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Both humans and cetaceans have large brains with an expanded and distinctively folded surf

ace, the cortex. The cortex is the dominant association center of the brain, where abilities such as memory and sensory perception are centered. Cetaceans have larger brains than ours, but the ratio of brain to body weight is higher in humans. Again, direct comparisons are misleading. In cetaceans it is mainly the portions of the brain associated with hearing and the processing of sound information that are expanded. The enlarged portions of our brain deal largely with vision and hand-eye coordination. Cetaceans and humans almost certainly perceive the world in very different ways. Their world is largely one of sounds, ours one of sights.

The word "spontaneous" in the passage is closest in meaning to





更多“Both humans and cetaceans have large brains with an expanded and distinctively folded surf”相关的问题


Both male and female names are used for hurricanes in consideration of__________

A.the timely (及时的) discovery


C.sex equality

D.its connection with humans

E.the huge power

F.its uncertainty



According to the author, most scientists explain animal behaviors in terms of reflexes and
conditioning because

A.only humans have emotions.

B.only animals have both learned and emotional behavior.

C.emotions are more difficult to measure and observe than reflexive behavior.

D.reflexes and conditioning will lead to better understanding of animal emotion.



The conception of God and nature and of the relation of man to both provided the 18th- cen
tury philosophers with their faith in the worth and dignity of the individual man and the efficacy of human reason. The 18th century was the moment in history when men experienced the first flush and freshness of the idea that man is master of his own fate; the moment in history, also, when this emancipating idea, not yet brought to the harsh test of experience, could be accepted with unclouded optimism.

Never had the nature seemed less mysterious, more simply constructed, more open and visible and eager to yield its secrets to common-sense questions. Never had the nature of man seemed less perverse, or the intelligence and will of men more pliable (yielding) to rational persuasion. Never had social and political evils seemed so wholly the result of ignorance and superstition, or so easily corrected by the spread of knowledge and the construction of social institutions on a rational plan.

The first task of political science was to discover the natural rights of man, the second to devise the form. of government best suited to secure them. And for accomplishing this high task, for creating and maintaining a society founded on justice and equality, the essential freedom was freedom of the mind.

The initial words of this passage, "the conception of God and nature", refer certainly to ______ .

A.God and nature as concepts created by humans

B.the initial creation of the nature by God

C.the creation of God Himself by human beings

D.the thinking of God and nature by humans



听力原文:A common feature of both insect and human societies is that they consist of indiv

听力原文: A common feature of both insect and human societies is that they consist of individuals living together and behaving as a group. They also resemble each other in that in each society different individuals have different jobs to do. The basic unit of each society is the family, (26) but there is an important difference: with insects the family is the society; with humans, on the other hand, the society consists of a group of families or a group of individuals from different families.

(26) We have noted that in both societies different individuals perform. different functions or roles. Among insects the number of roles is very small. In a termite society, for example, there are four basic roles: the queen, the king, the workers and soldiers. (27) In modern human society, in contrast, there are thousands of different occupations. Furthermore, (28) in human society an individual has a choice of roles, whereas in insect society there is no choice. A queen is born a queen and a worker is born a worker. Nor can an insect change roles. A queen cannot decide to stop laying eggs and become a worker instead. With humans, the opposite is the case, because (29) human roles are always learned whereas insects can only perform. the role they were born to do.

Finally, although there are other distinguishing features, it is important to note that an insect has almost no chance of staying alive if it goes away from its group. A human individual, however, can not only survive outside his own group, but also change from one group to another. He may be happiest if separated from it, or he can change it for another.

Questions:26. What is the main point of the passage?

27.What is the main similarity between insect society and human society?

28.What is the difference between insects and human beings in terms of roles?

29.Why can human roles be changed?


A.The common features of both insect and human societies.

B.The differences between insect society and human society.

C.The role differences in human society.

D.The reasons why human beings are superior to insects.



ESL and EFLAlthough the methods introduced by using the example of learning English as a s


Although the methods introduced by using the example of learning English as a second or foreign language, I have used them to learn various other languages and they are based upon research which is cross cultural and has now occurred across many different language groups. The resources have been written in order to help both teachers and language learners. The targets include offering assistance for:

Learning language quickly and effectively.

Using educationally sound, well targeted learning methodologies.

Developing appropriate goals and using methodologies which support those goals.

Ensuring that study schedules are effective.

Studies of language over the past hundred, and particularly the past thirty years have shown that the many languages of the world have certain common characteristics:

Strengths of Human Languages

Humans have a natural, innate ability to acquire and create language.

Language is fluid — it changes quickly.

Focusing on how to use a language is by far the fastest way to acquire the ability to effectively communicate in that language.

Language learners learn primarily from their peers, even when the peers are also learners.

The targets to help both teachers and language learners include all of the following BUT

A.learning language quickly and effectively.

B.using educationally sound, well targeted learning methodologies.

C.developing appropriate methodologies that support the new ideas.

D.ensuring that study schedules are effective.



Here's a familiar story.You're sitting at the dinner table with a furry, four-
legged friend scratching at your feet.When you look down, those cute eyes are almost impossible to resist.

What is it about a dog's gaze that makes it so charming? A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to have found the answer, and it has to do with something called the cuddle(爱抚)chemical.

The cuddle chemical has another, more scientific name: oxytocin.Oxytocin is a substance in the blood that encourages bonding.Levels of oxytocin increase, for example, when a mother feeds her newborn baby.According to Nagasawa's study, the same is true when we look deeply into the eyes of a dog.

The results of this study can tell us a lot about the history of the bond between humans and dogs.It all started somewhere tens of thousands of years ago.Scientists believe that wolves used to follow humans who were hunting large animals.The wolves would eat the food left behind by the humans.

Humans realized that they could use the wolves to help with the hunt, and eventually both species began to work together toward survival.

Over time, the wolves that interacted with the humans began to change.They became more loyal to their human partners.The wolves and humans started to depend on each other and bond with each other.These changes are what caused some of the wolves to turn into what we now know as dogs, a new specie evolved to better survive in their environment.

This process depended a great deal on the bond humans formed with them.And according to Nagasawa's study, this bond was formed with the help of oxytocin, the cuddle chemical.

11.What do we know about oxytocin?()

A.It regulates blood flow

B.It promotes bonding

C.It is in the human gene

D.It is good for health

12.When we look deeply into a dog's eyes, the levels of our oxytocin ____.

A.reduce over time

B.go either up or down

C.are on the rise

D.remain unchanged

13.At the beginning wolves followed humans to ____.

A.eat the food left by humans

B.guard against large animals

C.take humans for food

D.hunt large animals together

14.Over time some wolves turned into dogs ____.

A.due to their loyalty

B.due to the changing environment

C.for better survival

D.for better cooperation

15.What does Nagasawa9s study aim to do?()

A.Explore the role of human-wolf partnership

B.Show the characteristics of the cuddle chemical

C.Explain the bond between humans and dogs

D.Understand the evolution of species



Kissing is so common though we rarely ask why humans touch 【M1】______ their lips together
to show affection. One obvious answer is that it feels good. Densely packed nerve endings make your lips some of the most acutely sensitive regions of your entire body, and a few 【M2】______ things get them more riled up than a kiss. But where in humanitys evolutionary history putting our faces together come to be regarded 【M3】______ as a display of lust, care, friendship and love? One of the most compelling hypotheses surroundings the 【M4】______ emergence of kissing in humans and kiss-like behavior. in other species are tied to the widespread practice of passing pre-chewed or 【M5】______ regurgitated food from the mouth of one animal to another. Birds do it. Chimps do it. Many humans even do it. The pass of food from 【M6】______ one creature to another is certainly an intimate form. of interaction. Though this behavior. can be regarded as altruistic is debatable, but 【M7】______ the fact that caring for ones young and securing a mate are both crucial to an organisms ability to pass its genes on subsequent 【M8】______ generations supports the argument that this behavior. would be evolutionarily encouraged. The science of kissing is a fascinated thing to think about and 【M9】______ Philematology(the science and study of kissing)is becoming an increasingly popular area of study, for researchers strive to sort out 【M10】______ the mysteries of love and attraction. Though plenty of unanswered questions remain, perhaps its sufficient to say that kissing remains an excellent and exciting human pastime.




Questions are based on the following passage.In fact, even without humans, the Earth"s cl

Questions are based on the following passage.

In fact, even without humans, the Earth"s climate changes.Some climate change is(36)But,as greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere, human influence "emerges" from natural variability.Droughts, one of the most Intensely studied climate events, are a perfect example of an(37)with both natural and human influences.Separating the(38)strengths of the influences is a challengefor scientists.However, with the large social and economic costs of droughts, it is a challenge thescientists must(39).

In a very recent study published in the Journal of Climate, authors Richard Seager and MartinHoerling cleverly used climate models forced by sea surface temperatures to(40)how much of thepast century"s North American droughts have been caused by ocean temperatures, natural variability and human influences.

Droughts can be caused by a (n)(41)of separate or interactional phenomena.At its root,drought results from the low(42)of water falling and sometimes higher temperatures (which increaseevaporation rates).The beginning of drought can often be linked to variations in ocean temperatures.

It is also found that the oceans can affect the atmosphere to create conditions that are(43)responsible for drought.What"s more, temperature increases(44)withhuman-driven global warmingalso play a role.This(45)agrees with other researchers who have shown that, while human-emittedgreenhouse gas warming may not cause a particular drought, it can make drought come on earlier,faster, and harder than it otherwise would.
















第(36)题应填__________ 查看材料



Pollution occurs whenever unnatural substances are introduced into an environment. Most
ocean pollution caused by humans are concentrated along the 【M1】______ coasts of continents. Lets see what some of the pollutants are. Industrial wastes sometimes get to seawater. Often, 【M2】______ these contain(concentrations)of metals and chemicals that harm organisms. Solid wastes, such as plastic bags and fishing line left lying on the beaches, can entangle in animals. Medical waste such as needles, plastic 【M3】______ tubing, and bags are a threat to both humans and animals. Pesticides, which include herbicides(weed killers) and insecticides(insect killers), used in farming reaching the ocean as runoff. They become 【M4】______ concentrating in the tissues of marine organisms. 【M5】______ Crop fertilizers and human sewage create a different kind of problem. They fertilize the water. This causes some types of algae to produce very rapidly. 【M6】______ When these algae die, theyre decomposed by huge amount of bacteria. The problem is that the bacteria use 【M7】______ up much of the oxygen in the water during respiration. However, other organisms such as fish cant get the 【M8】______ oxygen they need, and they die. Oil spills also pollute the ocean. Youve heard in the news about major oil spills caused to tanker 【M9】______ collisions, and leaks at offshore oil wells. Another source of oil pollution is oil mixed with wastewater thats pumped out of ships. In addition to these resources, oil discarded from cars and industries is 【M10】______ sometimes dumped into streams. It, too, eventually reaches the ocean.




To live in the Untied States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf' s assertion
that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change.

Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a human creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter. For a bird looking for an object on which to rest, a spear or robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle(挑战者号航天飞机) and the Russian nuclear accident at Chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology; they provide cases in which well-planned systems suddenly went haywire(变得混乱)and there was no ready hand to set them right. Since technology is a human creation, we are responsible for what is done with it. Pessimists worry that we will use our technology eventually to blow our world and ourselves to pieces. But they have been saying this for decades, and so far we have managed to survive and even flourish. Whether we will continue to do so in the years ahead remains uncertain. Clearly, the impact of technology on our lives deserves a closer examination.

Few technological developments have had a greater impact on our lives than the computer revolution. Scientists and engineers have designed specialized machines that can do the tasks that once only people could do. There are those who assert that the switch to an informationbased economy is in the same camp as other great historical milestones, particularly the Industrial Revolution. Yet when we ask why the Industrial Revolution was a revolution, we find that it was not the machines. The primary reason why it was a revolutionary is that it led to great social change. It gave rise to mass production and, through mass production, to a society in which wealth was not confined to the few.

In somewhat similar fashion, computers promise to revolutionize the structure of American life, particularly as they free the human mind and open new possibilities in knowledge and communication. The industrial Revolution supplemented and replaced the muscles of humans and animals by mechanical methods. The computer extends this development to supplement and replace some aspects of the mind of human beings by electronic methods. It is the capacity of the computer for solving problems and making decisions that represents its greatest potential and that poses the greatest difficulties in predicting the impact on society.

A spear or a robot has the quality of technology only when it ______.

A.is used both as a cultural and a physical object

B.serves different purposes equally well

C.is utilized by man

D.can be of use to both man and animal

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