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For which day does the man finally book the meeting room?A.B.C.

For which day does the man finally book the meeting room?For which day does the man finally book the meetin




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听力原文:M: Which day do you like best, Lily?W: I like weekends, because I don't have to w

听力原文:M: Which day do you like best, Lily?

W: I like weekends, because I don't have to work.

Which day does the woman like best?






Which of the following sentences does NOT express a fact?A.Mary and her son must be home b

Which of the following sentences does NOT express a fact?

A.Mary and her son must be home by now.

B.Attenion should be paid to what you are doing now.

C.It"s a sunny day, isn"t it?

D.It"s time now, and I must go.



听力原文:M What does your schedule look like today, Nicole?W I need to finish making these

听力原文:M What does your schedule look like today, Nicole?

W I need to finish making these invoices. Then I'm going to meet some clients and deliver the invoices.

M You're going to personally deliver them? Doesn't that take too much time from your day?

W Well, these are invoices for new clients. I want to get their feedback and see if they want to change their ads. It's time-consuming, but also easier for me to do it all at once. Plus it builds a better relationship with the clients, which is what I hope to do.

Where might this conversation be heard?

A.In an office

B.In a bookstore

C.At a restaurant

D.At a department store



听力原文:Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts.It gives mental and emoti

听力原文: Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts.It gives mental and emotional clarity without harmful side effects,and it contains a wealth of nutrients.Yet,when most people drink coffee,they are not thinking that the beverage is improving their health.In fact,some may even feel a little guilty,since some believe coffee isn't good for you at all.

The truth of the matter is: coffee,like anything else,can cause problems if too much is consumed.In the short-term,too much coffee will cause sleeping problems and hypertension.In the long-term,too much coffee will cause stomach problems as well as teeth staining.

As far as the benefits,moderate consumption of coffee,which means 1 to 4 cups a day,provides your body with a wealth of antioxidants.These substances are responsible for eliminating free radicals.They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something.A small number of them can help serve as a buffer against negative elements,but if they aren't kept in check,they can cause health problems.Antioxidants ensure that this doesn't happen.

Even the caffeine content within coffee can be beneficial toward your health.One way it does this is by cleaning the water of your body's cells,which keeps your weight down while cleaning out impurities.

Why do some people feel guilty when they drink coffee?

A.They are not allowed to drink coffee.

B.They think coffee does no good to them.

C.They think coffee is too expensive.

D.They should not drink coffee when working.



听力原文:W: It's almost May Day holidays. Have you got a plan where to go?M: I suppose I c

听力原文:W: It's almost May Day holidays. Have you got a plan where to go?

M: I suppose I can go to Tibet, which is the place people throughout the world like to go to. But it will cost a lot.

W: I know you have got a part-time job. Perhaps you can earn some money for that.

M: The job doesn't pay much, but my parents promised to offer me some. What about you?

W: Well, I am on the way. Can you give me some advice? I know you are a kind of traveler.

M: I am used to traveling by myself. But this time I hope you can be my company.

W: What about money?

M: One of my classmates has a job in a hotel on weekends, making beds and cleaning bathrooms. Soon she will have to finish her degree paper. If you don't mind, you can take her place.

W: And then I can return the money to you?

M: Isn't it a good idea?

W: That's pretty good. I used to do some farm work for my parents when I was in high school. I think I can do it well enough. Maybe I can even keep the job, which will relieve my parents a lot.

When does the conversation take place?

A.Before May Day holidays.

B.After May Day holidays.

C.During May Day holidays.

D.In class.



Which of the following is CORRECT about Thanksgiving Day?A.It has something to do with the

Which of the following is CORRECT about Thanksgiving Day?

A.It has something to do with the English custom.

B.Its traditional foods include roast potatoes and ducks.

C.It does not fall on a fixed date every year.

D.It makes people exhausted and costs a lot.



Which of the following questions is answered according to the information given in the pas

A.What is the toxin used by the fish killer?

B.Who first discovered the organism?

C.How does the fish killer paralyze fish?

D.How many fishes can the organism kill each day?



听力原文:Interviewer:Can you still remember the thrill of it? I mean the first time you ac

听力原文:Interviewer: Can you still remember the thrill of it? I mean the first time you actually ride out there, out in front must be ...

Man: Yeah, yeah, it was certainly a big thrill, but it was an evening event. It was the last race and it was almost dark by the time we'd finished and when I got home it was about ten or eleven o'clock, so there was very little time to think about it or do anything. And I had to be up at about half five the next day for my job, so unfortunately it was straight back to work really.

You hear part of an interview in which a man is talking about winning his first horse race. What does he say about it?

A.He found it rather disappointing.

B.He didn't have a chance to celebrate.

C.He was too tired to care.



Generations of Americans have been brought【C1】______to believe that a good breakfast is im
portant for health. Eating breakfast at the【C2】______of the day, we have all been【C3】______, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car【C4】______starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food first in the morning is by【C5】______pleasure. So【C6】______all the efforts, they still take no【C7】______. Between 1978 and l983, the latest year for which figures are【C8】______, the number of people who didn't have breakfast increased【C9】______33 percent—from 8. 8 million to 11. 7 million【C10】______the Chinese-based Market Research Corporation of America.

For those who feel pain of【C11】______about not having breakfast,【C12】______, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years【C13】______that, for adults especially, there may be nothing【C14】______with omitting break fast. "Going【C15】______breakfast does not affect【C16】______. " Said Arnold E. Bendoer, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London,【C17】______does giving people breakfast improve performance.

【C18】______evidence relating breakfast to better health or【C19】______performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not【C20】______. "The literature, "says one researcher, Dr. Ernesto Pollitt at the University of Texas, "is poor. "








When does the GROUP LIFE INSURANCE policy terminate?A.On the first day of your employmentB

When does the GROUP LIFE INSURANCE policy terminate?

A.On the first day of your employment

B.On the fifteenth day of your employment

C.On the last day of your employment

D.It won't terminate even after your employment.

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