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听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy.Cou

听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy. Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk back home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot. But I'm having some people over, and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: Now the people ! live with, the Kremers, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome home dinner.

W: Oh, that's really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it's the least I can do for them. They've been letting me stay with them rent-free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you're a student. They've been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.

更多“听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy.Cou”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I really can't stand the way David controls the conversation all the time.If h

听力原文:M: I really can't stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If he is going to be at your

Christmas party, I just won't come.

W: I'm sorry you feel that way, but my mother insists that he come.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She will meet the man halfway.

B.She is sorry the man will not come.

C.She will ask David to talk less.

D.She has to invite David to the party.



听力原文:M: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time.If h

听力原文:M: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time.

If he’s going to be at your Christmas party, I just won’t come. W: I’m sorry you feel

that way, but my mother insists that he come. Q: What does the woman imply?

A.She will ask David to talk less.

B.She will meet the man halfway.

C.She is sorry the man will not come.

D.She has to invite David to the party.



听力原文:W: David, could you return the reference books I lent you last week?M: Uh, well,

听力原文:W: David, could you return the reference books I lent you last week?

M: Uh, well, I hate to tell you this..., but I can't seem to find them.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The reference books have already been returned to the woman.

B.He doesn't like to lend his books to other people.

C.He hasn't finished reading them.

D.The reference books the man borrowed from the woman are missing.



听力原文:M:David said he could give us a ride to the shopping center tonight.W:I wish he c

听力原文:M:David said he could give us a ride to the shopping center tonight.

W:I wish he could,but his car needs repairing and is in the garage now.

Q:What does the woman mean?


A.They will give a ride to David.

B.David's car was repaired just now.

C.David's car will be ready tonight.

D.David can't do what he has promised.



听力原文:W: How is the weather today, David? I don't know what to wear for my tour. M: I h

听力原文:W: How is the weather today, David? I don't know what to wear for my tour.

M: I have just heard the weather report. In Los Angeles the weather will be cloudy with a high of 28 degree centigrade and a low of 18. San Francisco will have a lovely day. The weather will be sunny and the high will be about 24 degree centigrade and the low of 14.

W: Oh, that's wonderful. I can enjoy my tour in the sunshine. Thank you very much, David.

M: My pleasure. Have a good time!

What are they talking about?

A.The woman's tour

B.The weather

C.David's report

D.The sunshine in LA



听力原文:W: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If
he is going to be at the party, I just won’t come.

M: I am sorry you felt that way. But my mother insists that he come.

Q: Why is David being invited to the party?


A.To make the woman angry.

B.To please the man's mother.

C.David is the man's good friend.

D.David is good at carrying on conversation.



听力原文:W: I really can' t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If
he' s going to be at the Christmas party, I just won' t come.

M: I' m sorry you feel that way. But my mother insists that he come.

Q: Why has David been invited to the party?


A.To make the woman angry.

B.To please the man' s mother.

C.David is the man's good friend

D.David is good at carrying on conversations.



听力原文:M: How come David is always so full of energy?W: He has a strange but highly effe

听力原文:M: How come David is always so full of energy?

W: He has a strange but highly effective way of sleeping.

M: What is that?

W: He takes a short sleep for an hour every six hours and has a total of four hours of sleep each day.

M: Where did he get that strange idea?

W: He read flora a book which said it was the best way for human beings, and he believed it.

M: How many hours do you sleep a day?

W: I need at least seven hours. I once tried to follow David's example, but it never worked out for me.

M: If I sleep during the day, I can never wake up.

W: Not everyone is a David I guess.

How does the man feel about David's way of sleeping?

A.It's effective.

B.It's strange.

C.It's the best.



听力原文:M: It seems to me that I can't find Uncle David's house. It's not far from here,

W: Why not call him? He surely is familiar with here.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She knows where it is.

B.She wants to go to the park.

C.He should get help in finding the way.

D.He can't see the place very well.



听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?W: Yes.M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want t

听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?

W: Yes.

M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want to change roommates.

W: Really? That surprises me. I thought that you and David were good friends.

M: We were. You see, we knew each other before. We are from the same home town, but it looks like we had different reasons for coming to college.

W: How so?

M: Well, David is really into having fun, which is great. But be has so many people in our room all the time that I can't study. And the stereo is on constantly.

W: Have you talked to him about it?

M: Yes, but he just doesn't take me seriously.

W: I see.

M: Miss Todd, I have to study. I'm on scholarship. David isn't.

W: Okay. Here's what we can do. Let me talk to David, and then you see how it goes. Just one week.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.The man wants to get authorization for a room change.

B.The man is worried about his friendship with his roommate,

C.Then man needs a scholarship to continue living in the dormitory,

D.The man wants the head resident to talk to David for him.



听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Jane. Cou

听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Jane. Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you had to walk back home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot. But I'm having some people over and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: Now the people I live with, the Kremers, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome home dinner.

W: Oh, that's really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it's the least I can do for them. I've been staying with them rent-free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they must understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you're a student. They've been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for the generosity.

How does David go back home from the store?

A.On foot.

B.By bike.

C.By car.

D.Jane offers him a lift.

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