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Which obstacle was NOT mentioned in the conversation?A.The spending power of the ordinary

Which obstacle was NOT mentioned in the conversation?

A.The spending power of the ordinary people might not be strong enough.

B.The laws in Central and South America might not permit them to do business there.

C.The selling strategies might be different from what they're applying now.

更多“Which obstacle was NOT mentioned in the conversation?A.The spending power of the ordinary”相关的问题


According to the passage, which of the following posed the biggest obstacle to the develop
ment of military forts?

A.Insufficient shelter.

B.Shortage of materials.

C.Attacks by wild animals.




According to the passage, which of the following was an obstacle to the development of the

A.Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars.

B.The lack of a network for the distribution of ice.

C.The use of insufficient insulation.

D.Inadequate understanding of physics.



According the interviewee, which is an obstacle of the research?A.People with different ba

According the interviewee, which is an obstacle of the research?

A.People with different backgrounds have different understanding of healthy food.

B.Supermarkets are afraid that healthy food may bring them less profit.

C.It is hard to trace people"s food choice in small community stores.

D.People find it harder to preserve the healthier food at home.



Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an obstacle of humanitarian assistance in Somal

A.Security challenge.

B.Distance challenge.

C.Operational challenge.

D.Funding challenge.



Change—or the ability to adapt oneself to a changing environment—is essential to evolution
. The farmer whose land is required for housing or industry must adapt himself: he can move to another place and master the problems peculiar to it; he can change his occupation, perhaps after a period of training; or he can starve to death. A nation which cannot adapt its trade or defense requirements to meet world conditions faces economic or military disaster. Nothing is fixed and permanently stable. There must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, or movement backwards, which is decay and deterioration. In this context, tradition can be a force for good or for evil. As long as it offers a guide, it helps the ignorant and the uninformed to take a step forward and, thereby, to adapt themselves to changed circumstances. Tradition, or custom, can guide the hunter as effectively as it can influence the nervous hostess. But if we make an idol (偶像) of tradition, it ceases to become a guide and becomes an obstacle lying across the path of change and progress. If we insist on trying to plot the future by the past, we clearly handicap ourselves and invite failure. The better course is to accept the help which tradition can give, but realizing that it necessarily has its roots in the past, to be well aware of its limitations in a changing world.

According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.To avoid decay and deterioration, we must keep the world permanently stable.

B.The world is always changing, so we must adjust ourselves to new conditions.

C.The important point of evolution is that the world undergoes movement forward and movement backward alternately.

D.Tradition often become an obstacle lying across the path of change and progress.



The fact that the worlds cities are getting more and more crowded is a well-documented d
emographic fact. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered "mega-cities", reflecting their enormous size and huge populations, which in many cases is around the twenty million-mark. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded: one economic and other socio-cultural.【M1】______ Undoubtedly, the primary cause for cities becoming so crowded is economic. With a country develops, its cities become【M2】______ the engines of development. Furthermore, many jobs are available【M3】______ in these areas. Tokyo, for example, is the motor for Japans rapid【M4】______ economic development in the 1960 s and 70 s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo so that they could find jobs and establish economic security themselves and【M5】______ their families. A further factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the socio-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrating to the【M6】______ cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personnel【M7】______ reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts tens of thousands of students every year. These students usually stay up and work in the city after they graduate.【M8】______ Moreover, young people will move to the city as if the villages and【M9】______ rural areas are often governed by custom and tradition, which they believe is an obstacle to their private freedom. In conclusion, we can say that amongst the many causes behind urban population density, the economic or cultural are the【M10】______ most significant. People always move to the areas which provide opportunity and the freedom they desire. It is now the responsibility of municipal councils to make sure these people are housed, clothed, fed and educated.




Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual
male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light that they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator.

To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors, and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one, or at most a few, species of insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different times.

Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors.

The orchid is unique because of______.

A.the habitat in which it lives

B.the structure of its blossom

C.the variety of products that can be made from it

D.the length of its life



Japan is getting tough about recycling—and not in the paper and plastic kind of way. Recen
tly, the country requires that all electronic goods—TVs, VCRs, stereos, and more—be recycled But recycling will not beleft to consumers, instead, the devices will be sent to the original manufacturer for proper disposal.

The new law poses a few challenges to manufacturers who are now rushing to set up collection networks and perfecting techniques to disassemble and recycle older products.With an eye toward the future, they are also integrating easily recycled materials into new products. Plastics, a major component of most electronicproducts,pose a particular obstacle because their quality becomes worse and worse with age,losing strengthand flexibility even if reprocessed.NEC Corp. overcomes this problem by creating a plastics sandwich, in which the filling is 100 percent recycled plastic and the outer layers a mixture of 14 percent recycled material.The resulting plastic has sufficient strength and toughness for use as a case for desktop PCs. The company, in cooperation with plastic maker Sumitomo Dow, has also developed a new plastic, which engineers claim retains its mechanical properties through repeated recycling. NEC uses the plastic, which is also flame-retardant (阻燃的) in battery cases for notebook PCs.

Meanwhile, Matsushita Electric, maker of the Panasonic brand, is avoiding plastic in favor of magnesium (镁). Magnesium, says the company, is ideal for re cycling because it retains its original strength throughrepeated reprocessing. Matsushita has developed molding techniques to form. magnesium into the case for a 21-inch TV. Unfortunately, the magnesium case and energy-saving features make the TV about twice as expensive as an ordinary model.The company hopes, however, that increased use of magnesium will eventually bring prices down.

Choose correct answers to the question:

According to the present regulations of Japan, the recycling of paper and plastic will be the responsibility of______.

A.the government

B.the manufacturers

C.the consumers

D.the sellers



One major obstacle to economic development is population growth. The populations of most
developing countries grew at a rate much faster (1)______ than that of industrialized countries. One reason for this growth is the high (2) __ crude birth-rate—the number of alive births per 1,000 people. In some (3)______ developing countries, the population is so large that it is barely enough (4)______ futile land and other resources to support it. Many less developed countries (5) ______ depend extensively on agriculture, adding to the problem. In these countries, an incentive to having many children exists. Most farms are worked by fam- (6)______ ilies, and children can work in the fields at an early age. More children mean (7)______ more workers. In addition, having many children ensures the parents that someone will look after them in their old age. Another problem for develop ing countries is increasing life expectancy—the average remaining lifetime for persons who reach a certain age. Better education, international aid, and emphasis on health-care facilities help people live longer. A high life expec tancy coupled with a high crude birthrate make it difficult to increase per (8)______ capita GNP. Finally, people have different views on what is the proper rate of population growth. Some feel that the earth is too crowded already and (9)______ societies should work for zero population growth—the condition in which the average number of births and deaths balances so that a population stops (10)______ growing. Others feel that population growth is a natural event and that ef forts to disrupt it are morally and religiously wrong.


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