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Headaches have become increasingly difficult to treat.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

Headaches have become increasingly difficult to treat.



C.Not mentioned

更多“Headaches have become increasingly difficult to treat.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned”相关的问题


The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries______.A.heavy industry becom

The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries______.

A.heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive

B.income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices

C.manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed

D.oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP



What's the major reason for the overparenting according to the writer?A.Children are becom

What's the major reason for the overparenting according to the writer?

A.Children are becoming exceptionally fragile now.

B.Many parents wait longer to have children and there are fewer children.

C.Many mothers are better educated.

D.B and C



A.People everywhere have bad headaches during time of forceful winds.B.The weather con

A.People everywhere have bad headaches during time of forceful winds.

B.The weather conditions of the atmosphere greatly influence people's health, thinking, and feelings.

C.Italians have more asthma attacks during times of strong winds.

D.In some very hot and humid regions, there are more heart attacks in summer.



Headaches have become increasingly difficult to treat.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

Headaches have become increasingly difficult to treat.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Not mentioned



听力原文:A late winter storm is causing headaches for residents and travelers up and down
the East Coast. Forecasters say the storm could dump a lot of snow in the Northeast and a lot of rain in the Mid- Atlantic.The weather has already forced JetBlue to cancel all of its flights at the New York metropolitan area.Other airlines have also canceled flights including Delta and Northwest.

A later winter storm is occurring in the Northwest in Mid-Atlantic.





Because headaches are a part of almost all of our lives, people with chronic headaches som
etimes don't realize that they may need to see a doctor. They tend to believe, incorrectly, that their headaches are like everyone else's and they will only be "bothering(打扰,麻烦)" the doctor.

"When should somebody seek medical help for headaches? neurologist Seymour Diamond asks rhetorically (提出问题进行探讨). Generally, whenever headaches are associated with neurological signs, such as dizziness(头昏,头晕), weakness in a limb or limbs, vision impairment of any sort—including seeing flashing lights—they warrant(应受) immediate attention. Additionally, Diamond says that you should seek medical attention:

If you suffer from almost daily headaches;

If the headache is a type you've never had before, or there has been a change in the character(特征) of the headache;

If you' re losing time from work or activities, or otherwise being prevented from functioning.

Even if your headaches are less dramatic than those described here, if they are a re- al problem to you, you should seek help. It may be that your doctor will be unable to find a physical cause for your discomfort, but that may point you in other directions to find relief. Some headaches, particularly those caused by tension, have a major psycho- logical component that might be relieved through counseling (走向,指导).

People with chronic headaches never realize that they need to see a doctor.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Not mentioned



Cell Phones 1.Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a centu

Cell Phones

1.Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone system was developed by the Japanese in 1979,but cell phones have changed a lot since that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into small and light palm sized models.There have been huge developments in their functions,too:we have had call forwarding,text messaging,answering services and hands-free use for years,but now there are countless new facilities,such as instant access to the Internet and receiving and sending photos.

2.Cell phones have become very common in our lives:recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people on the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn&39;t live without one. Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,used for essential arrangements,social contact and business.They have made it easier to call for help on the highway.They have made it possible to keep in touch with people“on the move”-when people are traveling.

3.Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family arguments!We can use cell phones to let our family know we&39;ll be late or if there&39;s a sudden change of plan or an emergency.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are out late:they can now contact their children at any time.

4.This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them a number of new headaches for their owners:it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that is becoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills?More serious,however,is the potential health problem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones may cause brain tumor(肿瘤). This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who have grown up with cell phones that they simply can&39;t live without!

Paragraph 1______

A.Cell phones and the family B.Commercial cell phone systems C.Cell phones in everyday life D.Cell phones for teenagers E.History of cell phones F.Problems with cell phones

Paragraph 2______

A.Cell phones and the family B.Commercial cell phone systems C.Cell phones in everyday life D.Cell phones for teenagers E.History of cell phones F.Problems with cell phones

Paragraph 3______

A.Cell phones and the family B.Commercial cell phone systems C.Cell phones in everyday life D.Cell phones for teenagers E.History of cell phones F.Problems with cell phones

Paragraph 4______

A.Cell phones and the family B.Commercial cell phone systems C.Cell phones in everyday life D.Cell phones for teenagers E.History of cell phones F.Problems with cell phones

Nowadays cell phones are equipped with______.

A.a necessity B.an emergency C.a number of new headaches D.family arguments E.big and light palm-sized models F.countless new facilities

Cell phones are common in our lives and have become______.

A.a necessity B.an emergency C.a number of new headaches D.family arguments E.big and light palm-sized models F.countless new facilities

We can use cell phones to communicate with othors when we encounter______.

A.a necessity B.an emergency C.a number of new headaches D.family arguments E.big and light palm-sized models F.countless new facilities

In spite of many benefits,cell phones have brought for their owners______.

A.a necessity B.an emergency C.a number of new headaches D.family arguments E.big and light palm-sized models F.countless new facilities




听力原文:I had been in that bad condition for near two weeks. I thought that headache of m
ine would have never gone away. But then this famous doctor just cured me.


A.I can't think when my head aches.

B.I didn't get my headaches when I went away.

C.My headache doesn't seem to be getting any better.

D.It took a while, but my head finally stopped hurting.



Headaches ExplainedA headache is a symptom, not a disease. A headache is rarely the sympto

Headaches Explained

A headache is a symptom, not a disease. A headache is rarely the symptom of a serious illness, but severe or frequent headaches can be exhausting and can affect daily life. There are three basic types of headaches: vascular headache, muscle contraction headache, and inflammatory headache.

Vascular headaches

The vascular headache occurs when blood vessels in the head enlarge and press on nerves, causing pain. The most common vascular headache is the migraine(偏头痛). One theory about migraine headaches is that they occur when the blood vessels in the head expand and press on the nerves, causing pain. Another theory is that they result from the blood vessels constricting and thus blocking blood flow to parts of the brain; this may cause the visual suffering that often accompany or precede a migraine headache. The blood vessels then become full of blood and press on surrounding nerves, causing pain.

Women are more easy to suffer migraines than are men, and a certain personality type compulsive, perfectionist, and very success oriented seems to be more likely to be affected with migraine headaches.


A number of physical and emotional factors may contribute to migraine headaches. Migraines may be triggered by a sharp reduction in caffeine intake or by allergies to certain foods. Emotional stress can also cause migraine headaches, as can drinking alcohol, smoking, or an interruption in routine eating and sleeping habits (all of which may be responsible for "weekend" headaches suffered by some patients). Cyclical, seasonal, or emotional factors may also be associated with the tendency to develop migraine headaches. A tendency to develop this type of headache may be inherited.


The predominant symptom of a migraine headache is a sharp pain on one or both sides of the head. Paleness, sweating, and sensitivity to light may accompany the pain. A warning sensation may indicate an approaching migraine headache. Before the pain begins, some individuals may see flashing lights or "shooting stars", hear noises, or have an uncomfortable feeling in the arms or legs.


Vascular headaches are diagnosed by a careful review of the circumstances surrounding the headaches as well as by a physical examination to rule out any other disorder that might be causing the symptoms. Elimination tests may be done to identify the exact cause of migraines suffered by people who seem to react to certain foods or changes in eating and sleeping habits. In an elimination test, all the substances that are suspected of causing the trouble are eliminated and then reintroduced one at a time to identify the specific cause of the migraine headaches.


Treatment of a migraine already in progress usually consists of a drug therapy program chosen from a variety of painkillers, tranquilizers, and special prescribed medications.


Prevention of migraines is possible with several types of medication. Antidepressant drugs and beta-blockers have been shown to prevent migraines in some patients. These drugs work in the body to block what are called the beta effects, one of which is expansion of the blood vessels. While it is not yet known exactly how these drugs provide relief research suggests that they act by preventing the initial constriction of blood vessels that causes migraine.

Muscle Contraction Headaches

A muscle contraction headache occurs when muscles of the face, neck, or scalp remain tightened for long periods of time. These muscles are then said to be in spasm(痉挛). A tension headache is an example of a muscle contraction headache.


A muscle contraction headache usually occurs after a specific event that has caused the muscles to tense. The tension is then translated into physical discomfort in the form. of a clenched jaw, aching neck,






听力原文:W: Well, your test results are back, Jim. Your blood tests are line. Everything s
eems OK.

M: Huh. I still don' t have any energy, and I get headaches all the time.

W: Mm. I see your weight is 180 pounds. You' vc gained five pounds since your last visit. That is a little too much for your height.

M: That' s funny. I' ve been eating the same as always.

W: I think maybe we should talk about diet.

M: Oh, well, I mean.., now I eat the things students usually eat at school.

W: The usual things?

M: Yeah, you know. In the morning, I grab a few doughnuts and a coffee on the way to school.

W: Uh - huh. And for lunch?

M: Uh, a couple of hot dogs, fries, and a Coke... maybe an ice cream on the way back.

W: And dinner?

M: Pizza, and a Coke.

W: What about exercise?

M: Exercise? I' m just not into exercise. I just like to watch sports on TV. Anyway I wouldn' t have time for exercise... too much home work, you know.

W: You should change your eating habits before you have a serious weight problem. I'll give you this pamphlet with diet suggestions to follow, and I also want you to do some walking and some one - hour workouts at the gym. Maybe three times a week.

M: Diet? Exercise? But can' t I just take some pills to give me more energy and get fid of my headaches?


A.Nothing physically wrong.

B.He should do exercises every day.

C.He should change his eating habits.

D.He' s ill and should take some pills.

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