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Tube worms can't live in high-temperature environment.A.YB.NC.NG

Tube worms can't live in high-temperature environment.




更多“Tube worms can't live in high-temperature environment.A.YB.NC.NG”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Well, how can I get to your house?M: Oh, it's very easy. The house is only liv

听力原文:W: Well, how can I get to your house?

M: Oh, it's very easy. The house is only live minutes walk from Finchley Road tube station. Turn right outside the station, and then it's the third street on the left. You can't miss it. It's get the number on the gate. It's exactly opposite the cemetery. Q: Where is the house located?


A.In the Finchley Road.

B.Outside the tube station.

C.On the third street of the left.

D.Opposite the cemetery.



Creatures of the Thermal Vents(海底热泉区)The three-person submersible Alvin sank through

Creatures of the Thermal Vents(海底热泉区)

The three-person submersible Alvin sank through the cold, dark waters of the Pacific Ocean for more than an hour, finally touching down on the sea floor more than 8,000 feet below the surface. It was December 1993, and the scientists inside the sub had come to this stretch of the East Pacific Rise, an underwater mountain range about 500 miles southwest of Acapulco, Mexico, to inspect a recently formed hydrothermal vent—a fissure(裂缝) in the ocean bottom that leaks scalding(滚烫的), acidic water.

Peering out through the sub's tiny windows, the visitors were astonished to see thickets of giant tube worms, some four feet tall. The tail ends of the worms were firmly planted on the ocean floor, while red plumes on the other ends swayed like a field of poppies. Alvin had brought researchers to the same spot less than two years earlier, when they had seen none of these strange creatures. Previous measurements showed that individual tube worms could increase in length at a rate of 33 inches per year, malting them the fastest-growing marine invertebrates. That means tube worms can grow more rapidly than scientists once thought.

The giant tube worm is one of the most conspicuous members of a diverse community that forms around hydrothermal vents. Scientists once thought that no living thing could survive the harsh combination of toxic chemicals, high temperatures, high pressures, and total darkness at these vents. But in 1977, researchers diving in Alvin discovered tube worms and other bizarre organisms thriving at a vent off the Galapagos Islands. Similar communities have since been found at several hundred hot spots around the world. These creatures are like nothing else on Earth.

Vents form. where the planet's crystal plates are slowly spreading apart and magma(岩浆) is welling up from below to form. mountain ranges known as mid-ocean ridges. As cracks form. at these spreading centers, seawater seeps a mile or two down into the hot rock. Enriched with minerals leached from the rock, the water heats and rises to the ocean floor to form. a vent. Vents are usually clustered in fields, underwater versions of Yellowstone's geyser(间歇泉) basins. Individual vent openings typically rage from less than a half inch to more than six feet in diameter. Such fields are normally found at a depth of more than a mile. Most have been discovered along the crest of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, a 46,000-mile-long chain of mountains that wraps around Earth like the seams on a baseball. A few vents have also been found at seamounts(海底山), underwater volcanoes that are not located at the intersection of crystal plates.

Hydrothermal vents provide habitat for many creatures that are not found anywhere else in the ocean. Water pouring out of vents can reach temperatures up to about 400℃; the high pressure keeps the water from boiling. However, the intense heat is limited to a small area. Within less than an inch of the vent opening, the water temperature drops to 2℃. Most of the creatures that congregate around vents live at temperatures just above freezing. Thus, chemicals are the key to vent life, not heat. The most prevalent chemical dissolved in vent water is hydrogen sulfide(硫化氢), which smells like rotten eggs. This chemical is produced when seawater reacts with sulfate in the rocks below the ocean floor. Vent bacteria use hydrogen sulfide as their energy source instead of sunlight. The bacteria in turn sustain larger organisms in the vent community.

The clams(蛤), mussels, tube worms, and other creatures at the vent have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. The giant tube worms, for example, have no digestive system—no mouth or gut. The worm depends virtually solely on the bacteria for its nutrition and both partners benefit. The brown, spongy tissue filling the inside of a tube worm is packed with bacteria—about 285 billion bacteria pe






Before 1990, no giant tube worms were found in Phoenix.A.YB.NC.NG

Before 1990, no giant tube worms were found in Phoenix.






When a new vent forms, tube worms congregate around it voluntarily.A.YB.NC.NG

When a new vent forms, tube worms congregate around it voluntarily.






We can't see ______ in dirt with our eyes.A.some dirty thingsB.little wormsC.living things

We can't see ______ in dirt with our eyes.

A.some dirty things

B.little worms

C.living things



A.Television has been very effective in spreading news.B.Vietnam War was the first liv

A.Television has been very effective in spreading news.

B.Vietnam War was the first live broadcast of TV.

C.Television can even change the way a government acts.

D.Television did more to end the Vietnam War than radio.



听力原文:W: Mike, do you have a minute?M: Oh, hi, Cathy. Sure. What's up?W: Well, I've bee

听力原文:W: Mike, do you have a minute?

M: Oh, hi, Cathy. Sure. What's up?

W: Well, I've been meaning to talk to you about the situation of the office.

M: I W: Oh, Jackie, I've had such a terrible day.

M: You look exhausted. What on earth have you been doing?

W: Oh, I've been such a fool! You just wouldn't believe what I've done.

M: I would, I would. Come on...Where's you been?

W: I'm dying to tell someone. I've been down to London, you see. OK, I thought I'd be very sensible, so I'd drive down to the Underground on the outskirts of London, leave the car and go in by tube. All right? Very sensible. Yes? OK. So I drove down to London and I parked ray car by the tube station and I got the tube into London: Fine! All right?

M: Well, sounds like it.

W: So far, so good. Right. I came back out of London and got out of the tube.

M: And you forgot the car?

W: No, no, I didn't forget the car. I couldn't find the ear, Jackie. It'd gone.

M: You're kidding.

W: No, no, really, it'd gone. I walked out...happily out of the tube, you know, over to where it was and I looked and it was a red Mini and mine's green, so I thought "Oh no". So having panicked a bit, I rang the police, you see, and this lovely, new little policeman...a young one came out to help. That's it, yes...buttons shining...big smile...came down to help, so I said, "I've lost my ear. It's been stolen." And I took him to see it and everything and...

M: You mean where it wasn't.

W: And sure enough, it wasn't there. And then he coughed a bit and he went very quiet.., and he took me back into the tube station and out the other side into the other car park, and there was my car, Jackie, parked in the other tube station car park, the other side of the station, because there are two exits, you see, so I walked out of an exit not knowing, there were two and it was in the other one.

M: Oh Lesley. And was he ever so cross?

W: He was livid, Jackie. He went on and on at me and I didn't know what to do. It was just frightful. I went red and just shut up and said "Sorry" all the time.

M: Jumped in your car and left.

W: Oh, it was awful. I'm never doing that again ever.

m not in there very often. It's so noisy that I can't work,

W: That's exactly what I'm getting at. We're supposed to be able to do our preparation and marking in that office, but have you noticed? Simon constantly has students coming in to get help with his course. A lot of people are going and out.

M: Has anybody spoken to him about it?

W: No, not yet, but someone's going to have to.

M: We can't really ask him to stop having students come in for help, can we?

W: No, of course not. But I'm not able to do my work and neither are you. I imagine it's the same for the others in the office.

M: Hmmm, could we ask for a kind of meeting room? When TA's have to talk with a student, they could go to the meeting room and not use the office. You know, there's a room down the hall, a rather small room, that we could ask to use. It's only for storing supplies.

W: You mean the little storage room? Oh, that would be too small.

M: Are you sure? With the cabinets taken out, it might be bigger than it looks.

W: Come to think of it, you may be on to something, I'd like to have a look at that room. Can we go there now?

M: Sure. Let's go.


A.There aren't enough cabinets.

B.There is too much noise.

C.Office supplies take up too much space.

D.Some teaching assistants don't have desks.



According to t11e passage,we d0 not know whether humans will benefit from taking in
fewer calories partly because

A.humans,worms and rodents are different.

B.most people are not willing to be put on a strict diet.

C.the effect is not known.

D.genetic changes in tissues can not be performed on humans



We know from the passage that MadeleineA.preferred literature to linguistics.B.used to liv

We know from the passage that Madeleine

A.preferred literature to linguistics.

B.used to live in the outskirts of the city.

C.didn't like reading writers like Updike.

D.didn't get along well with her roommates.



According to the passage,we do not know whether humans will benefit from taking i
n fewer calories partly because().

A.humans,worms and rodents are different.

B.most people are not willing to be put on a strict diet.

C.the effect is not known.

D.genetic changes in tissues can not be performed on humans.

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