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How are things going?(英译中)

更多“How are things going?(英译中)”相关的问题


How things going on?-_________.

A.they are not ok

B.how are you


D.not too bad



How did the author feel when he watched their things going into the van?A.He was surprised

How did the author feel when he watched their things going into the van?

A.He was surprised at how easily their home was taken apart.

B.He was worried about what was going to happen.

C.He was glad his mother was going.

D.He was concerned that the men should do their job properly.



听力原文:M: How's the new job going?W: Well, I'm learning a lot of new things, but I wish

听力原文:M: How's the new job going?

W: Well, I'm learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback.

Q: What does the woman want to know?


A.Her new responsibilities in the company.

B.What her job prospects are.

C.What the customers' feedback is.

D.The director's opinion of her work.



How many building places does the Building Service look at each month to see If things are
going on well?



C.We don't know.



听力原文: I shall be coming round to each of you to discuss how you think things have gone
so far. I'm going to need as much detail as possible because I want the documentation to be a realistic record of events.




听力原文:M: Do you need much time at the shopping mall?W: Not really. I want to buy a big

听力原文:M: Do you need much time at the shopping mall?

W: Not really. I want to buy a big cake for my grandmother's birthday and a few things for school. How about you?

Q: Where is the woman going?


A.A birthday party.

B.Her grandmother's.

C.The shopping mall.




听力原文:W: Today people are hearing about information superhighways and the internet. The
y're wondering where this is going to go.

M: I often think about it, too. How will it develop? How will it affect different areas? Is this change going to be beneficial for me personally?

W: I have a friend who is a businessman and is very non-technical. Last year, when he found out he could play cards with friends all over the country on a computer, ho bought a portable computer. At first he used it mostly to play cards wherever he went, but now he's learned how to do other things on the Internet and he's fascinated by how the world changes and what that means from a business point of view.

M: There's no doubt the Internet will be a powerful commercial medium. It'll connect hundreds of millions of customers and open up huge markets for all kinds of products and services.

W: That's true. I can imagine companies sending advertisements directly to customers over the net. Customers, in turn, can examine and compare whatever goods they want to buy and tell their computers to find them at the best price offered.

M: Yeah. Your computer will be your representative and will spare no efforts in bargaining with the computers of various sellers. It'll be a shopper's heaven.


A.He played cards with people all over the world.

B.He played cards on the internet at first and later did other things with computer.

C.He was fascinated by how the world changes.

D.He understood the computer affected different areas.



听力原文:M: Hi, Clare.W: Hello, Alan, how are you?M: I'm fine, where are you going?W: Oh,

听力原文:M: Hi, Clare.

W: Hello, Alan, how are you?

M: I'm fine, where are you going?

W: Oh, I'm on my way home from work.

M: I didn't know you had a job.

W: Yeah. I got a part-time job at the supermarket.

M: What do you do there?

W: I work in the produce section, cleaning and wrapping fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes when it really gets busy, I work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Alan?

M: Yeah, I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, pruning trees, planting flowers, things like that.

W: I'd like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.

M: Sometimes it is, except when it rains, snows or gets too hot or too cold.

W: I guess every job has its drawbacks. There are times when I get pretty tired of carrying things around at my job. A job is a job. Got to earn money for school.

M: Me too, tuition sure is high, isn't it? Well, I'd better go now I have to plant some trees for my neighbors this afternoon.

W: Well, don't work too hard, holding a job, going to class, studying, sometimes can become mo much for one person. Take it easy.

M: You too. it was great seeing you. Clare.


A.She was going to the supermarket where she worked.

B.She was going home from the supermarket.

C.She was going to a store to buy some groceries.

D.She was returning to school.



听力原文:M We're going to have to hire some extra help for the Miller project. W Oh? But t

听力原文:M We're going to have to hire some extra help for the Miller project.

W Oh? But the Miller deadline isn't for another 2 months. That should be plenty of time to meet the deadline, don't you think?

M Mr. Miller's a great client, but he keeps adding to the scope of the project— little things here and there that add up over time. And of course he wants us to do all these things and still meet the original deadline. W Really? I hadn't realized how serious a problem this was. If he's asking for changes that are outside the scope of the original contract, then we need to either renegotiate the contract, or bill him for these extras.

What does the man want?

A.A larger budget for a project

B.More information about a project

C.An extension of a project deadline

D.More people to help work on a project



听力原文:M: How is school going, Barbara? Are you taking any new classes?W: I'm taking ano

听力原文:M: How is school going, Barbara? Are you taking any new classes?

W: I'm taking another really interesting course called Business and the Web. We are learning about e-commerce and how new technological developments will affect the way we buy, sell and market things in the future.

M: Wow, that sounds like something I should take.

W: I think it's one of the most useful courses I've had so far. Right now, we are studying wireless communications and how that's going to affect the development of the internet and eventually online business. We have had several lectures on the importance of cell phones and several new kinds of portable computers and other electronic devices which are based on related technologies.

M: What other kinds of topics will you be covering?

W: We are going to discuss high bandwidth Internet connections, like cable modems, which will allow us to exchange information more quickly. And from there, we will focus on how Internet, TV, radio and telephone technologies are all starting to come together.

M: I was just reading about that in the newspaper. But how does that relate to online business?

W: As these technologies converge in the near future, a new high-speed network will develop which will be perfect for the distribution of products and services online.



B.Wireless communications.

C.Business and the web.

D.New technology.

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