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George couldn't turn his key in the lock of the car because ______.A.the lock was brokenB.

George couldn't turn his key in the lock of the car because ______.

A.the lock was broken

B.the key was not his

C.the car was not his

更多“George couldn't turn his key in the lock of the car because ______.A.the lock was brokenB.”相关的问题


Why couldn't George start his car again?A.The car's engine was at the back.B.He knew too l

Why couldn't George start his car again?

A.The car's engine was at the back.

B.He knew too little about his car.

C.Something went wrong with his car.



She tried hard, but still couldn't make us ______ our mind.A.to changeB.changeC.turnD.to t

She tried hard, but still couldn't make us ______ our mind.

A.to change



D.to turn



听力原文:M: Sally said she couldn't hear a word. Can you turn up the volume?F: Sorry, but

听力原文:M: Sally said she couldn't hear a word. Can you turn up the volume?

F: Sorry, but I Can't. This is the loudest volume I can do with this recorder.

What is wrong with the recorder?

A.The voice is too weak.

B.The sound is too loud.

C.The volume is out of order.



George; Hey, Agnes. How did the Human Resources meeting go? I couldn't make it because I w
as out at a sales conference.

Agnes; Oh, George. ______It turned into a major argument.

George; Really?

A.Glad, you' re back now.

B.You're lucky to have missed it.

C.Nice to see you again.

D.You' re just on time.



听力原文:M:How did Mr. Roger's project turn out? I heard he had trouble with the financing
and then he couldn't get the land he wanted.

W:Well. It's true he had difficulties. But all in all it couldn't have turned out better.

Q:What can you learn about Mr. Roger's project?


A.It was fairly successful.

B.Financing was never a problem.

C.It was too difficult to finish.

D.It stopped for want of land.



听力原文:W: How did Mr. Rogers project turn out? I heard he had trouble with the financing
and he then couldn't get the land he wanted.

M: It's true! He did have difficulties but all in all it couldn't have turned out better.

What did you learn about Mr. Rogers' project?

A.It was hard going.

B.It was fairly successful.

C.It failed for lack of money.

D.It stopped for want of land.



听力原文:M: How did Mr. Green's projects turn out? l heard he had trouble with the financi
ng and then he couldn't get the land he wanted.

W: It's true! He did have difficulties and it couldn't have turned out worse.

Q: What did you learn about Mr. Green?


A.He decided to continue his project.

B.He was unable to get sufficient money.

C.Lack of land prevented his success.

D.He was successful with his project.



听力原文:M: How did Mr. Green's projects turn out? I heard he had trouble with the financi
ng and then he couldn't get the land he wanted.

W: It's true! He did have difficulties and it couldn't have turned out worse.

Q: What did you learn about Mr. Green?


A.He decided to continue his project.

B.He was unable to get sufficient money.

C.Lack of land prevented his success.

D.He was successful with his project.



【C1】______the very first day there was a tense moment and a hint of things to come. Blocke

【C1】______ the very first day there was a tense moment and a hint of things to come. Blocked at every turn, a World Trade Organization (WTO) delegate couldn't get 【C2】______ the human chain of protesters. Surrounding the convention center where the WTO meeting was to be held, peaceful protesters stood their ground trying to delay the meetings inside.

They promised to stall the World Trade Organization. They succeeded at least temporarily. The first day's events were delayed 【C3】______ hours, due to the blockade and a security scare in the convention center.

Few could have anticipated so much anger towards such an obscure organization. A steelworker in the labor march had 【C4】______ to say, "A lot of people didn't know what that was about; no concept, no idea of 【C5】______ the WTO is."

Labor groups, environmentalists and farmers formed unlikely coalitions, fearing the WTO could upset their world.

Rep. George Miller says, "It affects our environment, it affects our workers, it affects our trade policy, it affects our habitat."

While tens of thousands rallied peacefully, those with more violent agendas stole the headlines. A band of about 150 self-avowed anarchists smashed windows, sprayed graffiti and looted storefronts.

When the police took back the streets, the images were just as ugly. Protesters were arrested, tear gas and pepper spray was used, 【C6】______ . finally police cordoned off the downtown area to keep protesters away from the meeting.

By the week's end there was an uneasy truce.

Seattle Mayor Paul Schell says, "Ninety-nine percent of the protests went peacefully when people had their say, and it will have an impact 【C7】______ the WTO."

【C8】______ the inside, some delegates say the cries from the outside were tough to ignore. "Maybe it has sensitized a bit, the structure of the WTO."

Seemingly out of nowhere came an issue that inspired massive protests right 【C9】______ the final day.

【C10】______ the presidential race in preliminary heats, you can bet that from now on when voters want to talk trade, the politicians will listen.




听力原文:M: Hello. Will you please send someone up to my apartment? The hot water is runni
ng. And I can't turn it off.

W: There's no one in the office right now. I'll send someone up as soon as I can.

Why did the man want someone to come up to his apartment?

A.There was no hot water.

B.The light couldn't be turned off.

C.There was no heat.

D.The hot water was running.

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