life. However, can you imagine such a world where there is no【1】of electric light? As darkness falls over, children read in the light given by oil lamps and candles. Youths【2】time only by talking instead of watching TV. Everything is surrounded by【3】shadows.【4】, we have a man named Edison. He created bulb that【5】for two days before burning out. He also developed successfully a system for【6】electricity from a central powerhouse. It is he that gives us electric light, gramophone, moving pictures—all those we take【7】granted.

After the invention of electricity, manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of invention to their businesses,【8】generating new industrial growth. Development of electricity leads to the【9】creations of new products and materials. In the past century and a half, electricity has steadily【10】. At first, it is scientific curiosity, then to a luxurious part of the【11】, and then to being necessary in every one's life. Electricity has been common in the latest fifty years. Simple tasks, such as setting alarm clock to wake up at a【12】time or enjoying a piece of music, are accomplished via electronic means.

We live with the benefits of electricity every day. As a result, we always think that whenever we【13】our gadgets into the wall socket, the power will be there. For most modern people, the loss of power means the complete loss of【14】. Their lifestyle. is so dependent upon the grid's constancy【15】they do not know how to live without it. How do you cook a meal without electricity if your gas stove has an electric ignition? Please imagine the life without electricity further. What do you do with a freezer full of food in a hot day? How do you find out what is happening in your area with the TV and radio off? These are questions which should be seriously considered. Let us imagine the【16】of a short power outage together. Factories close down; phones and computers go dead; food【17】in refrigerators. What a disordered life that would be!

All the convenience which electricity has brought to our life should owe to Edison. When Edison died at his home in New Jersey in 1931, the whole United States were switched off to mark his passing, and in【18】of the man whose discoveries had so changed and improved the life of people everywhere. For a moment, all was【19】— as the world had always been before, until Edison【20】on the light.








What is good about NOMEX III is that ______.A.it gives many people some extra time to live

What is good about NOMEX III is that ______.

A.it gives many people some extra time to live.

B.it is standard wear for many fire brigades.

C.it is light and fire-resistant.

D.it brings technology to life.



Section II Use of English(15 minutes)Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for

Section II Use of English

(15 minutes)

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A] ,[B] , [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET1

Electricity plays an essential part in our life. No one can deny that electric light is necessary for people's life. However, can you imagine such a world where there is n0 (21) 0f electric light? As darkness falls over, children read in the light given by oil lamps and candles. Youths (22) time only by talking instead of watching TV. Everything is surrounded by (23) shadows. (24) , we have a man named Edison. He created bulb that (25) for two days before burning out. He also developed successfully a system for (26) electricity from a central power house. It is he that gives us electric light, gramophone, moving pictures-all those we take (27) granted.

After the invention of electricity, manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of invention to their businesses, (28) generating new industrial growth. Development of electricity leads to the (29)creations of new products and materials. In the past century and a half, electricity has steadily (30) . At frist, it is scientific curiosity, then to a luxurious part of the (31), and then to being necessary in every one's life. Electricity has been common in the latest fifty years. Simple tasks, such as setting alarm clock to wake up at a (32) time or enjoying a piece of music, are accomplished via electronic means.

We live with the benefits of electricity every day. As a result, we always think that whenever we (33) 0ur gadgets into the wall socket, the power will be there. For most modern people, the loss of power means the complete loss of(34 ) Their lifestyle. is so dependent upon the grid's constancy (35) they do not know how to live without it. How do you cook a meal without electricity if your gas stove has an electric ignition? Please imagine the life without electricity further. What do you do with a freezer full of food in a hot day? How do you find out what is happen/ng in your area with the TV and radio off? These are questions which should be seriously considered. Let us imagine the (36) 0f a short power outage together. Factories close down; phones and comput-ers go dead; food . (37) in refrigerators. What a disordered life that would be!

All the convenience which electricity has brought to our life should owe to Edison. When Edi-son died at his home in New Jersey in 1931, the whole United States were switched off to mark his passing, and in (38) 0f the man whose discoveries had so changed and improved the life of peo-ple everywhere. For a moment, all was (39) as the world had always been before, until Edi-

son (40) 0n the light.


[A] power

[B] strength

[C] force

[D] vigor



The article gives us a summary of the situation in the first part and then discusses it __

A.at issue

B.at length

C.at random

D.at large



A.It gives us true information about everything.B.It informs consumers about new produ

A.It gives us true information about everything.

B.It informs consumers about new products available on the market.

C.It confuses our sense of reality.

D.It tells us the products~ benefits.



Which program gives us the ideas behind the pop songs?A.The History of Pop.B.The Road to M

Which program gives us the ideas behind the pop songs?

A.The History of Pop.

B.The Road to Music.

C.Pop Words.

D.About the Big Hits.



We can reform our public health care system, which still gives us, for all its flaws, the best healt
h care in the world.


According to the author, the census can be of great help to us because ______.A.it is one

According to the author, the census can be of great help to us because ______.

A.it is one of the most complete and important surveys in history

B.it gives us a great deal of information on whatever we need

C.it gives us a true picture of marriage life in the United States

D.it helps us to understand and adjust to the changing society better



(White and black) light, (if mixing) (in) the right proportion, (will show) us grey.A.Whit

(White and black) light, (if mixing) (in) the right proportion, (will show) us grey.

A.White and black

B.if mixing


D.will show

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