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CIt doesn't matter when or how long a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay


It doesn't matter when or how long a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That's what all doctors' thought, until they heard about Jercy Page. Jercy Page, it was said, never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man by themselves.

Jercy Page was ninety years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Jercy Page sleeping. Actually, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

The only rest that Jercy Page got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, hoping to find an answer. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Page remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was alt. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.

The main idea of this passage is that______.

[A] large numbers of people do not need sleep

[B] a person was found who actually didn't need any sleep

[C] everyone needs some sleep to stay alive

[D] people can live longer by trying not to sleep

更多“CIt doesn't matter when or how long a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay”相关的问题


听力原文:W: What's the matter? Why are you feeling so cold today?M: I am not sure, but I t

听力原文:W: What's the matter? Why are you feeling so cold today?

M: I am not sure, but I think I am coming down with a cold.

Q: What is the man's problem?


A.He is going to visit his friends.

B.He doesn't like cold weather.

C.He doesn't feel well.

D.He doesn't have any problem.



听力原文:W: What's the matter with you, Sir?M: I bought the radio yesterday, but it doesn'

听力原文:W: What's the matter with you, Sir?

M: I bought the radio yesterday, but it doesn't work well. I want to change it.

What does the man want to do?

A.To get his receipt.

B.To get back his money.

C.To have his radio changed.



听力原文:W:It seems that it is hard to reach agreement on this matter,and we should move o
n to the next item.

M:Ok,but I'd like to take the matters up again at the end of the meeting.

Q:What does the man imply?


A.The subject deserves more discussion later.

B.The materials being discussed should be kept upstairs.

C.He'd like to end the meeting early.

D.What they do at the end of the meeting doesn't matter.



听力原文:W: This position means working abroad a lot. And that can be very lonely sometime
s. Would you say that you are a patient person?

M: I've never seen any point in losing my temper.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He is a short-tempered person.

B.It doesn't matter whether you have a good temper or bad temper.

C.He thinks himself to be a patient person.

D.He won't accept this position.



听力原文:W: Bill thinks you shouldn't use your good knife to fix that.M: Why should he car

听力原文:W: Bill thinks you shouldn't use your good knife to fix that.

M: Why should he care? It's not his knife.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Bill doesn't take good care of knives.

B.This matter doesn't concern Bill.

C.He wants to find a better tool.

D.He wants Bill to fix the knife.



听力原文:M: I'm terribly sorry, Anna, I lost the magazine you lent me the other day.W: It

听力原文:M: I'm terribly sorry, Anna, I lost the magazine you lent me the other day.

W: It doesn't matter, It was a back number any way.

Q: Why doesn't the woman care about the lost magazine?


A.She is a generous woman by nature.

B.It doesn't have a back cover.

C.She feels the man's apology is enough.

D.It is no longer of any use to her.



听力原文:M: I have not decided whether to buy an apartment or to rent one.W: It isn't easy

听力原文:M: I have not decided whether to buy an apartment or to rent one.

W: It isn't easy to choose, is it?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It doesn't matter which apartment the man chooses.

B.It's a difficult decision.

C.She doesn't like either apartment.

D.The marl should choose a different apartment.



The writer doesn't believe that______.A.packages for hamburgers are polluting many big cit

The writer doesn't believe that______.

A.packages for hamburgers are polluting many big cities

B.hamburgers will remain popular for the following 100 years

C.the meat in hamburgers can cause health problems

D.cattle raising leads to the destroying of rainforest



听力原文:W: The weather is unbearably hot. If only we had gone to the beach instead!M: Wel

听力原文:W: The weather is unbearably hot. If only we had gone to the beach instead!

M: Well, with all these museums and restaurants in Paris, I'd be happy here no matter what the weather is like.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man prefers hot weather.

B.The woman prefers hot weather.

C.The woman thinks that going to the beach would have been better.

D.The woman doesn't like the museums and restaurants in Paris.



听力原文:W: I wonder if you could sell me the psychology text books. You took the course l
ast semester, didn't you?

M: As a matter of fact, I already sold them hack to the school bookstore.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man doesn't want to sell his textbooks to the woman.

B.The woman has to get the textbooks in other ways.

C.The woman has sold her used textbooks to the bookstore.

D.The man is going to buy his textbooks from a bookstore.

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