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Without a clear vision of the end result, you can not accomplish much even if you have a q

uick pace.




更多“Without a clear vision of the end result, you can not accomplish much even if you have a q”相关的问题


In Para. 1, the writer suggests that the Secretary of State for the Environment has ______

A.created an impossible target

B.provided a target without a method

C.given clear details of how to achieve a target

D.given manufacturers a target to aim for



听力原文:(A) The man is holding a backpack in his arms. (B) The hiker has to use walking s

听力原文:(A) The man is holding a backpack in his arms.

(B) The hiker has to use walking sticks to climb.

(C) The sky is very clear without clouds.

(D) The man is jumping between rocks.

听力原文:(A) The man is holding a backpack in his arms



What does the passage say about the Industrial Revolution? ______.A.Unlike other revolutio

What does the passage say about the Industrial Revolution? ______.

A.Unlike other revolutions, it was an event without a fairly clear end.

B.Unlike other revolutions, it did not bring about major social changes.

C.It was not a revolution in the true sense of the word.

D.Its influence was limited to industry and economy.



What is the special feature of the latest CAT scanners?A.It helps to find out what is goin

What is the special feature of the latest CAT scanners?

A.It helps to find out what is going on inside a person's body without opening it up.

B.It provides clear photos of moving organs.

C.It won't cause serious skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.

D.It can take 3-dimensional pictures of internal organs.



How can you find what is going on inside a person's body—without opening the patient up? R
egular X-rays can show a lot. CAT scans can show even more. They can give a three- dimensional view of body organs.

What is a CAT scan? CAT stands for Computerized Axial Tomography. It is a special X-ray machine that obtains a 360-degree picture of a small area of a patient's body.

Doctors use X-rays to study and diagnose diseases and injuries within the body. X-rays can locate foreign objects inside the body or take pictures of some internal organs—if special substances such as dyes of special liquids are added to the organs to be X-rayed.

A CAT scanner, however, uses a beam of X-rays to give a cross-sectional view of a specific part of the body. A free beam of X-rays is scanned across the body and rotated around the patient from many different angles. A computer analyzes the information from each angle and produces a clear cross-sectional image on a screen. This image is then photographed for later use. Several cross-sections, taken one after another, can give clear "photos" of the entire body or of any body organ. The newest CAT scanners can even give clear images of active, moving organs, just as a fast-action camera can "stop the action", giving clear images of what appears only mistily to the eye. And because of the 360-degree pictures, CAT scans show 3-dimensional views of organs in a manner that was once only revealed during surgery or autopsy (examining a dead patient).

Too much exposure to X-rays can cause skin bums, cancer or other damage to the body. Yet CAT scans actually don't expose the patient to more radiation than conventional X-rays do. CAT scans can also be done without injecting dyes into the patient, so they are less risky than regular X-ray procedures.

CAT scans provide accurate, detailed information. They can detect such a thing as bleeding inside the brain. They are helping to save lives.

What is NOT true of a CAT scan?

A.It utilizes computer techniques.

B.It gives clear images of active, moving body parts.

C.It can stop the action of an organ for a fraction of a second.

D.It is safer than regular X-ray procedures.



A.To attend lectures.B.To buy birthday gift for Paul.C.To prepare his speech.D.To visi

A.To attend lectures.

B.To buy birthday gift for Paul.

C.To prepare his speech.

D.To visit his classmates.



What did the man do last weekend?A.He called up his sister.B.He went to Shanghai.C.He visi

What did the man do last weekend?

A.He called up his sister.

B.He went to Shanghai.

C.He visited his sister.



When I heard the noise in the next room, I couldn't resist having a peep.A. chanceB. visi

When I heard the noise in the next room, I couldn't resist having a peep.

A. chance

B. visit

C. look

D. try



It is truethat infrared radiation.A is not detectable to humans.B looks brighter than visi

It is truethat infrared radiation.

A is not detectable to humans.

B looks brighter than visible light.

C is visible light reflected off an object.

D has longer waves than thoseof visible light.



根据以下材料,回答题How to Argue with Your Boss(1) Before you argue with your boss, check w


How to Argue with Your Boss

(1) Before you argue with your boss, check with the boss"s secretary to determine his mood. if he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something, even without the boss"s secretary, they are keys to timing: don"t approach the boss when he"s on deadline; don"t go in right before lunch, when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don"t go in just before or after he has taken a vacation.

(2) If you"re mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first, and don"t let a particular concern open the floodgates for all your accumulated frustration. The boss will feel that you think negatively about the company and it is hopeless trying to change your mind. then,maybe he will dismiss you.

(3) Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor the employee knows what is the problem the other wants to discuss. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear, the employee has to get his point across clearly in order to make the boss understand it.

(4) Your boss has enough on his mind without your adding more. If you can"t put forward an immediate solution, at least suggest how to approach the problem. People who frequently present problems without solutions to their bosses may soon find they can"t get past the secretary.

(5) To deal effectively with a boss, it"s important to consider his goals and pressures, if you can put yourself in the position of being a partner to the boss, then he will be naturally more inclined to work with you to achieve your goals.

Paragraph 2__________. 查看材料

A.Keep your voice low all the time

B.Put yourself in the boss"s position

C.Propose your solution

D.Don"t go in when you are angry

E.Make the issue clear

F.Never give in

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