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Where the Skylab will fall?A) is kept secretB) has been made publicC) has been pred

Where the Skylab will fall?

A) is kept secret

B) has been made public

C) has been predicted by scientists

D) can’t be predicted even by computers

更多“Where the Skylab will fall?A) is kept secretB) has been made publicC) has been pred”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Five airmail stamps and three regular stamps, please.W: Here you are. That wil

听力原文:M: Five airmail stamps and three regular stamps, please.

W: Here you are. That will be one dollar and eighteen cents.

Where did the conversation take place?

A.At the bank.

B.In the restaurant.

C.At the post office.



Skylab was the only space station that the United States launched by itself.A.YB.NC.NG

Skylab was the only space station that the United States launched by itself.






Cousteau RememberedJacques-Ives Coustean died in Paris on 26 June, 1997 at the age of 87.

Cousteau Remembered

Jacques-Ives Coustean died in Paris on 26 June, 1997 at the age of 87. His influence is great. Scientists respected his creative engineering; engineers praised his science. Coustean, who claimed to be neither scientist nor engineer, contributed significantly to both disciplines — and to many more.

Throughout his adventure-filled life, Coustean challenged definitions. Yes, he was a captain in the French Navy, and early on, a filmmaker and natural storyteller. Later, he became a famous ocean explorer, designer of underwater equipment, expedition leader, author, speaker, businessman, environmentalist, teacher and leader of an influential organization (the Cousteau Society).

All who care about the sea — and even those who don't think much about the ocean one way or another — owe Coustean a tremendous debt. The knowledge gained as a consequence of his direct contributions, and the strong others, have transformed the way the world thinks about the sea. His stories, of encounters with sharks and other fish inspired many to go see themselves. Coustean pioneered ventures in underwater living in the 1960's: sub-sea labs where scientists submerged for days or weeks — the underwater labs similar to skylab or the space station. His films and television programmes won two Academy Rewards, three Emnies, and the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide for decades.

Showered with honours, Cousteau remarked recently that he thought his most important accomplishment was to make people aware of— and care about — the ocean. Thanks to him, we grew concerned about our growing population and the consequences of over fishing and ocean pollution that threaten the health of the sea, and we were inspired to do something to improve the way things are done.

We shared the sad feeling with Cousteau when Simone, his wife and partner for many years, died and when his son Phillippe was killed in a plane crash. We shared his joy when Jean Michael, his eldest son, became an explorer and a spokesman for the sea in his own right. We were happy for Coustean when he began a new family with his second wife, Fracine. And now that his voice of the ocean is silenced, we feel very sad.

According to the passage, Coustean's influence is great because he ______.

A.was both a scientist and an engineer

B.invented skylab

C.made contributions to science and engineering

D.was a captain in the French Navy



According to the passage, what does an incident such as the failed Skylab lead us t
o do?

A) Not to believe in officials.

B) To think about our future.

C) Has been predicted by scientists.

D) To fear for our lives.



The author refers to Three Mils Island ________.A) because he is doubtful about wha

The author refers to Three Mils Island ________.

A) because he is doubtful about what the officials said

B) because he fears that a piece of the Skylab may strike a nuclear power plant

C) because he is afraid of the use of nuclear power

D) because the nuclear reactor there and the Skylab were both built by the same company



This passage is mainly about the author’s ________.A) interest in the failure of th

This passage is mainly about the author’s ________.

A) interest in the failure of the Skylab

B) willingness to give his advice

C) eagerness to see more new scientific discoveries

D) concern that science cannot answer all questions



AII Work wil be done.

first - come, first“service basis.







Oases in SpaceEarlier space stationsThe International Space Station (ISS) is the most comp

Oases in Space

Earlier space stations

The International Space Station (ISS) is the most complicated international scientific project ever undertaken. First proposed in 1984, it involved the effort of sixteen nations: the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, eleven nations of the European Space Agency, and Brazil. The first component of the ISS, Zahra ("sunshine" in Russian), was launched into orbit in 1998. A few weeks later, the crew of a U.S. space shuttle brought the second piece, Unity, and connected the two. The launch of the third major component, the Russian Avezda ("star"), was postponed by financial problems until July 2000, and the station's first crew arrived in November. Eventually, the ISS will contain more than 100 parts and will require forty-four spaceflights to deliver them. A total of 160 spacewalks will be needed to assemble the components. The ISS was originally scheduled to be completed in 2006, although unexpected events such as the Columbia space shuttle tragedy of 2003 may delay the date. When work is finished, the station will house a full-time crew of seven astronauts and scientists and contain six scientific laboratories. With an anticipated lifetime of 10 years after completion, the ISS is not only the most complicated scientific project ever undertaken but also, at a projected cost of $ 35 billion, one of the most expensive.

The ISS is not the first space station~ That distinction belongs to the Soviet Union's Salyut 1. Salyut 1 was sent into orbit in 1971 but suffered setbacks. The first crew to arrive was unable to get in: There was something wrong with the hatch(舱口)! The second crew, equipped with special tools, got in and spent 24 days there. However, on the way back to Earth, a tragedy occurred. A valve(气阀)had opened by mistake and let all the air out of the capsule, and the three cosmonauts, who were not wearing space suits, died during the descent. In all, there were six successful Salyut stations. The first -- and only American space station, Skylab, was launched in 1973. To save money, the Americans used the third stage of a Saturn V booster rocket left over from the Apollo moon missions, and so Skylab was much roomier than the Soviet stations. Three crews spent time on Skylab, but the station had to be abandoned in 1975 because there was simply no way to get to it. The United States had used up its Apollo rockets and the first space shuttle wouldn't be launched until 1981. Eventually, Skylab's orbit decayed, and the station fell to Earth in 1979. At the time, some people feared that the debris(碎片)might land in an inhabited area, and a few people even built "Skylab shelters.' However, there was no reason to panic; Skylab burned up harmlessly over Australia. In 1986, the Soviet Union launched another station, Mir ("peace"). Although damaged by an on-board fire and a collision with a supply rocket, Mir stayed in orbit for 15 years, and both U.S. and Russian crewmen, who would later serve on the ISS, trained on Mir.

New designs for space stations

The ISS and earlier space stations are a far cry from the space stations described by science fiction writers and dreamers, and even by scientists earlier in the century. After World War Ⅱ, many German rocket scientists who had worked on weapons programs immigrated to the United States and the Soviet Union. Werner yon Braun, the most famous of these scientists, played a vital role in the early days of the U.S. space program. It was Von Braun who decided that a large space station was essential to the exploration of space, a first step that would provide a stopping place on the way to the moon and the planets. In the March 1952 edition of Collier's Magazine, Von Braun contributed an article about the proposed station and introduced the idea of a wheel-shaped design. Illustrated by the artist Charles Bonestell, this issue popularized the "spinning wheel" or "donut in the sky" d








A.They will become inactive and dull.B.They will not go to cinemas as often.C.They wil

A.They will become inactive and dull.

B.They will not go to cinemas as often.

C.They will forget to do their homework。

D.They will imitate what they see in the programs.

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