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WILY : SLY ::A.boring : differentB.acute : slowC.profuse : abundantD.virtual : constantE.a


A.boring : different

B.acute : slow

C.profuse : abundant

D.virtual : constant

E.ambiguous : correct

更多“WILY : SLY ::A.boring : differentB.acute : slowC.profuse : abundantD.virtual : constantE.a”相关的问题


Don't trust him, he is a sly old fox.(英译中)



—Wily don't you take a shower?—Didn't I just haveA.itB.thatC.oneD.this

—Wily don't you take a shower?—Didn't I just have







Wily does Brendan think he might retire early?A.He thinks computer games might not always

Wily does Brendan think he might retire early?

A.He thinks computer games might not always sell so well.

B.He wants to stop working when he is a millionaire (百万富翁).

C.One has to be young to write computer programs.

D.He thinks his company might close down.



Wily does the woman know so much about Albuquerque?A.Her sister lives there.B.She attended

Wily does the woman know so much about Albuquerque?

A.Her sister lives there.

B.She attended college there.

C.She lives thirty minutes from there.

D.She visited there last year.



The ______ which in later life he developed towards Charleston suggests that his ______ ch
ildhood had left unsatisfied his need for a permanent home.

A.discomfort... humdrum

B.attachment... peripatetic

C.resignation... pedestrian

D.indifference ... wily

E.passion... distraught



The doctors came to visit Jerey Page, expecting______.A.to cure him of his sleeplessnessB.

The doctors came to visit Jerey Page, expecting______.

A.to cure him of his sleeplessness

B.to find that his sleeplessness was not really true

C.to find out wily some old people didn't need any sleep

D.to find a way to free people from the need of sleep



John Smith: This guy’s a wily one. Jane Smith: I told you to wait for my signal. You d
idn’t wait for my signal. John Smith: I improvised. Jane Smith: You (1) from the plan. John Smith: The plan was flawed. JaneSmith: The plan was not flawed. John Smith: Anal. Jane Smith: Organized John Smith: Jane, 90 percent of thisjob is (2). Jane Smith: Your instincts set off every alarm in the building. John Smith: My instincts got the job done. May not have been the Jane show. Jane Smith: No. It was the John show. It was half-assed. Like Christmas. Like our anniversary. Like the time you forgot to bring my mother's birthday present. John Smith: Your fake mother's birthday. Jane Smith: The point is, you are always the first to break a team. John Smith: You don’t want a team, you-you want a (3) for hire. Jane Smith: I want someone I can (4). John Smith: Jane, there’s no air around youanymore. Jane Smith: OK. What is that supposed to mean? John Smith: It means there’s no room for (5). No mistakes what’s so ever. No spontaneity ([ˌspɒntəˈneɪəti] 自发行为) . I mean who can answer to that. Jane Smith: Well, you don’t have to, do you? ’ Cause this isn’t even a real marriage.



Apple computer introduced its pioneering, user-friendly Mackintosh computer in 1984. The "
Mac" quickly became popular and appeared likely to【C1】______the field. But Apple officials were reluctant to【C2】______the Mac's【C3】______system to other manufacturers and give up control of their project. Meanwhile, Microsoft developed the" Windows" system for rival IBM computers and【C4】______machines. Microsoft licensed its operating systems to whoever could pay the price, and its sales【C5】______. Later September Apple finally licensed the Mac technology. But by then, most computers were【C6】______to Windows and few customers signed【C7】______.

Our lives are a【C8】______of our decisions--whether in business or 15ersonal【C9】______. And in every decision, there comes a crucial point when you must make up your mind. Deciding too quickly can bring【C10】______consequences;【C11】______too long can mean missed opportunities. And everyday life and history are full of【C12】______that can help us realize this critical moment.

In July 1862, in the【C13】______of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln【C14】______his Cabinet members to the White House to【C15】______them of a decision he had made. The president read aloud to them the Emancipation Proclamation,【C16】______for freeing slaves in the Southern states at war with the Union. When he finished, the Cabinet members were silent. It was a【C17】______idea for the time and bound to【C18】______controversy even in the North.

Then Secretary of State, William Seward spoke up. The Confederates had recently routed the Union Army, and Lincoln's proclamation might be interpreted as a【C19】______move. Wily not wait until the picture was brighter? Lincoln welcomed his advice and delayed the proclamation until September, when the battle of Antietam had stopped a confederate advance. The decision was then【C20】______received by supporters of the Union.








A university student in Nairobi, Kenya, was stopped for a traffic violation the other day.
The policeman took out his ticket book and asked," What tribe are you?." In Lusaka, Zambia, a young man applying for a job was told to see the manager. He leaned over the receptionist's desk and asked," What tribe is he? "When the receptionist told him that the manager was a Mashona, the applicant replied," Then I'll never get the job."

This phenomenon is called tribalism. There are more than 2, 000 tribes in black Africa. Each has its own language, customs, names, and physical characteristics that make its members almost immediately recognizable to a person from another tribe. To the Westerner, tribalism is one of the most difficult of African customs to understand. It makes many people think of savagery, warfare, or old fashioned customs.

However, to most Africans ,tribalism simply means very strong loyalty to one's ethnic group. It is a force that can be both good and bad. By definition, tribalism means sharing among members of the extended family. It makes sure that a person is taken care of by his own group. To give a job to

a fellow tribesman is not wrong; it is an obligation. Similarly, for a politician or military leader, it is considered a good common sense to choose his closest advisers from people of his own tribe. This ensures security, continuity, and authority. Tribal loyalty may mean a quick promotion —from sergeant to captain, from clerk to manager—within a very short time.

Modern African politicians publicly speak out against tribal divisions. Yet it remains perhaps the most powerful force in day-to-day African life. As evidence of tribalism, in 1977 in Kenya, President Jomo Kenyatta's Kikuyu tribe controlled business and politics. Eight of the 21 cabinet posts, including the most important four, were filled by Kikuyus. In Uganda in tile same year, the President's small Kakwa tribe filled almost all the highest government and military positions. In Angola, Ethiopia, and Nigeria, the fighting in the past ten years can be partly explained by disagreements among tribes.

One country that has largely avoided tribal problems is Tanzania. Some observers say this is partly because Tanzania has so many tribes(about 120).that none has been able to become a major force.

Wily did the applicant reply" Then I'll never get the job"?

A.Because he was a Mashona.

B.Because he was not a Mashona.

C.Because he could do the job.

D.Because he had no such ability.

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