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The use of new building materials and the introduction of such new technology as the eleva

tor and the air-conditioner have played an important role ______ .

更多“The use of new building materials and the introduction of such new technology as the eleva”相关的问题


听力原文:M: What is Mr. Green going to do with that old house of Brook Road? Rent it or se
ll it?

W: I heard he' s thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which is not a bad idea, because it' s still a solid building.

What will Mr. Green do with the old house?

A.He may use it as a restaurant.

B.He may build a new restaurant.

C.He may sell it to the owner of a restaurant.

D.He may rent it out for use as a restaurant.



听力原文:W: What is Mr. Peterson going to do with that old house of his on Brook Road? Ren
t it or sell it?

M: I heard he's thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which is not a bad idea, because it's still a solid building.

What will Mr. Peterson do with the old house?

A.He may rent it out for use as a restaurant.

B.He may sell it to the owner of a restaurant.

C.He may pull it down and build a new restaurant.

D.He may convert it and use it as a restaurant.



听力原文:M: What is Mr. Peterson going to do with his old house on London Road? Rent it or
sell it?

W: I heard he is thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which isn't a bad idea, because it's still a solid building.

Q: What will Mr. Peterson do with his old house?


A.He may convert it and use it as a restaurant.

B.He may pull it down and build a new restaurant.

C.He may rent it out for use as a restaurant.

D.He may sell it to the owner of a restaurant.



Deconstruction Rather Than Demolition by Daniel Ross Arlington(May 8)- As mentioned in l

Deconstruction Rather Than Demolition by Daniel Ross Arlington(May 8)- As mentioned in last weeks article, at the end of a buildings life, demolition generates large amounts of materials that can be reused or recycled, principally wood, concrete and other types of masonry, and drywall. Rather than demolish an entire building, consider "deconstructing" all or part of the structure. Deconstruction is the orderly dismantling building components for reusing or recycling. Last weeks deconstruction of two buildings to make way for a convention center expansion is being cited as an example of how far a community can go to recycle construction materials. The city plans to use recycled construction materials to help build the convention centers 150,000-square-meter new wing. Half the wing will be taken up by a new library hall, shopping areas and restaurants. Robin Baily, construction manager for the city of Arlington, said that last weeks controlled deconstruction of the vacant office buildings at 253 and 326 Martin Street collectively produced more than 180 tons of debris, and was transported from the downtown site to regional recycling centers run by Youngearth Recycling, Inc. The remaining non-recyclable materials were safely disposed of in a landfill. Yoon-sook Huh, president of the Citizens Coalition for Waste Reduction, which lobbied the city council to adopt the new policy, said the efficient use of resources is a fundamental tenet of green building construction. This means reducing, reusing, and recycling most if not all materials that remain after a construction or renovation project. Through careful planning, reusing and recycling of construction materials can actually be more economical than disposal.

What does the article discuss?

A.A proposal to build two new office buildings

B.Rising costs of construction materials

C.The impact of a city"s recycling program

D.The demolition of a library



&8226;Look at the statements below and the information about seminars on the opposite page

&8226;Which seminar (A, B, C or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to?

&8226;For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Access Databases

This seminar teaches you how to design and implement a smart user interface, giving you a robust, professional application with low maintenance and training requirements. A poorly designed and implanted interface can cause excessive support calls, data entry errors and user dissatisfaction. In this seminar you'll learn how to do forms tight, you'll learn the secrets of how expert Access developers use all of the power of the Access forms design tools and features to build applications users will love.


SQL Server 2000

In this seminar, you'll learn about the new features you can use in SQL Server 2000. You'll explore the interface changes in Enterprise Manager. You'll learn about the new relational database features. You'll dig into the how and why of user-defined functions. You'll learn how to run multiple instances of SQL Server on the same machine. After this seminar, you'll be ready to take full advantage of the rich set of features available in SQL Server 2000.


Stored Procedures Basics

In this seminar, you'll learn how to build robust and powerful stored procedures and how they are used to not only improve the performance of database applications, but to help protect critical data as well. You'll learn about input and output parameters, and how to add error handling and transaction processing to the stored procedures that you build. After this seminar, you will understand the many benefits of stored procedures, and you will feel comfortable using them in the database applications you build.


ActiveX Automation

Learn how to use ActiveX Automation, and you can communicate with and control all types of Automation-enabled products and components. This seminar teaches you to exchange data with and even run commands in other programs. You'll learn how to set up an Automation-enabled application, and how to hook into Word, Outlook, and other products and components. You'll learn how to use Office components to perform. tasks such as creating reports, generating charts, and even doing E-mail.

The seminar concerns new characteristics of the product.



听力原文:Interviewer:Helen, was this business always a dream of yours?Woman:New, net reall

听力原文:Interviewer: Helen, was this business always a dream of yours?

Woman: New, net really, it developed from what we used to do, build fishing boats.

Interviewer: How long have you been in business?

Woman: About eight years, first we built the marina, then we bought boats to rent out for cruising holidays! It's going well.

Interviewer: How many boats de you have? During the summer I bet you're pretty busy.

Woman: Yes, people use them like caravans really, they go up river for their holidays and then bring them back to the moorings here for us to prepare for the next client ...

You hear part of an interview with a businesswoman. What is her business?

A.Hiring out boats.

B.Hiring out caravans.

C.Building boats.



根据以下材料,回答题。A Letter from Alan-I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred hous


A Letter from Alan-

I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred houses on the land called Parson"s Place by the football ground. Few people know about this new plan to increase the size of our town. For me, Parson"s Place is special because it is a beautiful natural area where local people can relax——the small wood has many unusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen and bird-watchers. It"s very quiet because there are few houses or roads nearby. I think that losing this area will be terrible because we have no other similar facilities in the neigh bour hood.

I am also against this plan because it will cause traffic problems. How will the people from the new houses travel to work? The motorway and the railway station are on the other side of town. There fore these people will have to drive through the town centre every time they go anywhere.

The roads will always be full of traffic, there will be nowhere to park and the tourists who come to see our lovely old buildings will leave. Shops and hotels will lose business. If the town really needs more homes,the empty ground beside the railway station is a more suitable place.

No doubt the builders will make a lot of money by selling these houses. But,in my opinion, the average person will quickly be made poorer by this plan. As well as this, we will lose a very special place and our town will be much less pleasant.

I am going to the local government offices on Monday morning to protest about this plan and I hope that your readers will join me there. We must make them stop this. plan before it is too late.

Why has Alan written this letter? 查看材料

A.To persuade the government to build new houses.

B.To protest about a new motorway near the town.

C.To encourage more people in the town to use Parson"s Place.

D.,To inform. other people about the builders" plans.



回答{TSE}题: A Letter from Alan I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred houses on t
he landcalled Parson's Place by the football grounD.Few people know about this newplan to increase the size of our town. For me, Parson's Place is specialbecause it is a beautiful natural area where local people can relax -the smallwood has many unusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen andbird-watchers. It's very quiet because there are few houses or roads nearby. I think that losing thisarea will be terrible because we have no other similar facilities in theneighbourhood. I am also against this plan because it will cause trafficproblems. How will the people from the new houses travel to work? The motorwayand the railway station are on the other side of town. Therefore, these peoplewill have to drive through the town centre every time they go anywhere. The roads will always be full of traffic,there will be nowhere topark and the tourists who come to see our lovely old buildings will leave.Shops and hotels will lose business. If the town really needs more homes, theempty ground beside the railway station is a more suitable place. No doubt the builders will make a lot of money by selling thesehouses. But,in my opinion,the average person will quickly be made poorer bythis plan. As well as this,we will lose a very special place and our town willbe much less pleasant. I am going to the local government offices on Monday morning toprotest about this plan and I hope that your readers will join me there. Wemust make them stop this plan before it is too late. {TS}Why has Alan written this letter'?

A. To perersuade the government to build new houses.

B. To protest about a new motorway near the town.

C. To encourage more people in the town to use Parson's Place.

D. To inform. other people about the builders' plans.



In the late 1960's, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental p
roblems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Ecologists pointed out that a cluster of tall buildings in a city often overburdens public transportation and parking lot capacities.

Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers and wasters of electric power. In one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City raised the peak daily demand for electricity by 120,000 kilowatts—enough to supply the entire city of Albany, New York, for a day.

Glass-walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful. The heat loss(or gain) through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wall filled with insulation board. To lessen the strain on heating and air-conditioning equipment, builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double-glazed panels of glass I and reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that reduce glare as well as heat gain. However, mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings.

Skyscrapers put a severe strain on a city's sanitation(卫生) facilities, too. If fully occupied, the two(former) World Trade Center towers in New York City would alone generate 2.25 million gallons of raw sewage(污物) each year—as much as a city the size of Stamford, Connecticut, which has a population of more than 109,000. Skyscrapers also interfere with television reception, block bird flyways, and obstruct air traffic. In Boston in the late 1960's some people even feared that shadows from skyscrapers would kill the grass.

Still, people continue to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they always have to build them—personal ambition, civic pride, and the desire of owners to have the largest possible amount of rentable space.

The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.discuss the advantages and disadvantages of skyscrapers

B.compare skyscrapers with other modern structures

C.describe skyscrapers and their effect on the environment

D.illustrate various architectural designs of skyscrapers



Forests have always been useful and important to man who make use of them in many ways. Ev
ery day trees are serving man everywhere. Trees supply man with fruits and building materials in the form. of wood. Without trees it would be impossible to build houses, boats, bridges and so on. Furniture such as desks, chairs and beds is made of wood. Trees can stop man from terrible heat. They're also useful in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains.

If there were no trees, heavy rains would wash away the rich top soil that is so important to plants. The result is that the land will become a desert. There are plenty of desert areas in the world. A long time ago these desert areas used to be very rich areas, but man in the past had not enough knowledge about science of nature, they cut down too many trees in the area where they lived and never planted new ones. By and by the rich top soil was blown and washed away by strong winds and heavy rains. In the end the rich land changed into useless deserts where nothing could grow.

According to the passage, ______.

A.a long time ago, man did not know how to make use of wood

B.trees are not as useful as they were in the past

C.trees were more found in the past than they are today

D.people have 'always found trees useful



People learn languages all the time, and for all kinds of reasons. For example, you proba
bly have various reasons to study【M1】______ English than your classmates. But have you ever thought about creating entirely new language from scratch? Theres been a boom【M2】______ in made-up languages recently, driving by the epic "Lord of the【M3】______ Rings" and other fantasy movies and books. The trend has also fueled as more and more people venture online. There are【M4】______ websites, discussion boards, and chat rooms that teach how to build a language, others that share new languages, and some that seek collaborators. Made-up languages arent restricted on Star【M5】______ Trek fans and Esperanto speakers. It spends time and determination to create a new language. A【M6】______ creator needs to do more than substitute existing words with invented ones. Theres rhythm and intonation to consider—how does the language sound when spoken? If its invented for humans【M7】______ in a movie or book, how does biology change the sound? How does it represent the culture of the people who speak it? Then there are grammar rules, such as masculine and feminine nouns or verbs, word order, or the use of irregular verbs. Even if a simple language【M8】______ can take years to develop. Yet the new languages dont have the same sticking power as real languages like English. As for the made-up languages of today, there are an infinite number of reason behind their creation.【M9】______ Some people do it as a hobby, another as a way to relax. Some just【M10】______ like the challenge.


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