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The Earth Day Groceries Project ______ .A.was inspired by a friend of Mark" s who works at

The Earth Day Groceries Project ______ .

A.was inspired by a friend of Mark" s who works at NASA

B.is the name of an online education discussion list

C.was started by a local supermarket

D.is an environmental education project

更多“The Earth Day Groceries Project ______ .A.was inspired by a friend of Mark" s who works at”相关的问题


Which of the following details is INCORRECT?A.The first Earth Day is on April 22, 1970.B.T

Which of the following details is INCORRECT?

A.The first Earth Day is on April 22, 1970.

B.The US government launched the modern environmental movement.

C.Congress created the U.S. EPA to oversee the nation"s progress.

D.Approximately 20 million people across America celebrated the first Earth Day.



听力原文:Migratory birds use several ways to help them navigate. While traveling on a clea
r night they use the stars as guides. On cloudy nights, they may be using the earth's magnetic field or the wind to help them navigate accurately. While flying during the day, the sun provides help for their precise flight.

Migratory birds may rely on the earth's magnetic field for guidance while traveling during cloudy days.





Long, long ago people thought that the sun went around the earth. In some countries, peopl
e said that the sun was a god(神). They thought that he drove across the sky each day on a golden (金色的) horse.

But now we know the earth goes around the sun. Today men know how far it is for the earth to go around the sun. They tell us that the earth travels over 1000miles (英里)a minute on its way around the sun.

The sun is really a star. It is much bigger than the earth and it is very hot. Some people have been to the moon, but we know that no one can ever get to the sun. It is too hot for people to live anywhere near it. The sun is 300, 000 times heavier than the earth and more than a million(百万) times larger.

In some countries, people ______ the sun to be a god, riding a golden horse.






听力原文:Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into

听力原文: Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four time zones, one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.

If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.

If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line. By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, today becomes yesterday; traveling west, it is tomorrow !

Which of the following is the difference in time between zones?

A.Seven days.

B.Twenty-four hours.

C.One hour.

D.More than seven days.



第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳

第二节 完型填空


If you are travelling in a train, the things seem to be【41】 backwards. But this is not really true. It is the train that is moving.

It is like the case【42】 the earth and the sun. The sun seems【43】 in the east, move across the sky, and set in the【44】. In other words, the sun seems to travel round the earth. However,【45】 not really true. It is the earth that is turning on【46】 own axis (轴) . The turning of the earth on its own axis is what makes the change【47】 day to night.

The earth also travels round the sun on an unchanging path (路径). As well as the earth,【48】 other planets(行星) of【49】 sizes. These are known as the solar system. The planet nearest the sun is Mercury, and the planet【50】 from the sun is Pluto.







To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although
the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth's axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the earth. Thus the stars were called fixed stars.

The motion of the sun along the ecliptic is, of course, merely a reflection of the revolution of the earth around the sun, but the ancients believed the earth was fixed and the sun had and independent motion of its own, eastward among the stars. The glare of sunlight hides the stars in daytime, but the ancients were aware that the stars were up there even at night, and the slow eastward motion of the sun around the sky, at the rate of about thirty degrees each month, caused different stars to be visible at night at different times of the year.

The moon, revolving around the earth each month, also has an independent motion in the sky. The moon, however, changes it position relatively rapidly. Although it appears to rise and set each day, as does nearly everything else in the sky, we can see the moon changing position during as short an interval as an hour or so. The moon's path around the earth lies nearly in the same plane as the earth's path around the sun, so the moon is never seen very far from the ecliptic in the sky. There are five other objects visible to the naked eye that also appear to move in respect to the fixed background of stars on the celestial sphere. These are the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Saturn. All of them revolve around the sun in nearly the same plane as the earth does, so they, like the moon, always appear near the ecliptic. Because we see the planets from the moving earth, however, they behave in a complicated way, with their apparent motions on the celestial sphere reflecting both their own independent motions around the sun and our motion as well.

The ancient people believed that ______.

A.the earth was spinning on the axis of the sky

B.the sky was a hollow sphere spinning around the earth

C.the patterns of stars on the sky would never change

D.the stars around the sky were not stationary



As we enter the 21st century, a new global economy draws nations ever closer. But our grow
ing interdependence 【21】______ on much more than technology and trade. For we are linked intrinsically by the physical and biological webs that 【22】______ life on our planet -- and, increasingly, by the threat of their unraveling. Indeed, 【23】______ we reach across borders and face this threat together, the next century may 【24】______ an Earth in ecological crisis, with half of all 【25】______ gone, and our grandchildren enduring deadly floods, drought and disease 【26】______ by global warming.

When millions across America 【27】______ the first Earth Day 30 years ago, our focus understandably was our own backyard. Our rivers were 【28】______ on fire, and our skylines were disappearing behind a 【29】______ of smog. American's remarkable environmental progress in the years 【30】______ is powerful testament to our national will, our technological prowess and our 【31】______ in a better future. Protecting the environment is today a bedrock American value, 【32】______ important to us as safe neighborhoods and good schools. What's more, three decades of experience have 【33】______ the naysayers wrong. Tending to the environment has not 【34】______ our economy. 【35】______ , our air and water are the cleanest they have been in a generation, even as we enjoy the longest economic 【36】______ in our nation's history.

America's responsibility now, as we mark the first Earth Day of a new millennium, is to bring these lessons to bear against new, more 【37】______ environmental challenges. We must look well 【38】______ our own cities and countryside, make environment a core foreign policy 【39】______ and provide the leadership needed to put all nations on a cleaner, more sustainable path to 【40】______ .








Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Computers may one day tu
rn night into day—with good old, natural sunlight.

Colossal computer-controlled mirrors, thousands of feet across, may one day orbit the earth, reflecting sunlight onto a darkened United States.

Some Scientists say that 16 of these mirrors, each about a half mile across, could aim their reflected light at one area on the earth that was about 200 miles by 300 miles. That much light would equal about 56 moons.

The mirrors would be so high that they could catch the sun’s light as it was shining on the other side of the earth. The mirrors could orbit—thousands of miles high—at the same speed as the earth turns on its axis (轴). That way, the mirrors would always be over the same spot.

The aluminum-coated (涂铝的), plastic mirrors could be folded up and packed into a spaceship, according to the scientists. Once released a few hundred miles in space, the mirrors, powered by a solar-powered engine, could mark the rest of the trip into space on their own.

The scientists say that the computer-controlled mirrors could also be made to tilt (倾斜) slowly, so the reflected sunlight would sweep slowly along the surface of the earth. For example, as night fell, the mirrors could be tilted to light up Boston. Later on, as darkness spread slowly westward. Chicago, for example, then San Francisco could be lit up. The reflected sunlight would allow these cities to save up electricity. And in emergencies, such as power-failures, the mirrors could light up the affected area.

What no one knows yet is what effect this artificial daytime would have on plants, animals, and humans. Would it confuse some animals and harm plants that are used to regular day-night cycles? The scientists recommend that studies be done to find out what had effects there might be.

第26题:The word “colossal” in Line 3 most likely means ________.

A) nuclear-powered

B) orbiting

C) giant

D) spinning



Geography and Movement To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick loo

Geography and Movement

To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth’s axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the earth. Thus the stars were called fixed stars.

The motion of the sun along the ecliptic is, of course, merely a reflection of the revolution of the earth around the sun, but the ancients believed the earth was fixed and the sun had and independent motion of its own, eastward among the stars. The glare of sunlight hides the stars in daytime, but the ancients were aware that the stars were up there even at night, and the slow eastward motion of the sun around the sky, at the rate of about thirty degrees each month, caused different stars to be visible at night at different times of the year.

The moon, revolving around the earth each month, also has an independent motion in the sky. The moon, however, changes it position relatively rapidly. Although it appears to rise and set each day, as does nearly everything else in the sky, we can see the moon changing position during as short an interval as an hour or so. The moon’s path around the earth lies nearly in the same plane as the earth’s path around the sun, so the moon is never seen very far from the ecliptic in the sky. There are five other objects visible to the naked eye that also appear to move in respect to the fixed background of stars on the celestial sphere. These are the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Saturn. All of them revolve around the sun in nearly the same plane as the earth does, so they, like the moon, always appear near the ecliptic. Because we see the planets from the moving earth, however, they behave in a complicated way, with their apparent motions on the celestial sphere reflecting both their own independent motions around the sun and our motion as well.

The ancient people believed that______.

A.the earth was spinning on the axis of the sky

B.the sky was a hollow sphere spinning around the earth

C.the patterns of stars on the sky would never change

D.the stars around the sky were not stationary





Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Computers may one day turn night into day—with good old, natural sunlight.

Colossal computer-controlled mirrors, thousands of feet across, may one day orbit the earth, reflecting sunlight onto a darkened United States.

Some Scientists say that 16 of these mirrors, each about a half mile across, could aim their reflected light at one area on the earth that was about 200 miles by 300 miles. That much light would equal about 56 moons.

The mirrors would be so high that they could catch the sun’s light as it was shining on the other side of the earth. The mirrors could orbit—thousands of miles high—at the same speed as the earth turns on its axis (轴). That way, the mirrors would always be over the same spot.

The aluminum-coated (涂铝的), plastic mirrors could be folded up and packed into a spaceship, according to the scientists. Once released a few hundred miles in space, the mirrors, powered by a solar-powered engine, could mark the rest of the trip into space on their own.

The scientists say that the computer-controlled mirrors could also be made to tilt (倾斜) slowly, so the reflected sunlight would sweep slowly along the surface of the earth. For example, as night fell, the mirrors could be tilted to light up Boston. Later on, as darkness spread slowly westward. Chicago, for example, then San Francisco could be lit up. The reflected sunlight would allow these cities to save up electricity. And in emergencies, such as power-failures, the mirrors could light up the affected area.

What no one knows yet is what effect this artificial daytime would have on plants, animals, and humans. Would it confuse some animals and harm plants that are used to regular day-night cycles? The scientists recommend that studies be done to find out what had effects there might be.

第26题:The word “colossal” in Line 3 most likely means ________.A) nuclear-powered

B) orbiting

C) giant

D) spinning

【我提交的答案】: C



这题不应该是C 巨大的吗

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