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How do robots learn human values?A.By interacting with humans in everyday life situations。

How do robots learn human values?

A.By interacting with humans in everyday life situations。

B.By following the daily routines of civilized human beings。

C.By picking up patterns from massive data on human behavior。

D.By imitating the behavior of property brought-up human beings。

更多“How do robots learn human values?A.By interacting with humans in everyday life situations。”相关的问题


What do we learn about the"brain"of robots?A.It can store many instructions.B.It can perfo

What do we learn about the"brain"of robots?

A.It can store many instructions.

B.It can perform. few tasks.

C.It is a symbol of modernization.

D.It is as clever as human brain.



Where did he learn how to design buildings?A.By taking a special course at a college.B.By

Where did he learn how to design buildings?

A.By taking a special course at a college.

B.By working in an architect's office.

C.His father taught him how to do so.

D.His brother taught him how to do so.



Winged robot learns to fly Learning how to fly took nature millions of years of trial

Winged robot learns to fly

Learning how to fly took nature millions of years of trial and error-but a winged robot has cracked it in only a flew hours,using the same evolutionary principles.

Krister Wolff and Peter N0rdin of Chalmers University of Technology(CUT) in G0thenburg,Sweden,built a winged robot and set about testing whether it could by itself, without any programmed(预先设定好的)data 0n what napping is or how to d0 it.

To begin with,the robot just twitched and jerked(猛抽)erratically(不稳定地).But gradually,it made movements that gain height. After it cheated—simply standing on its wing tips was one early short cut. After three hours,however,the robot abandoned such methods in favor 0f a more effective flapping technique,where it rotated its wings through 90 degrees and raised them before twisting them back to the horizontal and pushing down.

“This tells us that this kind of evolution is capable of coming up with flying motion,”says Peter

Bentley,who works on evolutionary computing at University College London. But while the robot had worked out how best to produce lift,it was not about to take off. “There’s 0nlv s0 mach that evolution can do, " Bentley says. “This thing is never going to by because the motors will never have the strength t0 do it,”he says. The robots had metre-long wings made from balsa wood and covered with a light plastic film.

Small motors on the robot let it move its wings forwards 0r backwards,up or down 0r twist them in either direction.

The team attached the robot to two vertical rods,so it could slide up and down. At the start of a test,the robot was suspended by an elastic band. A movement detector measured how much lift.if any,the robot produced for any given movement.

A computer program fled the robot random instructions, at the race of 20 per second. to test its flapping abilities. Each instruction told the robot either to do nothing or to move the wings slightly in the various directions.

Feedback from the movement detector let the program work out which sets of instructions were best at producing lift. The most successful ones were paired up and “offspring" sets 0f instructions were generated by swapping(交换)instructions randomly between successful pairs.These next-generation instructions were then sent to the robot and evaluated before breeding a new generation, and the process was repeated.

第 26 题 Which of the following is NOT true of what is mentioned about the winged robot in the second paragraph?

A.The two professors of CUT built the winged robot

B.The two professors of CUT tested whether the winged robot could learn to fly

C.The two professors of CUT programmed the data on how the robot flapped(拍打)its wings

D.The two professors of CUT tried to find out if the robot could fly by itself



听力原文:How do you learn your English?(2)A.Not bad.B.In the evening.C.At college.D.By pra

听力原文:How do you learn your English?


A.Not bad.

B.In the evening.

C.At college.

D.By practising.



What does the man first suggest the woman to do?A.To learn how to play guitar.B.To choose

What does the man first suggest the woman to do?

A.To learn how to play guitar.

B.To choose something easier.

C.To play the piano.



What do we learn from the last paragraph?A.Scientistsareplanningtoinstallpipesinall

What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Scientists are planning to install pipes in all crater lakes.

B.Scientists still do not know how to prevent gas explosions

C.Explosion disasters could be avoided in the future

D.Warning systems have been set up in the villages nearby



Why do the speakers read children stories?A.These stories are interesting.B.They can learn

Why do the speakers read children stories?

A.These stories are interesting.

B.They can learn how to write such stories.

C.These stories are written by a famous doctor.

D.The stories are on their reading list.



What do we learn from the last paragraph? A.Scientists are planning to install

What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Scientists are planning to install pipes in all crater lakes.

B.Scientists still do not know how to prevent gas explosions.

C.Explosion disasters could be avoided in the future.

D.Warning systems have been set up in the villages nearby.



Why do some people need to learn a skill in school?A.They need to make money to support th

Why do some people need to learn a skill in school?

A.They need to make money to support themselves and their family.

B.They need to learn a skill in order to become great scientists.

C.They need to understand how important education is.



A.If people had more time to learn how to do it.B.If its cost went down.C.If it could

A.If people had more time to learn how to do it.

B.If its cost went down.

C.If it could make buildings more attractive.

D.If people realized its many advantages.

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