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If(), visit a local law enforcement office and ask their opinion.

A.in doubt

B.in case

C.in condition

D.in detail

更多“If(), visit a local law enforcement office and ask their opinion.”相关的问题


How do foreign correspondents start to get the local news?A.They rely on local mass media.

How do foreign correspondents start to get the local news?

A.They rely on local mass media.

B.They frequently visit local people.

C.They contact important figures in the region.

D.They interview local officials.



听力原文:As journalists, you must be prepared to travel around the world in search of stor
ies. You need to learn all you can about the place you are reporting from. I've been reporting for my newspaper for the past forty years, and I still find it difficult to get started on my story in a new country, even after all this time. If this ever happens to you, I strongly recommend a visit to the nearest local newspaper office or newspaper stand. Speak with local reporters and editors for important background material to use in your stories. Your colleagues there are the most reliable source of information on local issues.

Who most likely are the listeners?







The most interesting places that I like to visit are __________.

A.those unexpected,unknown and inaccessible places.

B.a travel writer for a famous magazine tells us a little about her life and profession

C.never been anywhere

D.a journalist on a local paper

E.been to London the remotest place for me at that time

F.tells us some interesting tourist resorts all over the world



A.Every year thousands of snakes commit suicide after August 15.B.People can find spec

A.Every year thousands of snakes commit suicide after August 15.

B.People can find special marks on the heads of these sacred snakes.

C.The yearly visit of these snakes is relevant to the local religion.

D.People can touch these snakes without being hurt.



COOPER VISTA GALLERY 10th Annual Arts Auction Featuring hundreds of modern paintings ea
rly 1970s Wednesday, 1 st April 250 Sawyer Road, City of Wellington Preview from 9: 00 A.M. to 6: 00 P.M. Reception from 6: 30 P.M. to 7: 00 P.M. Auction begins at 7: 30 P.M. Tickets: $5 at door and $3 before April 1 st for advance tickets, visit our new Web site: www.coopervistagallery.com or call us at 080-3656-2135. Ticket price includes catalogue of auction items. All proceeds to benefit the Local Young Artist Foundation.

What is the purpose of the brochure?

A.To sell local young artists" art work

B.To advertise the sale of art work

C.To invite residents to attend the opening of art gallery

D.To encourage artists to take part in the annual event



听力原文:This month, join the Tennyson Museum to celebrate the local artists of Tennyson C
ounty. The museum will host an exhibit beginning June 4th that will include paintings, sculptures, photographs, musical performances, and a series of films all from the county's best artistic talents. Films and musical performances will take place every Sunday night at 7 P.M. in the museum's theater room. The month-long celebration will conclude on June 27th with the Tennyson Day festival in the courtyard behind the museum. For more information, please visit www.lifeintennyson.com or stop by the Tennyson Museum on Houston Terrace.

What is the exhibit about?

A.Local artists

B.Art and nature

C.Historical photographs

D.The history of Tennyson County



听力原文: Thank you for calling the City Convention Bureau's hotel hotline, providing out-
of-town visitors with local hotel information and a reservation service with participating hotels. We are sorry to inform. our callers that all hotels are full for the period from August 15 through August 30. We regret the inconvenience. If you would like to be put on a hotel waiting list, at the sound of the tone please leave your name, phone number, dates you plan to visit the city, and the number of people in your party. We will contact you if a room that fits your needs becomes available. Thank you.

What does this message state?

A.That there is a convention in town.

B.That city hotel rooms are all booked.

C.That hotels have closed.

D.That there are long lines for tourist attractions.



听力原文:One day, Mr. Lock received a visit from a salesman representing Bargain Electrics

听力原文: One day, Mr. Lock received a visit from a salesman representing Bargain Electrics Ltd, who persuaded him to buy an electric drill for $ 60. He told Mr. Lock that if he sent a $15 deposit, they could send him the drill on a two-week home trial. If, after that time, he didn't want to keep the drill, he should send it back and his deposit would be refunded. The salesman assured Mr. Lock that ha was under no obligation to buy the drill if he didn't like it.

Mr. Lock sent his deposit and received the drill a few days later. But when he tried it out he found it didn't work, and the same afternoon his wife saw exactly the same drill in a local shop for only $ 50. So he sent the drill back to Bargain Electrics with a letter. In the letter he explained that he didn't want the drill because it didn't work.

Instead of getting his deposit hack, as he expected, Mr. Lock got a letter from Bargain Electrics in which they claimed that he had broken the drill by using it wrongly, and that he still owed them $45.


A.His brother.

B.His boss.

C.A salesman.

D.A friend.



听力原文:Something strange happens every year from August 6 to 15 on the West Faronia Isla

听力原文: Something strange happens every year from August 6 to 15 on the West Faronia Island in Greece: thousands of snakes crawl out of the cliffs and caves to gather under the picture of the Virgin in local church. Several days later, these snakes leave the picture one by one.

This has lasted for several hundreds of years. Stranger still, these snakes had cross-shaped patterns on their heads. They crawl here and there under the picture of the Virgin, never hurting anyone. They even let people touch them.

There is a beautiful legend to these snakes. Several hundred years ago, there lived 24 nuns in the Virgin convent on Faronia Island. One day. a group of pirates came invading the land. They tied the nuns with ropes and did insult to them. Unable to tolerate the humiliation, the nuns all committed suicide. They turned into 24 snakes, "Sacred snakes".

The yearly visit of these snakes to the Virgin happens to be associated with the local religious festivals held during these days on this island. That is why these snakes are related to religion. But why these snakes come out on these days instead of any other days, and why they gather under the picture of the Virgin, has remained a mystery.


A.On the cliffs of an island.

B.In the eaves of an island.

C.Under the holy picture of the Virgin.

D.In the Virgin convent of an island.

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