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听力原文:Our company can only profit when we are able to develop entirely new products. In

your efforts to develop new products you will have to use many sources. You will also have to know all about the potential customers. After more than 30 years in this industry, I can tell you that the best way to get ideas about new products is customer surveys. They'll give you an idea of what kinds of products customers are interested in. Also, take the time to speak to customers. Before you go into the research lab, make sure you are developing products that customers really need.

Who most likely are the listeners?


B.News reporters.



更多“听力原文:Our company can only profit when we are able to develop entirely new products. In”相关的问题


听力原文:Who is responsible for assessing the fines in our company?(A) Sorry, I can't acce

听力原文:Who is responsible for assessing the fines in our company?

(A) Sorry, I can't access the file of your company.

(B) I think the accountant is responsible for that.

(C) Yes, I am fine.







听力原文:W: I hope you can attend our company's opening ceremony this Sunday.M: I'd like t

听力原文:W: I hope you can attend our company's opening ceremony this Sunday.

M: I'd like to, but I have to make another appointment.

What does he mean?

A.He will go to the ceremony.

B.He has time.

C.He won't have time to attend the ceremony.



听力原文:(Woman) I can't believe the trouble we had coming up with the design for our new

听力原文:(Woman) I can't believe the trouble we had coming up with the design for our new logo. It seems to have taken forever.

(Man) Yes, but the results are worthwhile, don't you think? It sums up exactly what our company stands for: it looks both sporty and dependable.

(Woman) Yes, and it comes out well both small on our

letterhead and large on our store signs and products. Look at these tennis rackets and our new mountain bikes. They look fantastic!

What are the speakers discussing?

A.A new kind of bicycle

B.A company logo

C.A letter

D.A new store



听力原文:This is At Ronald's Furniture Company. Our office hour is from eight in the morni
ng to nine in the evening. No one is in the office to answer your call at the moment, please leave a message after the tone and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Or you can dial 5249-0012 to use our mobile service around the clock. Thank you for calling.

What kind of company is mentioned?

A.A travel agency

B.An airline company

C.A furniture company

D.A private detective agency



听力原文:You have reached the offices of the Wellington Financial Group. If you know the e

听力原文: You have reached the offices of the Wellington Financial Group. If you know the extension of the person you'd like to speak with, press the extension number, and your call will be connected immediately. Our regular hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 to 4:30 Friday. Appointments can be made with our financial investors by contacting Clive Blackwell at extension 555. Thank you for calling, an operator will be with you shortly.

What type of organization does the message give information about?



C.Merchandising Company

D.Investment company



听力原文:Man: Apparently, the company she represents is part of a big American chain and t
hey can offer some better deals on the kind of foreign trip we have to go on, especially on hotels. The fact is, I don't think our usual people have been doing a particularly good job, so this will be some healthy competition. Anyway, she's coming here at 4.




听力原文:The fact that Mr.-Parkinson is a high ranking CEO doesn't mean that he can advise
you about finance and investment questions.


A.Mr. Parkinson never gives free investment consultations.

B.Don't consult Mr. Parkinson if your problem is about finance or investment.

C.The advice Mr. Parkinson offers is often of great importance to our investment.

D.We should not invest in the company where Mr. Parkinson is the CEO.



听力原文:Our company's offices are filled with models and gadgets that employees have buil

听力原文: Our company's offices are filled with models and gadgets that employees have built to test their ideas. We encourage this kind of creativity. We believe the best way for an engineer to test an idea is to build it. If one can get a prototype of the product to work, one can usually figure out how to scale it up and this in turn helps one to anticipate any problems one might have. We also believe fixed meetings are a waste of time. We're engineers, so if we have ideas, we need to build them and test them. Building working models feeds our creativity, which in turn fuels innovation. It also gives the client a clear example of what the final product will look like.

According to the speaker, what special items could be found in their office?




D.Printed plans



听力原文:Hello, you have reached Laser Electronics Repair. The office is closed today for

听力原文: Hello, you have reached Laser Electronics Repair. The office is closed today for the civic holiday, but will reopen tomorrow for regular business hours. Our hours of operation are 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock, Monday through Friday. If you need to speak to one of our telephone operators, please call back during regular hours or you may also check our website for helpful instructional guides. Customers can also check the website for the addresses, account information, hours of operation, and location of the Laser Electronics Repair store nearest you. Thank you and have a nice day.

Who is the message probably for?

A.Employees of the company

B.Subcontractors of the company

C.Other laser electronics stores

D.Customers inquiring about repairs



听力原文:A: Hello, Chris Grey speaking.B: Hello, this is Henry.A: Oh, good morning, Henry.

听力原文:A: Hello, Chris Grey speaking.

B: Hello, this is Henry.

A: Oh, good morning, Henry.

B: Shall we continue with our talk about profit?

A: Sure.

B: What will happen if our profits fall?

A: If our profits fall the shareholders’ dividend will decrease.

B: If our shareholders’ dividend decreases they will be very unhappy.

A: Yes, our situation might be very serious if the public loses confidence in the company.

B: Our share price might fall if people lose confidence. I think we should consider this matter seriously.

A: Definitely.

B: But how to regain their confidence, especially our employees’ confidence.

A: Promise them a bright future they can not refuse.

B: Hahh…Good point. Can I meet you tomorrow to discuss this in detail?

A: Of course.

B: Thank you. Goodbye.

A: With pleasure. Bye.

Look at the note below.

You will hear a man calling about company profit and dividend.


Caller: (5)______

Receiver: Grey

Worries: If the profits fall, the (6)______ will decrease and the shareholders will be very unhappy. Then it will be a serious problem if the public (7)______ in the company, because the (8)______ might fall.

Solution: Promise employees a bright future.



听力原文:Stay tuned for our interview with Kim Whitehead, founder of the Whitehead Company

听力原文: Stay tuned for our interview with Kim Whitehead, founder of the Whitehead Company. The Whitehead Company has gained an excellent reputation for having one of the best work environments in the industry. Not only is the facility heated and cooled using electricity collected from solar panels but the workers are able to breathe clean air thanks to state-of-the-art air purification systems. One of the many benefits from this environmentally friendly workplace is that workers are healthier and require less sick days. In turn, the facility is much more productive at manufacturing. Ms. Whitehead will be discussing how any company can become a healthier place to work. Our phone lines are open if you'd like to call in with questions for tonight's guest.

What does the speaker say about the Whitehead company?

A.It is the most profitable in the industry.

B.It has a good public image.

C.It is environmentally friendly.

D.If offers the most sick days of any company.

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