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听力原文:MB It's good to run into you, Maxine. It must be two years since we last met! Wha

t have you been doing with yourself?

WB Well, right after I left Drake, I went to work for a small architecture firm uptown. It was a great job but the guy who ran it closed the business, and moved to Australia last year. Since then I've been working for myself, making ends meet with freelance work.

MB You know that we'll always have a place for you if you decide to come back to work for a big firm.

WB I appreciate that. But I enjoy only taking on projects that I find interesting. And what about you? How have things been going at Drake?

What is true of the speakers' meeting?

A.It was accidental.

B.It occurs every year.

C.It took place at the man's office.

D.It was at an architecture conference.

更多“听力原文:MB It's good to run into you, Maxine. It must be two years since we last met! Wha”相关的问题


听力原文:MB The copy machine isn't working again. Has anyone called in about it yet?WB Yes

听力原文:MB The copy machine isn't working again. Has anyone called in about it yet?

WB Yes, I spoke to the repair man this morning. I told him the paper's still getting stuck in the same spot as last week when he was here. He said he'd be here around eleven.

MB Oh good, you were able to talk to the same man. He seemed very competent. I'm surprised it's broken again.

WB It's not his work that's the problem—last week he told me we may need to replace a part. If that's true, it might make more sense to just replace the whole machine; this one's at least five years old. New ones aren't that expensive.

What is learned about the copy machine?

A.It broke down the previous week.

B.It cannot make double-sided copies.

C.It will be delivered later that day.

D.It was purchased within the past five months.



听力原文:MB Have you ever been to that lumberyard up on Fourth and Davis? I think it's cal
led Paul's Lumber, or something like that...

WA Yes, I've gone in there a few times. It's good... they have much better lumber than Carson Supply. Their two-by-fours are actually straight!

MB I know, they're also about fifty percent more expensive. I went in there to buy some two-by-fours, and walked out when I saw the price. The same wood at Carson is, like a dollar cheaper per piece.

WA True, but you get what you pay for. I mean, if you want to spend all day trying to find wood that isn't warped, Carson's is probably fine, but you don't have that problem at Paul's. The wood's all good there.

Why has the man contacted the woman?

A.To tell her about a store sale

B.To get her opinion about a store

C.To request advice about a home project

D.To get contact information about a supplier



听力原文:MB Did you hear that Mr. Faulkner is leaving at the end of December? WB No, I did

听力原文:MB Did you hear that Mr. Faulkner is leaving at the end of December?

WB No, I didn't. Why is he leaving?

MB He was offered a position at Jacoby Department Store. Apparently he'll be their new store manager.

WB Wow, that's great. Everyone in the men's department will really miss working with him. His management really helped boost overall sales.

Where does Mr. Faulkner work?

A.In a classroom

B.In a restaurant

C.In a department store

D.In a manufacturing plant



听力原文:MB Hi, I'd like to preorder a book, if that's possible.WA O.K., what book?MB Secr

听力原文:MB Hi, I'd like to preorder a book, if that's possible.

WA O.K., what book?

MB Secrets of Success by Robert Norton.

WA It looks like this won't be released for another month. If you would, fill out this form. with your name, phone number, and book title and I'll put it into the system so we can call you once the book is in.

Where might this conversation take place?

A.At a bookstore

B.At a restaurant

C.At a supermarket

D.At a department store



听力原文:MB I'd like to return this shirt. I bought it here yesterday; here's my receipt.W

听力原文:MB I'd like to return this shirt. I bought it here yesterday; here's my receipt.

WB May I ask what's the problem with it, sir?

MB It has a hole in it. I haven't worn it, but I found a hole — here, see? So I'd like to exchange it for another just like it.

WB No problem, sir. If you want to exchange it, leave it here and when you find one you'd like in its place, let me know and I can process the transaction.

When did the man get the shirt?

A.Earlier that day

B.The day before

C.One week ago

D.More than a month ago



听力原文:WB Next Friday's your last day of work here, isn't it?MB Yes, and I start my new

听力原文:WB Next Friday's your last day of work here, isn't it?

MB Yes, and I start my new job the following Wednesday.

WB That's not much time between jobs. Why don't you take some time off before you start your new job? You must have some unused vacation time...

MB I was going to, but I also promised John, my boss, that I'd finish the Longmont project before I left. I've been working on it since it started last year, and it's almost done. I'd like to see it through to the end.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.A scheduling problem

B.The man's role at the company

C.A problem with the man's project

D.The man's plan to leave the company



听力原文:M: Is this college really as good as people say?W: It used to be even better. Wha

听力原文:M: Is this college really as good as people say?

W: It used to be even better.

What's about the college?

A.It's not as good as it was.

B.It's better than it used to be.

C.It's better than people say.



听力原文:What's your suggestion, doctor?(A) It's a good idea. (B) Don't worry, it's not se

听力原文:What's your suggestion, doctor?

(A) It's a good idea.

(B) Don't worry, it's not serious.

(C) I'd like to listen to your opinion.







听力原文:W: Is this school really as good as people say?M: It used to be even better. How'

听力原文:W: Is this school really as good as people say?

M: It used to be even better.

How's the school now?

A.It's not as good as it was.

B.It's better than it used to be.

C.It's even worse than people say:



听力原文:Shall we have some orange juice?(13)A.That's a good idea.B.No, we'd better not.C.

听力原文:Shall we have some orange juice?


A.That's a good idea.

B.No, we'd better not.


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