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—De you know who invented______ telephone?—No, but it is really______ telephone?A.the; the

—De you know who invented______ telephone?—No, but it is really______ telephone?

A.the; the

B./; the

C.the; /

D.the; a

更多“—De you know who invented______ telephone?—No, but it is really______ telephone?A.the; the”相关的问题


听力原文:Who explained this incident to you?(A)I don't really remember.(B)Mr. Novak is inv

听力原文:Who explained this incident to you?

(A) I don't really remember.

(B) Mr. Novak is involved.

(C) There was a big accident on my way here.







•Read the following article about recruitment in the UK and the questions on the opp
osite page.

•For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

graduate recruitment has a growing role. But companies need to know whether their recruitment staff who interview candidates for jobs really know what they're doing.

Carl Gilleard, chief executive of the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), acknowledges that in a perfect world, the people who recruit graduates would have been in the role for some time building up workplace knowledge. He says the reality is that the high turnover of graduate recruitment managers in most blue chips means there is little continuity in how companies operate. 'There's the difficulty in maintaining important contact with university careers departments, for example,' he explains. 'You need a depth of understanding to appreciate where the company is coming from and how it's progressing.'

We can identify two specialisms within the recruiter's role. Those that work on the recruitment and selection side need traditional human resources (HR) skills such as good interviewing technique, observation, common sense, objectivity, patience and listening skills. But increasingly there are those who take a strategic view and look more widely at how their company is represented in the marketplace. It's a clear advantage if you can identify with your target audience.

Many young members of middle management are seconded into HR for a year because their firms feel they can identify with job-seeking graduates. Yet in an industry that has been revolutionised by the internet, privatised career services and rocketing numbers in higher education, it is questionable how relevant these managers' experiences are. Some high-fliers see a secondment to HR as a sideways move; a firm's HR function might not carry the same kudos as, say, the finance department, although obviously the recruitment and retention of staff is of crucial importance.

Georgia de Saram, specialising in graduate recruitment at a law firm, is one of a new breed of young dynamic recruiters who see HR as their vocation rather than a transitory career move. 'I was attracted to the profession because I enjoy working with people and it's an obvious follow-on from my anthropology degree,' she says. 'In this capacity, you get to know people and they know you even though they might not know other people in the firm.' As a recruiter, she sees herself as the interface between graduates and the firm that's looking to attract them? It's such a tug of war between law firms for the best trainees - often they'll turn you down in favour of an offer they've received from elsewhere. You need to be good at marketing your firm, to know what interests graduates and how you can reach potential employees, whether that's through virtual law fairs or magazines.'

A recent AGR survey suggests that the sectors in which there is less turnover of graduate recruitment managers are more successful in recruiting the graduates they want. The legal sector's sophisticated understanding of the market, for example, means they manage to recruit exactly the right number of trainees despite intense competition and thousands of applications. The people recruiting seem to build up a specialism and then pass on their knowledge and expertise to those new to the graduate recruitment sector.

Jackie Alexander, an HR partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, feels that HR professionals are finally reaching board level and receiving the sort of acknowledgement they deserve. 'They are judged by the value they add to the business,' she says, 'and, as a professional services firm, the right people are our biggest asset.' As Georgia de Saram points out: 'From our company's point of v. iew, if I can't establish a rapport with a candidate

A.detailed knowledge of their sector.

B.appropriate academic qualifications.

C.understanding of graduates' expectations.

D.experience of the companies they work for.



NBIC is proud to present:Stanley Ling Expert Asia AnalystFriday, January 20 * Saturday, J

NBIC is proud to present:

Stanley Ling

Expert Asia Analyst

Friday, January 20 * Saturday, January 21

7-9 p.m.

Hotel de Los Reyes

Business Conference Room

The New Business Investor's Club welcomes analyst Stanley Ling, an expert in the Asian stock markets. Not only will he discuss the major markets of Japan and Hong Kong, he will focus on China, India, South Korea and Singapore.

Mr. Ling will also discuss currency exchange, important laws you should know about investing, standard business customs in major markets, and current affairs that have a major impact on the markets. Because this topic is so broad and important, Mr. Ling has agreed to speak on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Please reserve your ticket as soon as possible.

Who is Stanley Ling?

A.A lawyer

B.An analyst

C.A professor

D.An investor



Scientists are learning more about our【C1】______ for sleep. Most people sleep【C2】______ ei
ght hours each night.【C3】______ people sleep more than【C4】______ and others sleep as【C5】______ as two or three hours each night.【C6】______ do not know exactly【C7】______ some people sleep more than others. Dr. Ernest Hartman has an idea about this. He believes the【C8】______ of sleep depends on how a person attacks problems. He said people who need only a few【C9】______ sleep usually are people who have much energy and make good use【C10】______ time to get their work【C11】______ quickly.【C12】______ he said many people who sleep longer than normal de creative work and seem to need【C13】______ dreaming time to find【C14】______ to emotional problems. Some scientists agree with this idea and others dispute.

To determine the【C15】______ of the lack of sleep, scientists have put subjects【C16】______ a set of psychological and performance tests【C17】______ them, for instance,【C18】______ columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier, "We've found that if you're in sleep deficit (缺乏), performance suffers," says Dr. David. "Short-term memory is【C19】______ , as are abilities to【C20】______ decisions and to concentrate."








What do you know about De Coubertin?A.He was the first man to start the Olympic Games.B.He

What do you know about De Coubertin?

A.He was the first man to start the Olympic Games.

B.He helped start the modern Olympic Games.

C.He believed that sports were less important than studies.

D.He failed to begin the modern Olympic Games.



M: Hello, dental surgery. W: Hello. ______ ? This is a bit of an emergency.A.Is there a de

M: Hello, dental surgery. W: Hello. ______ ? This is a bit of an emergency.

A.Is there a dentist there

B.Can you cure my toothache

C.Do you know I need a dentist

D.Is there any chance of an appointment today



听力原文:M: Here's your tick& for tonight?W: Thank you so much. By the way, de you kno

听力原文:M: Here's your tick& for tonight?

W: Thank you so much. By the way, de you know anything about the singer?

What are they likely to see?

A.A concert.

B.A movie.

C.A play.



—Hello, Yang Lin speaking.


A.Do you know who I am?

A.This is Carol here

B.I am Carol



– Do you know who he is?–He ______ familiar,but I’m not sure who he is.


B. feels

C. smells

D. looks



Do you know ______ they nominated?





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