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Many people take part in exercises to lose weightand change their body shapes。()

更多“Many people take part in exercises to lose weightand change their body shapes。()”相关的问题


Many Americans are interested in China because ______.A.they want to come here to take par

Many Americans are interested in China because ______.

A.they want to come here to take part in the 2008 Olympic Games

B.they have learned something of China and they want to learn more

C.great changes have been taking place in China

D.China has a "great history" and an "unbelievably exciting future"



He inspired many young people to take up the sport.A. encouragedB. allowedC. calledD. adv

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

A. encouraged

B. allowed

C. called

D. advised



He inspired many young people to take up the sport. A. encouragedB. allowedC. calledD. ad

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

A. encouraged

B. allowed

C. called

D. advised



听力原文:Every culture has many sayings that give advice about life. These sayings are par

听力原文: Every culture has many sayings that give advice about life. These sayings are part of what is commonly called folk wisdom. Of course, folk wisdom is also expressed in other ways, such as myths, fairy tales, legends, and songs. Often however, folk wisdom is shared in the form. of short sayings about the best ways to approach life's joys and sorrows.

One characteristic of American folk wisdom is its humor. Humor makes the bitter medicine of life easier to swallow. It sometimes makes the harsh realities of life more attractive. For example, Benjamin Franklin's clever saying, "A full belly makes a dull brain" means "People who are well-fed or self-satisfied can become lazy and stupid." But this paraphrasing loses the elegance and humor of Franklin's original saying. Some moralists in the United States are successful because they are able to say wise things humorously.

Abraham Lincoln expressed similar opinions about life but in a different way. Lincoln continued the tradition of "horse sense" humor. This type of humor appeals to people who are hungry for practical common sense. Lincoln, both a politician and an idealist, understood the need for horse sense. He knew how to use common sense to influence people's opinion. He could take the highest moral principles or the most critical observations and use them in folksy—or simple commonsense—humor to make them better understood and more easily accepted. Take, for example, this quote, which is one of the best known in the United States. "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. " Another of Lincoln's wise, folksy statements is: "The Lord prefers common-looking people. That's why he makes so many of them. "

There is no doubt that people need a little push sometimes to help them see the folly of their ways. Mark Twain used humor to reveal that many popular ideas were false, foolish, or even harmful. Twain thought that most human beings didn't examine why they believe certain things, and that they were too easily influenced by the opinions of people in power. He felt that it was easier for people to be "misled" than to be led correctly, so he tried to show the foolishness of those in power. For example, he said, "Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side and ain't that a big enough majority in any town?"

Now you may get the impression that Twain was a misanthrope, a person who saw everyone's mistakes and never noticed their good qualities. It's true that his humor was sometimes harsh, but it was used to reveal truths about human relationships. Twain thought the result would be a better, more just society. However, he also realized that he irritated a lot of people. He was aware that when newspapers reported his death, many people might be happy to hear the news. The telegram he sent from Europe to the Associated Press is typical of his humor. It read, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. "


16. According to the talk, what is major characteristic of "folk wisdom"?

17.According to the talk, what is the major difference between Franklin and Lincoln when composing short sayings of folk wisdom?

18.According to the talk, which of the following statements is TRUE about "horse sense" humor?

19.According to the talk, what was Mark Twain's purpose for using humor?

20.According to the talk, why did Mark Twain send the telegram which said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. "?


A.It is produced by famous people.

B.It gives advice about life.

C.It's expressed in myths, fairy tales, legends and songs.

D.It is extremely humorous.



According to the passage, some tornadoes take people unaware because they ______.A.produce

According to the passage, some tornadoes take people unaware because they ______.

A.produce a sound similar to thunder

B.cannot be seen until it is too late

C.look so much like other clouds

D.carry so many large pieces of debris



Which of the following is NOT the reason that many people prefer not to be assertive?A.The

Which of the following is NOT the reason that many people prefer not to be assertive?

A.They would rather be aggressive than be assertive.

B.It's often better to give people hints than to be straightforward.

C.Their needs to express themselves take secondary place before important persons.

D.They tend to give excuses and justifications for their actions.



What was the war affair in late 1960s that made many American young people love to take up
pop music?

A.The Korean War.

B.The Word War Ⅱ.

C.The Vietnam War.

D.The Gulf War.



It is difficult to accurately predict earthquakes because______.A.earthquakes may take pla

It is difficult to accurately predict earthquakes because______.

A.earthquakes may take place anywhere, anytime

B.earthquakes may happen unexpectedly under the sea

C.earthquakes may take place while people are asleep

D.the taking place of earthquakes involves many factors



Why do many people like German shepherd?A.Because it is very beautiful as well as powerful

Why do many people like German shepherd?

A.Because it is very beautiful as well as powerful.

B.Because it is very easy to keep and train.

C.Because it can protect and accompany the family.

D.Because it can take good care of children.



He inspired many young people to take up the sport.





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