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There were calls for__changes to the welfare system.





更多“There were calls for__changes to the welfare system.”相关的问题


A.They made frequent long-distance calls to each other.B.They illegally used gove

A.They made frequent long-distance calls to each other.

B.They illegally used government computers in New Jersey.

C.They were found to be smarter than computer specialists.

D.They were arrested for stealing government information.



The children were ______ in observing the busying ants on the ground, not hearing the call
s of their mother.







A.They made frequent long, distance calls to each other.B.They illegally used go

A.They made frequent long, distance calls to each other.

B.They illegally used government computers in New Jersey.

C.They were found to be smarter than computer specially.

D.They were arrested for stealing government information. Passage Two



Why were there no phone calls before 4?A.The secretary was ont.B.The line was out of order

Why were there no phone calls before 4?

A.The secretary was ont.

B.The line was out of order.

C.People didn't phone until 4.



An L/C calls for CFR shipment. The B/L is marked "Freight Paid" and "Free Out".
Would this be acceptable?

(1)( )Yes (2)( )No

(Note: The additional costs, if any, were included in the freight, and the credit does not state that additional costs to freight are not acceptable. )



It can be inferred from the first paragraph thatA.civilized social democracy calls for goo

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that

A.civilized social democracy calls for good pension schemes.

B.farmers were deprived of pension due to discrimination.

C.pension scheme began to prevail in the 20th century.

D.Otto von Bismarck borrowed others" ideas in his pension scheme.



听力原文:M: I hope there weren't too many phone calls while I was away yesterday.W: There

听力原文:M: I hope there weren't too many phone calls while I was away yesterday.

W: There wasn't a single one until after four in the after- noon when I finally got the company to repair our line.

Why were there no phone calls before four?

A.The secretary was out.

B.The line was out of order.

C.People didn't phone until four.



Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.3.A.They lost contact w

Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A.They lost contact with the emergency department.

B.They were trapped in an underground elevator.

C.They were injured by suddenly falling rocks.

D.They sent calls for help via a portable radio.



Its a modem problem: youre too busy to be disturbed by incessant phone calls so you turn y
our cell phone off. But if you dont remember to turn it back on when youre less busy, you could miss some important calls. If only the phone knew when it was wise to interrupt you, you wouldnt have to turn it off at all. Instead, it could let calls through when you are not too busy. A bunch of behavior. sensors and a clever piece of software could do just that, by analyzing your behavior. to determine if its a good time to interrupt you. If built into a phone, the system may decide youre too busy and ask the caller to leave a message or ring back later. James Fogarty and Scott Hudson at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania based their system on tiny microphones, cameras and touch sensors that reveal body language and activity. First they had to study different behaviors to find out which ones strongly predict whether your mind is interrupted. The potential "busyness" signals they focused on included whether the office doors were left open or closed, the time of day, if other people were with the person in question, how close they were to each other, and whether or not the computer was in use. The sensors monitored these and many factors while four subjects were at work. At intervals, the subjects rated how interruptible they were on a scale ranging from "highly inter-tuptible" to "highly not-interruptible". Their ratings were then correlated with the various behaviors. "It is a shotgun approach: we used all the indicators we could think of and then let statistics find out which were important," says Hudson. The model showed that using the keyboard, and talking on a landline or to someone else in the office correlated most strongly with how interruptible the subjects judged themselves to be. The computer was actually better than people at predicting when someone was too busy to be interrupted. Fogarty speculates that this might be because people doing the interrupting are inevitably biased towards delivering their message, whereas computers dont care. The first application for Hudson and Fogartys system is likely to be in an instant messaging system, followed by office phones and cellphones. "There is no technological roadblock to it being deployed in a couple of years," says Hudson.

A big problem facing people today is that______.

A.they must tolerate phone disturbances or miss important calls

B.they must turn off their phones to keep their homes quiet

C.they have to switch from a desktop phone to a cellphone

D.they are too busy to make phone calls



A Phone that Knows You're Busy It's a modem conundrum: you're too busy to be disturbed by

A Phone that Knows You're Busy

It's a modem conundrum: you're too busy to be disturbed by incessant phone calls so you mm your cell phone off. But if you don't remember to turn it back on when you're less busy, you could miss some important calls. If only the phone knew when it was wise to interrupt you, you wouldn't have to turn it off at all. Instead, it could let calls through during spells of relative inactivity.

A bunch of behavior. sensors and a clever piece of software could do just that, by analyzing your behavior. to determine if it's a good time to interrupt you. If built into a phone, the system may decide you're too busy and ask the caller to leave a message or ring back later. In a desktop computer, the system could stop instant messages or spain annoying you when you're busy.

James Fogarty and Scott Hudson at Camegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania based their system on tiny microphones, cameras and touch sensors that reveal body language and activity. First they had to study different behaviors to find out which ones strongly predict whether your mind is interrupted. The potential "busyness" signals they focused on included whether the office doors were left open or closed, the time of day, if other people were with the person in question, how close they were to each other, and whether or not the computer was in use.

The sensors monitored these and many other factors while four subjects were at work. At random intervals, the subjects rated how in term ptible they were on a scale ranging from "highly interruptible" to "highly not—term ptible". Their ratings were then correlated with the various behaviors. "It is a shotgun approach: we used all the indicators we could think of and then let statistics ferret out which were important," says Hudson.

The model showed that using the keyboard, and talking on a landline or to someone else in the office correlated most strongly with how interruptible the subjects judged themselves to be.

Interestingly, the computer was actually better than people at predicting when someone was too busy to be interrupted. The computer got it right 82 per cent of the time, humans 77 percent.

Fogarty speculates that this might be because people doing the interrupting are inevitably biased towards delivering their message, whereas computers don't care.

The first application for Hudson and Fogarty's system is likely to be in an instant messaging system, followed by office phones and cell phones. "There is no technological roadblock to it being deployed in a couple of years," says Hudson.

What is the modem conundrum the author has in mind?

A.You turn off your cell phone but forget to turn it back and miss important calls.

B.You are too busy to make phone calls and miss important information.

C.Too many calls are annoying, affecting your work efficiency.

D.Too many calls are disturbing, producing serious noise pollution.

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