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A.The owners were reluctant to change things.B.The magazine didn't make any profit.C.T

A.The owners were reluctant to change things.

B.The magazine didn't make any profit.

C.The owners wanted her to leave.

D.The magazine was unpopular.

更多“A.The owners were reluctant to change things.B.The magazine didn't make any profit.C.T”相关的问题


A.The mine workers demanded that there should be breaks for food.B.The mine owners had

A.The mine workers demanded that there should be breaks for food.

B.The mine owners had to improve conditions and introduce safety measures.

C.The Combination Laws were brought into effect to help the mine owners.

D.The mine unions made it illegal to use children in coal mines.



听力原文:W:Thank goodness,you're back.How is our car? Were you injured?M:The mechanic said

听力原文:W:Thank goodness,you're back.How is our car? Were you injured?

M:The mechanic said that the best thing would be to sell it and buy a new car.This car is totally dead.

Q:What do we know from the conversation?


A.The couple were involved in an accident.

B.The man had the car repaired.

C.Their car has to be replaced.

D.Their car was stolen and the man found it.



听力原文:W: Thank goodness, you're back. How is our car? Were you injured? M: The mechanic

听力原文:W: Thank goodness, you're back. How is our car? Were you injured?

M: The mechanic said that the best thing would be to sell it and buy a new car. This car is totally dead.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man had the car repaired.

B.The speakers' car has to be replaced.

C.The couple were involved in an accident.

D.The speakers' car was stolen and the man found it.



听力原文:M. Need a hand with those boxes?W: That's OK, I can manage. They're empty.Q: What

听力原文:M. Need a hand with those boxes?

W: That's OK, I can manage. They're empty.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man should have offered his assistance earlier.

B.She doesn't need the man's help.

C.She didn't realize the boxes were empty.

D.She wants the man to move the boxes.



听力原文:M: Need a hand with those boxes?W: That's OK, I can manage. They're empty.M: Are

听力原文:M: Need a hand with those boxes?

W: That's OK, I can manage. They're empty.

M: Are you sure about it?

What does the woman mean?

A.The man should have offered his assistance earlier.

B.She doesn't need the man's help.

C.She didn't realize the boxes were empty.

D.She wants the man to move the boxes.



听力原文:M I noticed there were a number of papers from Brazil in the latest issue of the
Journal for Consumer Research.

W Yes, Brazil has been doing a lot of really good consumer psychology research the last few years. It doesn't surprise me they're starting to appear in the top journals.

M I imagine many of these writers will be at the next consumer research conference, presenting their papers. W I'd imagine you're right. I think it's great. The international perspective really benefits our field.

What does the man comment on?

A.The quality of the writing

B.An accuracy of the research

C.A number of articles from Brazil

D.The influence of a particular university



听力原文:More than sixty percent of all homes in the United States have at least one thing

听力原文: More than sixty percent of all homes in the United States have at least one thing in common: the people living in them keep one or more small animals as pets. These pet owners spend about ten billion dollars each year to buy, feed' and care for their animals. Why? If you ask the owners, their answers probably would be emotional.

During the past ten years researchers have been attempting to find a more scientific answer. Much of the research on the ties between people and pets is being done at the University of Pennsylvania. Re searchers there have watched hundreds of people play with small animals. Some were very sick. Perhaps the most important observation was the physical effect the animals had on most of the people. The animals seemed to calm the people who touched and talked to them. The human's blood pressure actually dropped.


A.They keep one or more small animals at home as pets.

B.They kill animals from time to time.

C.They let animals run or fly away now and then.

D.They exchange their animals year in and year out.



听力原文:W: Tomorrow we are having our first test in my history class. I'm really worried
about it. You've taken one of Dr. Parker's tests, haven't you? I hear they're impossible to pass.

M: I don't know who you've been talking to. My experience was just the opposite.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.The woman's source of information is reliable.

B.He didn't enjoy taking history with Dr. Parker.

C.He thought Dr. Parker's tests were easy.

D.Dr. Parker is no longer teaching history.



听力原文:W Hi, this is Estelle in the research department. Our power went out, and I think
it's the entire floor.

M O.K. What floor are you on?

W We're on the seventh floor. It went out about five minutes ago. Everything was fine before that.

M They're doing some rewiring on the eighth floor. I bet they hit something. I'll call them and see what's going on, and I'll call you after I find out. What's your extension?

What is the problem?

A.The printers are not working.

B.The electricity is not working.

C.The doors to the building are locked.

D.Important research papers were not received.



A.The local governments.B.Their owners' families.C.Advertisements.D.The audience.

A.The local governments.

B.Their owners' families.


D.The audience.

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