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This actually makes it harder to dress appropriately, but fortunately most offices also()a few signals.

A.send for

B.send off

C.send up

D.send out

更多“This actually makes it harder to dress appropriately, but fortunately most offices also()a few signa…”相关的问题


What problem do actors have with newspaper publicity?A.It never focuses on the actors who

What problem do actors have with newspaper publicity?

A.It never focuses on the actors who deserve it.

B.It often does more harm than good,

C.It never reports what actors have actually said.

D.It often makes mistakes when reporting facts.



听力原文:W:Some people complain that once they are in front of the computer,they would get
totally lost.It is so difficult to learn to operate the computer.

M:It is not that frightening.Once they started trying, they actually find it easy to control.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.It is difficult to operate computers.

B.It is frightening if the computer loses control.

C.Trying more makes an easy job to operate computers.

D.People get lost in front of the computer.



听力原文:Many people catch a cold in the spring time or fall. It makes us wonder: if scien

听力原文: Many people catch a cold in the spring time or fall. It makes us wonder: if scientists can send a man to the moon, [33] why can't they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. There're actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn't a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockage in it. You feel terrible because you can't breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells. [34] You may feel miserable, but actually y9ur wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold. Different people have different remedies for colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot bath and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicines to relieve various symptoms of colds. There is one interesting thing to note. [35] Some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer, because your body doesn't develop a way to fight it and kill it.


A.They haven't devoted as much energy to medicine as to space travel.

B.There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.

C.It is not economical to find a cure for each type of cold.

D.They believe people can recover without treatment.



听力原文:Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder... if scie

听力原文: Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder... if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can't they find a cure for the common cold. The answer is easy. There see actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn't a cure for each one.

When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose. You feel terrible because you can't breathe well, but your body is actually "eating" the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a ninny nose to stop the virus from getting to your cells. You may feel miserable, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.

Different people have different methods to cure colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicines to stop the fever, headache, and runny nose.

There is one interesting tiring to note—same scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesn't have a way to fight it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on their own, and medicines may affect the body's work. However, others can hardly believe it. So, there is a joke on taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this: It takes about 1 week to get over a cold if you don't take medicine, but only 7 days to get over a cold if you take medicine.


A.It has to suffer the misery passively.

B.It will produce more cells.

C.It will rebuild its systems.

D.It will work hard to kill the cold.



听力原文:W: Working for four hours really makes me tired. Why can't we have a break like m
any other companies? We need at least a 20-minute break.

M: Our boss is a working machine. Keeping on working and making money is what he has in his mind. But we workers need rest.

W: Actually in some other companies they also do exercises to the radio broadcast. We need relaxation once in a while and only by this can we work efficiently.

M: Yes, I couldn't agree you more. But now we have to continue.

What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.They are classmates.

B.They are colleagues.

C.They are roommates.

D.They are relatives.



Most people who travel long distances complain of jetlag (飞行时差综合症). Jetlag makes bu

Most people who travel long distances complain of jetlag (飞行时差综合症). Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more prone 【21】______ making mistakes. It is actually caused by 【22】______ of your "body clock"--a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 【23】______ The body clock is designed for a 【24】______ rhythm of daylight and darkness, so that it is thrown out of balance when it 【25】______ daylight and darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The 【26】______ of jetlag often persist for days 【27】______ the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. Now a new anti-jetlag system is 【28】______ that is based on proven 【29】______ pioneering scientific research. Dr. Martin Moore-Ede has 【30】______ a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone 【31】______ controlled exposure to bright light. The time zone shift is easy to accomplish and eliminates 【32】______ of the discomfort of jetlag. A successful time zone shift depends on knowing the exact times to either 【33】______ or avoid bright light. Exposure to light at the wrong time can actually make jetlag worse. The proper schedule 【34】______ light exposure depends a great deal on 【35】______ travel plans. Data on a specific flight itinerary (旅行路线) and the individual's sleep 【36】______ are used to produce a Trip Guide with 【37】______ on exactly when to be exposed to bright light. When the Trip Guide calls 【38】______ bright light you should spend time outdoors if possible. If it is dark outside, or the weather is bad, 【39】______ you are on an aero plane, you can use a special light device to provide the necessary light 【40】______ for a range of activities such as reading, watching TV or working.








CIf there is any single factor that makes success in living, it is the ability to be benef


If there is any single factor that makes success in living, it is the ability to be benefited by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze (分析) defeat and actually learn something from it in his next undertaking (从事的工作). Wrongly taking defeat for failure, you are sure indeed to fail, for it isn't defeat that makes you fail; it is your own refusal to see the guide and encouragement to success in defeat.

Defeats are nothing to be afraid of. They are common incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to get rid of its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success but nothing can cause within us such a strong wish to succeed. If you left a baby grasp a stick and try to pull it away, he will hold it more and more tightly until his whole weight is hung up. It is this same reaction that should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you make full use of the power which defeat gives; you can compete with it far more than you are able to.

How much does the writer know about success?

[A] He knows at least several examples of success.

[B] He knows every success in life.

[C] He knows every success that has been achieved by man.

[D] It is not referred to.



听力原文: Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder if scient
ists can send a man to the moon, why can't they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. There're actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn't a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockage in it. You feel terrible because you can't breathe well. But your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever. But the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting to your cells. You may feel miserable but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold. Different people have different remedies for colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicines to relieve various symptoms of colds. There's one interesting thing to note. Some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesn't develop a way to fight it and kill it.

According to the passage, why haven't the scientists find a cure for the common cold?

A.There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.

B.There is no cure.

C.They are too busy.

D.The virus is too small.



Most people who travel long distance complain of jet-lag. Jet-lag makes business travelers
less productive and more prone 【21】______ making mistakes. It is actually caused by 【22】______ of your "body clock" a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 【23】______ . The body clock is designed for a 【24】______ rhythm of daylight and darkness, so that it is thrown out of balance when it 【25】______ daylight and darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The 【26】______ of jet-lag often persist for days 【27】______ the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone.

Now a new anti-jet-lag system is 【28】______ that is based on proven 【29】______ pioneering scientific research. Dr. Martin Moore-Ede had 【30】______ a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone 【31】______ controlled exposure to bright light. The time zone shift is easy to accomplish and eliminates 【32】______ of the discomfort of jet-lag.

A successful time zone shift depends on knowing the exact times to either 【33】______ or avoid bright light. Exposure to light at the wrong time can actually make jet-lag worse. The proper schedule 【34】______ light exposure depends a great deal on 【35】______ travel plans.

Data on a specific flight itinerary and the individual's sleep 【36】______ are used to produce a Trip Guide with 【37】______ on exactly when to be exposed to bright light.

When the Trip Guide calls 【38】______ bright light you should spend time outdoors if possible. If it is dark outside, or the weather is bad, 【39】______ you are on an aeroplane, you can use a special light device to provide the necessary light 【40】______ for a range of activities such as reading, watching TV or working.








听力原文: The first step toward the invention of television was taken in 1873. The person
responsible for developing it was John Logic Baird. In 1926 [30] he gave the first demonstration of a television picture.

As a home entertainment, [29] television rapidly became more popular than any other form. A news broadcast became more immediate when people could actually see the scene in question and the movements of the figures. Films could be viewed in the comfort of the home and variety shows were also available. Though much of the entertainment was of a popular kind like quiz competitions, some remarkable cultural programs were also shown. The publicity given to the actors and actresses on the screen meant that [31] a group of personalities became familiar in every household. One of the most popular programmers was the televised coverage of sport. And one interesting result of the television broadcast was the increased attendance at the actual events.


A.Because television is cheaper to purchase.

B.Because people could see the scene and the figures in movements.

C.Because television provides comfort to people.

D.Because television makes some actors and actress known to common people.

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