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At what age did Estee Lauder retire?A.97.B.88C.95D.70

At what age did Estee Lauder retire?





更多“At what age did Estee Lauder retire?A.97.B.88C.95D.70”相关的问题


What did the man think about the people of the Ice Age?A.They lived in caves.B.They travel

What did the man think about the people of the Ice Age?

A.They lived in caves.

B.They traveled in groups.

C.They had an advanced language.

D.They ate mostly fruit.



What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?A.They thought they were an example of succ

What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?

A.They thought they were an example of successful fertility treatment.

B.Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.

C.Not until they had the twins did they feel they had formed a family.

D.They believed that children born of older parents would be smarter.



What did governments do to discourage the employment of older workers in the 1970s?A.offer

What did governments do to discourage the employment of older workers in the 1970s?

A.offer early retirement to all employees

B.offer incentives to businesses to take on younger employees

C.only employ young trainees

D.set specific age limit for employment



听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What's so interesting?W: What? Oh, hi, Tom.I'm reading this fascina

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What's so interesting?

W: What? Oh, hi, Tom. I'm reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age.

M: The Ice Age? There weren't any societies then, just groups of cave people.

W: That's what people used to think. But a new exhibition at the American Museum of National History shows that Ice Age people were surprisingly advanced.

M: Oh, really? In what way?

W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of languages, art and music as we know it. And they didn't live in caves. They built their own shelters.

M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed almost all of the trees, so they couldn't have used wood.

W: In some warmer climates, they did build houses of wood. In other places, they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone shelters.

M: How did they stay warm? Animal skin walls don't sound very sturdy.

W: Well, it says here, that in the early Ice Age, they often faced their homes towards the south to take advantage of the sun.

M: Hey, that's pretty smart! I guess I spoke too soon. Can I read that magazine article 'after you're done?

W: No problem.

23. What did the man originally think of the people of the Ice Age?

24.How did people in the early Ice Age keep warm?

25.What does the man want the woman to do?


A.They lived in groups and were cave people.

B.There were societies in Ice Age.

C.They were advanced in arts.

D.They had a smart way of building shelters.



听力原文:M: Hey, Jane! What's so interesting?W: What? Oh, hi, Tom! I'm reading this fascin

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane! What's so interesting?

W: What? Oh, hi, Tom! I'm reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age during the Pleistocene period.

M: The Ice Age? There weren't any societies then—just a bunch of cave people.

W: That's what people used to think. But a new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History shows that lee Age people were surprisingly advanced.

M: Oh, really? In what ways?

W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of language, art, and music as we know it. And they didn't live in caves; they built their own shelters.

M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed off most of the trees, so they couldn't have used wood.

W: In some of the warmer climates they did build houses of wood. In other places they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone shelters.

M: How did they stay warm? Animgi-skin walls don't sound very sturdy.

W: Well, it says here that in the early Ice Age often faced their homes toward the south to take advantage of the sun—a primitive sort of solar heating.

M: Hey, that's pretty smart.

W: Then people in the late Ice Age even insulated their homes by putting heated cobblestones on the floor.

M: I guess I spoke too soon. Can I read that magazine article after you're done? I think I'm going to try to impress my anthropology teacher with my amazing knowledge of Ice Age civilization.

W: What a show-off?


A.They lived in caves.

B.They traveled in groups.

C.They had an advanced language.

D.They ate mostly fruit.



According to the passage, what difficulty did the social and behavioral sciences confront
in the 1970's?

A.The social and behavioral sciences lost out in the race for federal science funds.

B.Governments are more than alarmed about a variety of social problem.

C.Nearly half of all urban dwelling American males can expect to be arrested for some non-traffic offense during their lives.

D.Most criminals halt their careers by age 25 to 30.



听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What' s so interesting?W: What? Oh, hi, Tom.I' m reading this fasci

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What' s so interesting?

W: What? Oh, hi, Tom. I' m reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age.

M: The Ice Age? There weren't any societies then, just groups of cave people.

W: That' s what people used to think. But a new exhibition at the American Museum of National History shows that Ice Age people were surprisingly advanced.

M: Oh, really? In what way?

W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of languages, art and music as we know it, And they didn' t live in caves. They built their own shelters.

M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed almost all of the trees, so they couldn' t have used wood.

W: In some warmer climates, they did build houses of wood. In other places, they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone shelters.

M: How did they stay warm? Animal skin walls don't sound very sturdy.

W: Well, it says here, that in the early Ice Age, they often faced their homes towards the south to take advantage of the sun.

M: Hey, that' s pretty smart ! I guess I spoke too soon. Can I read that magazine article after you' re done?

W: No problem.


A.They lived in groups and were cave people.

B.There were societies in Ice Age.

C.They were advanced in arts.

D.They had a smart way of building shelters.



听力原文:W: Did you go to a State primary school?M: Yes, I did. I went to a nursery school

听力原文:W: Did you go to a State primary school?

M: Yes, I did. I went to a nursery school first at the age of four, but this was purely voluntary.

W: Can you still remember it?

M: Yes, I have faint, but very pleasant memories of it. It was a delightful place, full of fun and games.

W: You probably don't remember but you must have missed it when you left.

M: Yes, but you know, before seven, school life was very pleasant. It was only later in the Junior School we began to have more formal lessons and even worry about exams.

W: Really? Did you have to do exams at that age?

M: Yes, we used to then. We had to take an exam at the age of eleven called the "eleven- plus" to see what kind of secondary school we would get into. But this exam is slowly disappearing nowadays.

W: There are four main types of secondary school, aren't there?

M: Yes. Most of the brighter children go to a grammar school, some go to a technical school, and the majority go to a secondary modem school. And then there are the comprehensive schools which cater for all levels of academic ability. These are becoming more and more important.

W: I must say I find your educational system rather complicated, 'and to make matters worse, you call your private schools public schools!

M: Yes, I suppose it is all rather confusing. But like so many other things in Britain our educational system is deeply rooted in tradition and .yet it's changing all the time.

W: Really? In what ways is it changing?

M: Well, in nearly every way. There is a strong movement towards comprehensive schools, where all children go for secondary education no matter what their ability or background. And they are no longer tested by examination at the age of eleven.

W: But won't the wealthy always be in a privileged position? They'll always be able to send their children to the best private schools in the country.

M: Not necessarily. If independent schools join the State system and we do away with the idea of grammar schools for the clever and secondary modern schools for the less bright, then every child should have an equal opportunity to do well and go on to higher education.


A.At the age of 4.

B.At the age of 6.

C.At the age of 7.

D.At the age of 11.



听力原文:It was a big deal for me when I turned 16 and got a driver's license. What does t

听力原文:It was a big deal for me when I turned 16 and got a driver's license.

What does the speaker mean?

A.It was a very important event for me to get my driver's license when I was sixteen years old.

B.I spent a lot of money and time to get my driver's license when I was sixteen years old.

C.It was difficult for anyone under age sixteen to get a driver's license.

D.I did not get a driver's license even after I turned sixteen.



听力原文:Penury was what people called a mystery man. We had known him for over seven year

听力原文: Penury was what people called a mystery man. We had known him for over seven years, ever since he became a member of our modest club, but he had a way of keeping his private life to himself in all but the unessential details. We knew his address, though he never invited us to his home, and his age, too, but only unimportant matters of this kind. It seemed that he did not have to work for a living as we did, in our various ways. He had once hinted about an inheritance on which he managed to live comfortably. He was not, however, a man of luxurious habits: he was not especially well dressed and he did not even have a car. At the age of forty-five he was still a bachelor though. Since marriage was not a subject he ever discussed, we had no means of finding out whether he regretted not having a wife.

Penury disappeared suddenly from our circle and shortly afterwards we came to learn the first really solid facts about our mystery man. From reports that appeared in the newspapers, together with photographs of the man who was without doubt, our Mr. Penury, it was revealed that he was the most accomplished burglar in the London area; and that he had practiced this profession for many years, until he was arrested and sent to prison.


A.Because nobody knew his address.

B.Because nobody knew his age.

C.Because Penury's private life was a secret.

D.Because Penury was still a bachelor at the age of forty-five.

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