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Changing the oil and filter on your car every 3,000 miles is an example of what kind

A.concurrent control

B.feedforward control

C.definitional control

D.feedback control

E.projected control

更多“Changing the oil and filter on your car every 3,000 miles is an example of what kind ”相关的问题


Beginning in October, more than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants in America will use a new ki
nd of cooking oil. McDonald's aims to make its French fries and other fried foods healthier.

The change will not affect the taste or the number of calories in the food. But by changing the cooking oil, McDonald's says, it hopes to cut by nearly half the amount of trans-fatty acids(转换脂肪酸) in French fries and reduce the amount of saturated fats(饱和脂肪) by 16 percent. Scientists believe that trans-fatty acids and saturated fats raise cholesterol(胆固醇) levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

McDonald's new step is important because McDonald's is an industry leader and other fast-food chains and food processors may follow the lead.

For McDonald's, the action comes at a time when Americans are becoming more and more concerned about; obesity(肥胖) is an increasing pressure on food companies to offer healthy food to consumers.

After three years of study, McDonald's officials say they are switching oil that is lower in saturated fats and trans-fatty acids. McDonald's says the change will not cause higher coats for consumers.

Though there is some change, scientists say that the amount of trans-fat in foods at McDonald's and at other fast-food companies is still important.

The main idea of the text is ______.

A.McDonald's is a pioneer in food products

B.McDonald's is enlarging its restaurants in the world

C.fried foods can't keep up with the development of moden society

D.McDonald's is to use new cooking oil



听力原文:China announced Sunday its decision to lift retail diesel and gasoline prices for

听力原文: China announced Sunday its decision to lift retail diesel and gasoline prices for the first time in eight months, while setting up a mechanism to offer some subsidies to disadvantaged communities and public service sectors.

The recipients of the subsidies include grain growers, fishermen and fishing firms operating and fanning offshore or in inland areas, using oil-driven fishing boats, state-owned forestry enterprises and nurseries of forestry centers, urban public transportation firms, said the commission.

It said the government will pay a number of subsidies directly to grain growers to reduce the impact of the price hikes of diesel oil and chemical fertilizers and other agricultural production materials.

For operators of rural passenger shipping business, the commission said the government will reduce the impact mainly through such measures as adjusting the charges of transportation, and offering proper amount of subsidies to those in difficulty.

The commission said local governments will offset the increased financial burden on taxi drivers in the urban areas mainly through readjusting the charges of transportation and imposing surcharge on fuel oil.

The Chinese government has ordered various localities to implement the measures on subsidies while price regulators at various levels should improve inspection and supervision of prices of processed oil to maintain the stability of the oil prices.


A.They will remain stable.

B.They will be raised.

C.They have been changing all the time.

D.They are determined directly by the supply and demand of the market.



听力原文:M: Did you finish that paper for your political science class? It was on state ta
xes, wasn't it?

W: I finished it, but I ended up changing the topic.

M: Hmm, what did you finally come up with?

W: Well, I decided that state taxation was too large of an issue, so I focused on a single state. It turned out that one state stood out from the others in terms of taxes.

M: Which one was that?

W: Alaska. Alaska is the only state that pays its citizens instead of taking taxes from them.

M: What? The people in Alaska are paid by the government?

W: That's right. Since the discovery of oil there in the 1970's, there has been enormous amounts of money spent by corporations in order to take out the oil and the state charges the companies such large taxes that the state government typically has budget surpluses.

M: But other states have industries too. They don't pay the people tax money.

W: Yes, but in proportion to the amount of people living in the state, Alaska receives an extremely high amount of taxes from its industries. In order to correct the budget surplus,it was decided that the people who lived there would get the money back.

M: Wow, maybe I should move to Alaska.

W: Not so fast, the money only goes to people who have lived there for at least ten years. By the time you live there that long, there might not be any money left.


A.The history of taxes.

B.The state of Texas.

C.The importance of oil.

D.The taxes of Alaska.



Prospecting the Local Oil Market As a part of its WTO commitments, China opened its retail

Prospecting the Local Oil Market

As a part of its WTO commitments, China opened its retail oil market at the end of last year. By December 2006, China will open up its wholesale market, allowing foreign enterprises to sell oil in large quantities and compete head on with China's state-owned oil companies. Foreign oil businesses will be able to build up oil depots, set up wharfs (码头) for shipping and create bigger sales networks. In order to capture as much market share in China as possible, many foreign oil giants have already allocated (拨款) capital to expand their presence in China and devised strategic plans to increase their competitive edge.

Fierce competition is unavoidable as the Chinese oil market opens further. China is now the world's third largest consumer of oil. Currently, the two state-owned enterprises, China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. (Sinopec) and China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), dominate the Chinese wholesale market, and foreign companies must get their approval before they can enter local retail and wholesale markets. In addition, the oil import business is monopolized by the following five Chinese enterprises: Sinopec, CNPC, Sinochem Corp., China National Offshore Oil Corp. and Zhuhai Zhen Rong Co. Nevertheless, experts say that as long as WTO commitments are honored, the monopoly in China's oil sector will be broken. Though the market share of foreign companies will likely increase to some extent, experts say that it shouldn't challenge the dominance of Sinopec and CNPC.

Breaking the Monopoly

"After 2006, the monopoly will end. The market will be carved up by three kinds of companies: state-owned wholesale enterprises, foreign enterprises and domestic private enterprises," noted an expert.

Coincidentally, China tried to adopt a relatively free market before 1999. Privateand state-owned enterprises were developing together in the oil retail and wholesale markets. However, by 1998, the oil market became uncontrolled. It fell into disorder with the positioning of too many gas stations and rampant international oil smuggling. With ineffective government management and control, the private enterprises expanded viciously, costing Sinopec and CNPC millions of U.S. dollars income losses.

In May 1999, the State Council decided to rectify (改正) the disorder in the domestic oil market by retaining no wholesalers other than Sinopec and CNPC. Therefore, the wholesale market changed from a free market into one monopolized and controlled by Sinopec and CNPC.

After China's entry into the WTO, the wholesale market was loosened to some extent. In October 2003, Hubei Tianfa Co. Ltd. was granted a license to enter the wholesale market by the Ministry of Commerce, allowed to deal in the gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil wholesale business. While it marked the entry of a third company in the wholesale market, the license was the first ever granted to a Chinese private enterprise since the market was restructured in 1999. Since then, Chinese private capital has gradually begun to enter the wholesale oil market.

Foreign Competition Ready

The wholesale oil market is going to be opened up in 2006 and the cooperation between foreign oil companies and their Chinese counterparts is beginning to change. The focus of foreign companies is changing from cooperation with Chinese companies to exploration and development. They are now building their own petroleum processing and storage stations and increasing their stake in the sales center.

According to the current local policy, the storage capacity of a wholesaler's oil storage depots must be larger than 4000 cubic meters. Last year, BP Global (British Petroleum) built up the Nansha oil depot as a joint venture with Guangzhou Development Industry Co. Ltd. The Nansha oil depot, currently the largest and most advanced oil depot in Chi






根据材料回答下列各题: 第一篇 Genetic Engineering Genetic ehgineering began when the DNA m
olecule(分子),the most basic unit of life,was first described in l953 by James Watson and Francis Crick.An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction.Experiments with altering human cells began in l970.In one of the first experiments,patients were injected with a virus that would produce a life—saving enzyme,but their bodies would not accept it.In l980 patients with a rare but fatal blood disease were injected with a purifled gene that was cloned through DNA technology.Another failure. Genetic engineering got a legal boost(激励)in l980.The U.S.Supreme Court said that a patent could be granted on a genetically engineered“oil—eating”bacterium(细菌).This bacterium would help clean up oil spills.The ruling encouraged companies to invent new life forms,and three important medical products were quickly developed. Human interferon(干扰素)一a possible solution to some cancers and viral disease.A newly engineered bacterium produced human interferon as a by—product.This new product reduced the cost of interferon. Human growth hormone—for children whose bodies do not grow to normal height.An expensive growth hormone(荷尔蒙)was previously produced from human cadavers,but by changing the genetic make—up of the single—cell bacterium E.coli,and affordable growth hormone could be produced. Human insulin(胰岛素)一for the treatment of diabetes.People with diabetes used to rely on a beef-or pork—based product until l982.Now insulin can be manufactured by genetically altered bacteria. Advances in genetic engineering have continued,though they constantly must be weighted against the safety of procedures.There is clearly much more to discover. This passage is mainly about________.

A.the effects of altering cells

B.the human growth hormone

C.insulin resistance

D.U.S.Supreme Court rulings



根据材料回答{TSE}题: 第一篇 Genetic Engineering Genetic ehgineering began when the DNA mo
lecule(分子),the most basic unit of life,was first described in l953 by James Watson and Francis Crick.An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction.Experiments with altering human cells began in l970.In one of the first experiments,patients were injected with a virus that would produce a life—saving enzyme,but their bodies would not accept it.In l980 patients with a rare but fatal blood disease were injected with a purifled gene that was cloned through DNA technology.Another failure. Genetic engineering got a legal boost(激励)in l980.The U.S.Supreme Court said that a patent could be granted on a genetically engineered“oil—eating”bacterium(细菌).This bacterium would help clean up oil spills.The ruling encouraged companies to invent new life forms,and three important medical products were quickly developed. Human interferon(干扰素)一a possible solution to some cancers and viral disease.A newly engineered bacterium produced human interferon as a by—product.This new product reduced the cost of interferon. Human growth hormone—for children whose bodies do not grow to normal height.An expensive growth hormone(荷尔蒙)was previously produced from human cadavers,but by changing the genetic make—up of the single—cell bacterium E.coli,and affordable growth hormone could be produced. Human insulin(胰岛素)一for the treatment of diabetes.People with diabetes used to rely on a beef-or pork—based product until l982.Now insulin can be manufactured by genetically altered bacteria. Advances in genetic engineering have continued,though they constantly must be weighted against the safety of procedures.There is clearly much more to discover. {TS}This passage is mainly about________.

A. the effects of altering cells

B. the human growth hormone

C. insulin resistance

D. U.S.Supreme Court rulings



In a remarkable moment during the State of the Union address, President George W. Bush cau
ght the attention of the nation with five words: "America is addicted to oil." Soon after the speech, I talked to the President about energy, and he admitted that he had not anticipated the impact of that statement or that some commentators would find it incongruous.

I believe he is sincere in wanting to focus efforts more on pursuing alternative energy sources. But his Texas roots, his high-profile advocacy of opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, and other associations with the oil industry have created long-standing public impressions that the President is an oilman who believes in the oil economy.

Bush's predicament mirrors the nation's own love-hate relationship with 0il. For decades the energy debate in the U. S. has pitted so-called pro-oil realists against idealistic advocates of alternative energy. The pro-oil commentators have attempted to discredit alternatives by saying they make up a tiny share of energy consumed and that dependence on oil is a choice of the marketplace. They assert that our government can and should do little to change this. Former Exxon CEO Lee Raymond echoed such reasoning in 2005, when he noted that in 25 years, even with double-digit growth rates, alternatives like wind and solar power will still provide less than 1% of the energy needed to meet worldwide demand. "I am more interested in staying focused on the 99% ," he said.

Yes, advocates of alternative energy must resist the temptation to suggest that energy problems are easily solved. They are not. Relieving our dependence on oil is going to take huge investments of time, money, and political will. But the difficulty of solving the problem doesn't make doing so any less necessary. With less than 5% of the world's population, the U. S. consumes 25% of its oil and will spend about $320 billion on oil imports this year. Most of the world's oil is concentrated in places either hostile to U. S. interests or vulnerable to political upheaval or terrorism.

Given that sobering outlook, I believe the balance of realism has passed from those who argue on behalf of oil and a laissez-faire energy policy relying on market evolution to those who recognize that life in America will be far more difficult in coming decades unless there is a major reorientation in the way we get our energy. No one who cares about U. S. foreign policy and long-term economic growth can ignore what is happening in Iran, Russia, or Venezuela. And no one who is honestly assessing the decline of American leverage around the world due to our energy dependence can fail to see that oil is the albatross of U. S. national security.

We need an urgent campaign, led by a succession of committed Presidents and Congresses, to promote alternative sources. We could take our time if this were simply a matter of managing an industrial conversion to more cost-effective technologies. Unfortunately, U. S. dependence on ever scarcer fossil fuels has already created conditions that threaten our security and prosperity and undermine international stability.

Most of the world's oil and gas is not controlled by those who respect market forces. Foreign governments control up to 77% of world oil reserves via national oil companies, which set prices through production decisions—and can easily shut off the taps for political reasons.

I am not suggesting that markets won't someday come into play to stanch America's oil dependence. Eventually, because of scarcity, terrorist attacks, market shocks, and foreign manipulation, the high price of oil will lead to enormous investment in, and political support for, alternatives. The problem is that such investment won't happen overnight. Even if it did, building supporting infrastructure and changing behavior. could take decades. In other words, by the time a sustained energy crisis ful

A.refute the criticism by some commentators

B.highlight his Texas roots, advocacy of Arctic drilling, and other associations with the oil industry

C.call for more efforts on pursuing alternative energy sources

D.change the long-standing public impression that he is an oilman who believes in the oil economy



Oil and Islam continue to define Saudi Arabia's room for maneuver. With global demand unli
kely to wane in the foreseeable future and reserves elsewhere diminishing, oil will continue to keep the kingdom rich for decades to come. At the same time, the Saudis' attachment to their faith is not diminishing; it may even be growing stronger. But the faith itself is changing in subtle ways.

Having gone through waves of progress and retrenchment during its 73 years as a unified kingdom, Saudi Arabia is now well into another period of rapid change. This time, however, the well-oiled complacency of the previous big boom, in the 1970s, is largely gone. Four years ago, a survey in this newspaper argued that it might require internal shocks to jolt the Saudis into taking reform. seriously. Those shocks have now arrived.

Since May 2003, when suicide bombers attacked a housing compound in Riyadh, terrorist violence has touched every corner of the kingdom, claiming some 200 lives. Saudi nationals, the most famous being Osama bin Laden, continue to be implicated in terrorist attacks abroad, most notably in Iraq. Yet far from rallying Saudis, terrorism has made them identify more closely with the state. More importantly, the violence has brought intense introspection and debate.

Long accustomed to blaming outside influences for all ills, Saudis now accept that the fixing needs to start at home. Aside from extremism, the problems of unemployment, poverty and the abuse of human rights have moved to the top of the national agenda. Even the most absolute of previous taboos, political reform, is being widely debated. In dozens of interviews with Saudis of all stripes, one phrase kept coming up: the question is no longer whether to reform/restructure/change, but how fast to do it.

The government's answer, to date, has been slow, and not very sure. But this survey will argue that far from being a dinosaur nation, lumbering to extinction, Saudi Arabia is capable of rapid evolution. On some important issues, such as the rules governing business, it is already far down the right track. On others, such as the ways it educates its youth and excludes women, the kingdom is only just beginning to shift course.

Most Saudis reckon it is premature to speak of democracy in their country; but there are myriad ways to emancipate citizens, from upholding the rule of law to making budgets more transparent and loosening the grip of security agencies over universities and the press. Instead of their old tactics of prevarication, slow consensus-building and co-optation, the A1Sauds should try a new one: putting trust in their people.

What can we learn about Saudi Arabia from Paragraph 1 ?

A.Saudi Arabia will be as rich as before and their people will believe in their faith firmly.

B.Saudi Arabian will not believe in their faith as firmly as before.

C.The oil produced in Saudi Arabia will diminish.

D.Saudi Arabia will no longer be a kingdom, and their people pursue democracy.



An international team of research scientists has created a new kind of rice that contains
Vitamin A. The researchers used genetic engineering to create the new rice. Genetic engineering is the technology of changing the genes of living things. The researchers say the rice could help millions of people who do not get enough Vitamin A in the food they eat. The findings were published in Science magazine.

Vitamin A is necessary for the body's natural defense system against disease. Vitamin A is needed to help prevent skin and other tissues from drying out. It also produces a light-sensitive substance in the eyes.

People who do not get enough Vitamin A cannot see well in the dark. They may develop a condition that dries the eyes. The condition can result in infections that lead to blindness.

A lack of Vitamin A is a major cause of blindness among children. Health experts estimate that 124 million children around the world do not eat enough foods with Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil and in the yellow part of eggs. Vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes contain beta carotene, a substance that the body changes into Vitamin A.

Public health campaigns to provide Vitamin A to those who need it have proved costly. And they are not always effective. That has led researchers to try to create foods with the vitamin.

Rice is one of the most common crops grown worldwide. However, normal rice lacks Vitamin A. Researchers at a laboratory in Switzerland found a way to change the genetic material of rice. They added three genes to the rice. The genes produce beta carotene, the chemical that our bodies change into Vitamin A.

The new rice has a golden yellow color. The researchers say 200 grams of the rice have enough beta carotene to provide the necessary amount of Vitamin A.

Biologist Mary Lou Guerinot of Dartmouth College wrote a commentary published with the report in science magazine. She said the rice is an excellent example of the good things that can be done with genetic engineering. However, critics of genetic engineering argue that changing plant genes could increase risks to human health or the environment.

With Vitamin A people won't get any diseases.



C.Not mentioned



根据下列材料,请回答下列各题: Questions 36 to 45 are based Oil the following passage. The
concept of man versus machine is at least as old as the industrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends to be most acutely felt during economic downturns and slow recoveries. Since technology has such a big 36 for eating up human jobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we cant immediately foresee. When there is exponential (指数的. 37 in the price and performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be 38 from automation suddenly become threatened. This is a powerful argument, and a scary one. And yet, John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says the argument misses the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first palce. Hagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S. that tend to be tightly scripted and highly 39 ones that leave no room for individual initiative or creativity. In short, these are the types of jobs that machines can 40 much better than human beings. That is how we have put a giant 41 sign on the backs of American workers. Its time to 42 the formula for how work is conducted, since we are still relying on a very 20thcentury 43 of work, Hagel says. In our 44 changing economy, we more than ever need people in the workplace who can take initiative and exercise their imagination to respond to 45 events. Thats not something machines are good at. They are designed to perform. very predictable activities.















unexpected 请回答(36)题__________.



Why You Can't Ignore the Changing Climate — by Eugene LindenPARADE Magazine (June 25, 2006

Why You Can't Ignore the Changing Climate

— by Eugene Linden

PARADE Magazine (June 25, 2006)

As we learned last year in New Orleans, weather can be a weapon of mass destruction. With the 2006 hurricane season now upon us, scientists say the climate is changing in ways that could produce many more superhurricanes, as well as extreme floods, droughts and heat waves that could threaten our way of life.

Still, it's easy to ignore the signs of global warming because we've always had crazy weather. Unfortunately, many of the predicted changes have begun, and they already affect our health and pocketbooks. Here's what we know:

Look Outside: The Weather Already Is Changing

Every year since 1997 has been in the Top 10 list of hottest years, and 2005 set a record. The Earth has warmed about 1.4°F since the late 19th century, and the warming has accelerated during the past four decades.

That increase sounds small, but it has been sufficient to make weather records fall by the thousands. Studies by Kerry Emmanuel at MIT and others have documented that hurricanes are getting more intense. Extreme storms like the one that flooded New England with more than 10 inches of rain in May are becoming more frequent too. Birds are migrating earlier. Trees are blooming, and flowers and crops are popping up unseasonably early across the country.

The warming has produced clear winners: pests. Mosquitoes love the warmer weather and are celebrating by bringing infectious diseases to new places. A recent Duke University study found that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to out-of-control growth of poison ivy (常春藤), as well as increased levels of allergy-producing pollen (引起过敏的花粉). Beetle populations have exploded in evergreen trees. Why should we care about beetles? It was beetles that killed the trees in Southern California, which provided the dry fuel for the wildfires that destroyed hundreds of homes in 2003.

Higher temperatures also are causing glaciers (冰川) to melt fast. Mount Kilimanjaro (乞力马扎罗山— 非洲的最高山峰), for instance, has been topped with ice for at least 11,700 years. Within the next 15 years, however, its summit might be ice-free, according to Lonnie Thompson, a glaciologist at Ohio State University. The fastest warming is taking place in the far north, where glaciers are receding. You may think this isn't relevant to those of us farther south, but snow and ice play a big role in balancing Earth's climate by reflecting sunlight back into space. Melting snow and ice could push climates everywhere past a tipping point: As the Earth warms, melting snow and ice expose dark surfaces such as land and oceans, and the switch from heatreflecting to heat-absorbing surfaces could turbo-charge further warming.

We're Making It Worse

"I'm changing the climate! Ask me how" reads a bumper sticker that activists have been plastering on SUVs. Their point is that gas-guzzlers (耗油量大的车) contribute to climate change. In a more sober way, the great majority of scientists are saying the same thing: Burning gas or oil in engines and furnaces has pushed carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere far above where they've been for hundreds of thousands of years, and the debate has ended over whether these emissions are making the planet hotter. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of more than 1,500 scientists from 60 countries, asserts that some portion of the recent warming is the result of human activities.

Last year, the world's leading scientific j




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