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A new manager may benefit from your knowledge of conventions and attitudes within the comp


更多“A new manager may benefit from your knowledge of conventions and attitudes within the comp”相关的问题


If you were a manager working with Generation-X, you should______.A.treat them as equals a

If you were a manager working with Generation-X, you should______.

A.treat them as equals and encourage them to try new ideas

B.give them orders frequently and make them work hard

C.let them know they are selfish and uncontrollable

D.warn them that they may lose jobs at any time



— Look at the sentences below and the advice for secretaries and personal assistants about
dealing with a new manager on the opposite page.

— Which company (A, B, C or D) does Bach sentence 1-7 refer to?

— For each sentence 1 - 7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

— You will need to use some of the letters more than once.


If you are a secretary, or personal assistant, getting a new manager means that your job will probably change, too. The new person is likely to have different ideas about how things should be done, and you may well find that some of these are changes for the better. But remember that the new manager might be feeling nervous. If you treat their first day in the job as though it's your own first day, too, it will ease the transition for them, and benefit you both.


Your new manager may have different ideas from your previous one about personal habits, such as eating at your desk, and you will have to accept that. Their changes may not always be appropriate or helpful, however. It could be that you are asked to open the post later on in the day, when you know that it is important to get it sorted first thing. In this case, rather than grumbling about it and spreading discontent around the office, explain if there is a genuine reason for a particular way of working.


If your new manager has joined the company from outside, they will be on a steep learning curve. You can really show your worth by bring them up to speed on the company history and culture. The appointment of a new manager is also the ideal opportunity for you to discuss your prospects for training and promotion with them, though raising the subject on their first day is unlikely to give them a good impression of you.


If you are concerned about changes that your new manager wants to make to your job, first check your job description, if you have one, then speak to him or her calmly about it. If work is being put your way that is someone else's responsibility, say so. Make it clear what you believe to be the limits of your job. Ideally, the two of you will come to an agreement that suits both parties. failing that, consider contacting the human resources department to see if it can act as mediator.

You may be able to explore your career development with your new manager.



To Whom it May Concern:Janet Doe has worked for me as a Resident Manager for the past 3 ye

To Whom it May Concern:

Janet Doe has worked for me as a Resident Manager for the past 3 years. Her responsibilities have included leasing, inspecting apartments, hiring maintenance staff, taking tenants complaints, making sure common areas look presentable, and keeping track of the property budget.

During her time here she has had an amazing impact on the appearance and financial turn around at the property. The property was near bankrupt when Janet took over. She turned things around almost immediately, and as a result we are expecting our second year of profit.

Janet is highly respected by her co-workers for her willingness to help anyone anytime she can. She has been instrumental in helping institute new company-wide cost saving procedures. She is very well organized, diligent in her paperwork, easily reachable, and always on time.

Janet has real leadership potential. I would highly recommend her for your MBA program.


Joe Smith

Joe Smith

Regional Property Manager

What is the author's purpose of writing this letter?

A.Introducing Janet to her Regional Property Manager

B.Recommending Janet to a MBA program for her application

C.Summarizing Janet's performance in the company

D.Supporting Janet for a coming promotion



听力原文:W: ABC Computers, this is Lara. How may I help you today?M: Hi, Lara, my name is

听力原文:W: ABC Computers, this is Lara. How may I help you today?

M: Hi, Lara, my name is David Jones-, and I'm wondering if you could tell me the name of the manager in charge of the human resources department in your L.A. office. I sent them my resume recently, and I'd just like to see if they received it.

W: Our personnel manager there is Ms. Lori Garcia, but I should warn you that she prefers not to take calls about job postings. She will contact you if she wishes to schedule an interview. However, if you are concerned that your application has been lost, I can give you the number of her receptionist.

M: Oh, thank you. I wasn't aware that phone calls were discouraged. If the receptionist wouldn't mind speaking to me, that would be great. Could I have that number?

Who is David Jones?

A.A client.

B.A new boss.

C.A friend of Ms. Garcia.

D.A job seeker.



May 8, 2007.Ms. Laura Lorenzo400 New Jersey Avenue, NW,Washington, D.C. 20001Membership Nu

May 8, 2007.

Ms. Laura Lorenzo

400 New Jersey Avenue, NW,

Washington, D.C. 20001

Membership Number: 10862

Dear Ms. Laura Lorenzo,

Welcome and thank you for joining the Flight Attendants Association of the Sky West Airlines(FAASWA). As a member, you will be eligible to vote in all elections. You will also receive all mailings and be able to access the Members Only Portion of our Web site at www.faswa.com.

Please retain a copy of this letter as you will need the membership number printed above to access our Web site.

Our Web site contains much valuable information, including advertisement for employment, an on-line membership directory, and information about our annual convention.

This year's convention will be held October 12-14 in San Antonio, Texas. Please mark those dates on your calendar!

To notify us if your mailing address changes or if you lose your membership number, call the Membership Department at 202-737-5773. You can also update your information on our Web site.


May 8, 2007.Ms. Laura Lorenzo400 New Jersey Avenue

Doris Espinoza, Membership Manager

To whom was this letter sent?

A.An association president

B.A convention planner

C.A coordinator of a Web site

D.A new member of an association



Dear Sirs,We were very surprised to learn from your call today that one of the books you o

Dear Sirs,

We were very surprised to learn from your call today that one of the books you ordered was damaged. We called our warehouse manager this afternoon and he confirmed that a new replacement will be delivered to you by DHL by tomorrow (147) the latest.

We truly regret the damaged delivery and the inconvenience it (148) you.

We have (149) taken the matter up with DHL and are sure that this will not happen again not only to you, but also to all our cherished readers.

Meanwhile, may we suggest that you trust us again and do business with us continuously.








Questions 16-22 ?Read the minutes of the meeting below. ?Are the sentences 16-22 "Right" o

Questions 16-22

?Read the minutes of the meeting below.

?Are the sentences 16-22 "Right" or "Wrong"? If there is not enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesn't say" .

?For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C).




Present: Mr Wang Kai, General Manager, in the chair

Mr Li Fei, Production Manager

Mr Huang Shu, Purchase Manager

Ms Oheng Li, Sales Manager

Miss Song Yu, Secretary (Minutes Keeper)

The meeting was opened at 8.30 a.m. by Mr Wang Kai.

Apologies for absence

Mr Hu Su, Personnel Manager

Miss Lu Ping, Sales Assistant

Ⅰ.Minutes of the last meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

Ⅱ.Changing of promotion materials

Ms Chena Li suggested changing the company's promotion materials as many new products have been launched since 2005. It was agreed that Ms Cheng would update the promotion materials and that she would submit the drafts at the next meeting on 18th June.

Ⅲ.The company's holidays

Mr Wang announced the dates of the company's holidays= 5th to 16th July, inclusive:24th December to 5th January, inclusive.


Mr Wang raised the problem of office security, who suggested that all important papers should be kept in the safe. It was agreed that only those present at the meeting would have the key to the safe.

Ⅴ.There being no further business, Mr Wang closed the meeting at 9:30am.

The promotion literature shoul.d be upgraded because many new products have come out.



C.Doesn't say



Dodge Household Furniture Co. 25 east Tenth Street Chicago, III May 14, 2008 Mr. Walter Ro

Dodge Household Furniture Co.

25 east Tenth Street

Chicago, III

May 14, 2008

Mr. Walter Roberts, Office Manager

Great Investment Trust Co.

69 Jones Street, New York

Dear Mr. Roberts,

The unfavorable condition of the market here has compelled us to approach you for a short-term loan of 60, 000 dollars to extricate us from temporary difficulties. We leave it to you to fix the rate of interest.

As we have been doing business to each other's advantage for so long a time, we trust that you will be kind enough to oblige us with the said amount. We promise to pay back the money as soon as business begins to improve.

Your favorable reply will be highly appreciated by,

Yours very respectfully,

Dodge Household Furniture Co.


Henry Norris

Henry Norris


Great Investment Trust Co.

69 Jones Street, New York

May 20, 2008

Mr. Henry Norris, Manager

Dodge Household Furniture Co.

25 east Tenth Street

Chicago, III

Dear Mr. Norris,

We are deeply distressed to learn from your letter that your company is now in an adverse financial situation as a result of business depression and badly in need of a loan. Considering our long-standing clientage of mutual benefit, we deem it our duty to help you out of the present dilemma. Herewith we send you under separate cover a check for the full sum as requested. Please note that the rate of interest is 4 % per month and 4. 5% per quarter. We are confident that your business will soon look up. Wish you very good luck.

Yours very respectfully,

Great Investment Trust Co.


Walter Roberts

Walter Roberts

Office Manager

Why does Mr. Norris write to Mr. Walter Roberts?

A.Because he wants to tell Mr. Walter Roberts their difficulties.

B.Because he wants to ask Mr. Walter Roberts to pay their check.

C.Because he wants to borrow some money from Mr. Walter Robert's company.

D.Because he wants to analysis the financial situation for Mr. Walter Roberts.



When a company needs to employ new people, it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website. However nowadays, people more often find such advertisements on a website. Then people, who are interested, can apply for the job. They send in a letter (or an email) and also a resume (or CV) as well. The two parts are very important in job-hunting. The former is used to apply for a certain position. The latter is used to introduce his or her education background and work experiences. But more and more companies may often ask people to fill out a standard form. The company's Human Resources Department will then select the most suitable people to attend an interview.

1-1.According to the passage, where can we find job advertisements more often nowadays?

A、In a magazine.

B、In a newspaper.

C、On a website.

1-2.How do people apply for a job?

A、By phone.

B、By email.

C、Go to visit the company.

1-3.Besides the application letter, what else is also important?

A、A resume.

B、A picture.

C、A certificate.

1-4.What do companies provide to job applicants nowadays before they apply for jobs?

A、A standard form.

B、An invitation letter.

C、An email address.

1-5.Who is in charge of selecting the applicants for the coming interview?

A、The manager of the company.

B、The Human Resources Department.

C、The secretary of the manager.



•Read the minutes of the meeting below.•Are the sentences(16-22) 'Right' or 'W

•Read the minutes of the meeting below.

•Are the sentences(16-22) 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'.

•For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.




Present: Mr Wang Kai, Generat Manager, in the chair

Mr Li Fei, Production Manager

Mr Huang Shu, Purchase Manager

Ms Chang Li, Sales Manager

Miss Sun Yu, Secretary (Minutes keeper)

The meeting was opened at 8:30 am by Mr Wang Kai.

Apologies for absence

Mr Hu Su, Personnel Manager

Miss Lu Ping, Sales Assistant

Ⅰ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

Ⅱ Changing of promotion materials

Ms Chang Li suggested changing the company's promotion materials as many new products have been launched since 1998. It was agreed that Ms Cheng would update the promotion materials and that she would submit the drafts at the next meeting on 18th June.

Ⅲ The company's holidays

Mr Wang announced the dates of the company's holidays: 5th to 16th July, inclusive: 24th December to 5th January inclusive.

Ⅳ Security

Mr Wang raised the problem of office security, who suggested that all important papers should be kept in the safe. It was agreed that only those present at the meeting would have the key to the safe.

Ⅴ There being no further business, Mr Wang closed the meeting at 9:30 am.

The promotion literature should be upgraded because many new products have come cut.



C.Doesn't say

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