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【英译中】Dolphins, like whales, must surface to breathe air through a blowhole on top o

f their heads. Dolphins are social animals and love company. Many of them, in fact, even enjoy being around humans. It is not uncommon to hear of dolphins giving rides through the water to humans.

In addition to being playful, dolphins are helpful to men. For example, as 400 B. C. the Greek poet Arion was saved from drowning by a dolphin. From then until now, dolphins have been helping swimmers who are in trouble. Swimmers, however, are not the only humans they help. In some parts of the world, they can be counted on to help men catch fish.

Moreover, dolphins are very intelligent. A dolphin's brain resembles a human brain, but it is larger. Consequently, some people claim that dolphins are really smarter than men. Of course, there is no way of proving this point. Brain size is not an absolute measure of intelligence. Furthermore, measuring dolphins' intelligence in other ways is not possible since men cannot fully communicate with them. Apparently, however, dolphins communicate with each other. At any rate, they make whistling, clicking and buzzing sounds which seem to be at least a form. of language. So far, however, men have not been able to figure out the communication code the dolphins use.

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As in chimpanzees, captive bottlenose dolphins have been taught American Sign Language. Th
ese dolphins have learned to communicate with trainers who use sign language to ask simple questions. Dolphins answer back by pushing a "yes" or "no" paddle. They have even been known to give spontaneous responses not taught by the trainers. Evidence also indicates that these dolphins can distinguish between commands that differ from each other only by their word order, a truly remarkable achievement. Nevertheless, dolphins do not seem to have a real language like ours. Unlike humans, dolphins probably cannot convey very complex messages.

The word "insights" in the passage is closest in meaning to







Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique DialectIrish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a r

Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.

The Channel Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation (SDWF) has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalisations collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.

As part of a research project, student Ronan Hickey digitised and analysed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated them into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories. Of the categories, he found most were used by both sets of dolphins—but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.

"We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with behaviour like foraging, resting, socialising and the communications of groups with calves," project leader Simon Berrow said. "Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words they use or sounds they make. "

Berrow, a marine biologist, said the dolphins' clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey. The whistles are communications. "They do a whole range of other sounds like barks, groans and a kind of gunshot. " He said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun their prey. "

"When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the only species who used it. We can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales. " Berrow said.

References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and they may even have been resident there as far back as the 6th century.

They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25,000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

The difference in eating habits between the bottle-nose dolphins and the sperm whales interested the SDWF scientists.



C.Not mentioned



Irish Dolphins may have a unique dialect Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living i

Irish Dolphins may have a unique dialect

Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the c,ountry believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.

The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle—nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalisations collected on a computer in a cowshed near the River Shannon.

As part of a research project.student Ronan Hickey digitised and analysed a total of 1,882 whisties from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated them into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different eategories.0f the categories,he found most6 were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.

“We are building up a catalogue 0f the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with behaviour like foraging,resting,socialising and the communications of groups with calves”project leader Simon Below said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary 0f words they use 0r sounds they make.”

Below,a nlan’ne biologist,said the dolphins’clicks are used t0 find their way around and locate prey.The whistles are communications.“They d0 a whole range 0f other sounds like barks,groans and a kind 0f gunshot.”he said.“The gunshot is an intense pulse of sound.Sperm whales use it t0 stun their prey.”

“When I first heard it 1 was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the only species who used it.We can speculate the dolphins are usin’g it for the same reason as the sperm whales,”Berrow said.

References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generatl’ons and they may even have been resident there as far back as the 6th century9.

They are regularly seen by passengers 0n the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25,000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats t0 visit them.

第 16 题 The difference in eating habits between the bottle-nose dolphins and the sperm whales interested the SDWF scientists.



C.Not mentioned



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