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听力原文:W: How long do you intend to stay, Mr. Smith?M: I'm not sure. It all depends. Pro

听力原文:W: How long do you intend to stay, Mr. Smith?

M: I'm not sure. It all depends. Probably I’ll leave as soon as I find another hotel.

Where does the man probably stay now?

A.At a bus station.

B.In a hospital.

C.At an airport.

D.In a hotel.

更多“听力原文:W: How long do you intend to stay, Mr. Smith?M: I'm not sure. It all depends. Pro”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Gary, what took you so long?M: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find thi

听力原文:W: Gary, what took you so long?

M: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find this place?

Q: Why was the man late?


A.He didn't wear a watch.

B.He had trouble getting to the place.

C.He didn't want to leave the place.

D.He had no idea how far it was.



听力原文:M: How do you feel now?W: Well, when I sit for a long time, I feel a dull pain ac

听力原文:M: How do you feel now?

W: Well, when I sit for a long time, I feel a dull pain across my back.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


A.She is not feeling very well.

B.She is very ill.

C.She is annoyed with the doctor.

D.She is badly hurt.



听力原文:M: If I send this package third class. how long will it take to arrive?W: About t

听力原文:M: If I send this package third class. how long will it take to arrive?

W: About two weeks. If you use EMS, it is a little bit expensive but it can get there within two days.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Pay the extra postage.

B.Send EMS.

C.Walt a few days to send the mail.

D.Send the package by himself.



听力原文:W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?M: I'll call you when it is ready, b

听力原文:W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?

M: I'll call you when it is ready, but it shouldn't take longer than a week.

What is the man going to do?

A.He wants the woman to fix his watch.

B.He will call the woman when the watch is fixed.

C.He wants the woman to fix the watch within one week.

D.He doesn't want to go home.



听力原文:W: Do you want a shampoo?How would you like it cut,Sir?M: All right.Just trim the

听力原文:W: Do you want a shampoo?How would you like it cut,Sir?

M: All right.Just trim the back,but leave it long on the sides,please.

Q: Who is the man most probably talking to?


A.A carpenter.

B.A painter.

C.A gardener.

D.A barber.



听力原文:W: How far do you live from the university, John?M: It takes about 25 minutes to

听力原文:W: How far do you live from the university, John?

M: It takes about 25 minutes to drive. But during rush hour, it will take twice the time.

How long does it take the man to drive from his house to the university during rush hour?

A.25 minutes.

B.30 minutes.

C.40 minutes.

D.50 minutes.



听力原文:W: How do you usually spend your weekend?M: In the summer, I usually sit in the p

听力原文:W: How do you usually spend your weekend?

M: In the summer, I usually sit in the park. In the autumn, I go for long walks. At other times of the year, I like to do odd jobs around the house or paint.

Q: What do you learn from the conversation?


A.The man sits in the park in spring at weekend.

B.The man does some odd jobs in autumn at weekend.

C.The man goes for long walks in autumn at weekend.

D.The man likes to paint his house in summer at weekend.



听力原文:M: How long will the patty last? I've got a meeting to attend at 5 pm.W: You'll b

听力原文:M: How long will the patty last? I've got a meeting to attend at 5 pm.

W: You'll be all right. The host will have an appointment at 4 pm.

Q: What do we learn about the man?


A.He'll miss the meeting that afternoon.

B.He'll have an appointment with the host.

C.He won't miss the meeting.

D.He is very hardworking.



听力原文:M: How long have you been working in the laboratory?W: For almost three years, ev

听力原文: M: How long have you been working in the laboratory?

W: For almost three years, ever since I got my degree.

M: Your bachelor' s?

W: No, my master's. I didn't try to get a job until I had my master's degree.

M: What kind of research do you do? Are you trying to develop new products or something like that?

W: No, that's done by another group in the lab. The group I'm with is doing basic research.

How long have the woman been working in the lab?

A.Four years.

B.Just three years.

C.Almost three years.



听力原文:W: How long will it take you to fix my car?M: I’ll ring you when it's ready, but

听力原文:W: How long will it take you to fix my car?

M: I’ll ring you when it's ready, but it shouldn't take longer than two weeks.

What is the man going tm do?

A.He wants the woman to fix his car.

B.He will call the woman when the car is fixed.

C.He wants the woman to fix the clock within two weeks.

D.tie doesn't want to ring the woman.

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