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Color flags and balloons ___ the attraction of the festival.

A.put on

B.added to

C.put for


更多“Color flags and balloons ___ the attraction of the festival.”相关的问题


听力原文:Major cultural differences in selling techniques include the relationship between

听力原文: Major cultural differences in selling techniques include the relationship between the salesman and the customer. As an expert advises his colleagues, "In many foreign countries, personal relationships are more important than company regulations and products. Developing relationships takes time, but it is decisive to the selling process."

International trade fairs have become extremely important places for conducting business, yet very few domestic sales organizations understand how to take advantage of the opportunities that these shows present. Unlike U.S. trade shows, at which there is an open display of one's goods and services and a lot of looking but not buying, a European trade show is relatively closed and only open to those who are there to conduct business.

In some societies, the first thing people care about is quality; in other societies, the first thing on a customer's mind is the cost; and in other countries, the concern is style. The color, size, and quantity of items need to be considered in packaging any product. The color blue is for funerals in some countries, smaller items are preferred over large items, and the number of items in a package can be critical. For example, a golf ball company packaged their golf balls in groups of four and then sent 50,000 units to their Asian distributor who promptly sent them all back, advising the company to package the golf balls again in packages of three. In many of the countries where the golf balls were to be sent, the number four was considered as being equal to death whereas the number three is the symbol of long life.


A.Get down to business first.

B.Develop relationships.

C.Call each potential customer.

D.Hold trade fairs.



Coming soon to your TV: views of the hottest live basketabll plays from any seat in the st
adium. What a better look at that three-point shot? Call for a replay from behind the basket. Or better yet, follow the "view" of the ball as it goes through the net.

While watching, you might use a built-in speakerphone to talk with a fan in the stands. Sounds impossible? It won' be when the television industries combine to create digital TV—machines that receive, send, store and manipulate TV programs the way computers now manipulate other data.

Industry and government representatives recently reached an agreement on how this technology will take place. New digital TVs that allow current TVs to receive digital signals may hit store shelves by next spring.

To understand how the digital revolution will change the way you watch TV, it helps to know how TVs work now. Today, TV networks such as CBS and Fox broadcast TV show as analog electrical signals. These signals travel via the airwaves, satellites, or cable as a continuous stream of electromagnetic energy (like light and radio waves). But this system leaves a lot of room for error. The main problem is that interference can change the voltage of the signal as it travels. This may result in a distorted of miscolored picture. If we send out the signal in a form. that is nearly free from interference -- binary code, pictures and colors are not distorted.

You will need to buy a new TV to receive these signals. And the new sets may cost 1, 000 US dollars more than today's TVs. But they will come with other benefits that may make the price worthwhile. For one thing, the screens will be wider, like movie screens. In addition, the color will be richer. And you will also get digital CD-quality sound.

Besides these benefits, digital TVs can offer you much wider choice of programs. Digital data can expand TV choices because computers can compress digital signals. Broadcasters will be able to send out six times as much as information on the same "channel".

The following qualities are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ______?

A.interference-free pictures

B.a richer color

C.a wider screen

D.good reception of signals



TV Goes DigitalComing soon to your TV: views of the hottest live basketball plays from any

TV Goes Digital

Coming soon to your TV: views of the hottest live basketball plays from any seat in the stadium. What a better look at that three-point shot? Call for a replay from behind the basket. Or better yet, follow the "view" of the ball as it goes through the net.

While watching, you might use a built-in speakerphone to talk with a fan in the stands. Or send the score via email to your father in Japan. Sounds impossible? It won't be when the computerized television industries combine to create digital TV machines that receive, send, store, and manipulate TV programs the way computers now manipulate other data;

Industry and government representatives recently reached an agreement on how this technology will take place. New digital TVs that allow current TVs to receive digital signals may hit stores by next spring.

To understand how the digital revolution will change the way you watch TV it helps to know how TVs work now. Today, TV networks such as CBS and Fox broadcast; TV shows as analogue electrical signals; These signals travel via the airwaves, satellites; or cable as a continuous stream of electromagnetic energy (like light and radio waves). But this system leaves a lot of room for error. The main problem is that interference can change the voltage of the signal as it travels. This may result in a distorted or miscolored picture. If we send out the signal in a form. that is nearly free from interference-binary(两位数的)code, pictures and colors are not distorted.

you'll need to buy a new TV to receive these signals. And the new sets may cost 1,000 US dollars more than today's TVs. But they'll come with other benefits that may make the price worthwhile. For one thing, the screens will be wider, like movie screens. In addition, the color will be richer. And you'll also get digital CD-quality sound.

Besides these benefits, digital TVs can offer you a much wider choice of programs. Digital data can expand TV choices because computers can compress digital signals. Broadcasters will be able to send six times as much information on the same "channel".

All the following qualities are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ______.

A.interference-free pictures

B.a richer color

C.a wider screen

D.good reception of signals



The flags in the stadium____ in the wind.A.flappedB.movedC.shookD.stirred

The flags in the stadium____ in the wind.









B. !flags[i]

C. flags[index]

D. flags[i]




A.flags[i] = true;

B. flags[i] = false;

C. flags[index] = true;

D. flags[index] = false;



Which of the following is NOT true?A.People can find numerous government flags in the Unit

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.People can find numerous government flags in the United States.

B.All federal departments and agencies have flags of their own.

C.Even the US Navy has flags for certain purpose.

D.Besides the national flag, various state flags can be seen flying in the United States.



The flags in the stadium______in the wind.(2014-75)A.flappedB.movedC.shookD.stirred

The flags in the stadium______in the wind.(2014-75)







The first national flags of the United States______.A.represented the 13 colonies which wo

The first national flags of the United States______.

A.represented the 13 colonies which won independence in 1776

B.were flown in American colonies in 1776

C.were flown in American colonies in 1795

D.gave representation to Congress

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