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It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a________.





更多“It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a________.”相关的问题


Why didn't she tell her boss about her appointment (约会)?A.Because she thought the work w

Why didn't she tell her boss about her appointment (约会)?

A.Because she thought the work wouldn't take long.

B.Because she thought the work wasn't hard to do.

C.Because she didn't think the boss would let her go.



听力原文:M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the university?W: That shouldn't be too

听力原文:M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the university?

W: That shouldn't be too hard to find. Just keep going straight till you come to a big gate and you' re there.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.He is already at the university.

B.He should turn at the gate.

C.He should continue along the road.

D.He must pay very close attention.



听力原文:M: What are you doing out here alone?W: Just looking at the lights. I like to loo

听力原文:M: What are you doing out here alone?

W: Just looking at the lights. I like to look at the city at night.

M: It's a wonderful party. Everyone is standing around piano and singing, Do you want to join us?

W: I'd rather stay out here for a few minutes. Looks down where I'm pointing.

M: I don't see anything special.

W: That's where I used to live when I was a child.

M: What kind of neighbourhood was it?

W: A very poor one. Everyone was supposed to work hard and end up with a house in the suburbs.

M: But you've ended up with an apartment in the sky.

W: Yes, I don't want to lose it. I worked hard for this apartment.

M: I think that means that all of us had better go home soon, so that you can get a little sleep.

W: I do have to be at the office in the morning.

M: Tell me how do you do it to both work and play so hard?

W: I don't know. I just like to do both.


A.An affluent one.

B.A poor one.

C.A suburban one.

D.A rural one.



听力原文:M: What are you doing oat here alone?W: Just looking at lights. I like to look at

听力原文:M: What are you doing oat here alone?

W: Just looking at lights. I like to look at the city at night.

M: It's a wonderful party. Everyone is standing around the piano and singing. Do you want to join us?

W: I'd rather stay oat here for a few minutes, Look down where I'm pointing.

M: I don't see anything special.

W: That's where I teed to live when I was a child.

M: What kind of neighborhood was it?

W: A very poor one. Everyone was supposed to work hard and end up with a house in the suburbs.

M: But you've ended up with an apartment in the sky.

W: Yes, I don't want to lose it. I worked hard for this apartment.

M: I think that means that all of us had better go Ixshe soon, so that you can get a little sleep.

W: I do have m be at the office in the morning.

M: Tell me how do you do it to both work and play so hard?

W: I dealt know. I just like to do both.


A.An affluent one.

B.A Ix)or one.

C.A suburban one.

D.A rural one.



听力原文:W: Congratulations on your new job, Chris! Last year you wanted to get out of uni

M: I know, but that was last year. To tell you the truth, I' m not so sure I like working. Now, it's just work, work, work. I work hard all day, every day. Now, I have money, a nice apartment and a car. But I don't have any time to enjoy it all.

W: Oh, come on. Don't complain. You' re making a good salary now. Last year, you didn' t make anything. It can't be all that bad. So tell me, what do you miss about university?

M: I used to go to parties, I stayed up late talking with friends. But now I' m tired at work. I can't do that. I have to be serious about things. You don't understand me because you are still in school.

What did the man want last year?







听力原文:M: Come in. Please take your seat.W: Thank you.M: Now could you tell me a bit abo

听力原文:M: Come in. Please take your seat.

W: Thank you.

M: Now could you tell me a bit about yourself, please!

W: Yes, sir. My name is Linda King. I' m not 25 until the end of this month. I' m not mar tied. I studied in the Department of Economics of N. C. State University. After graduation, I was working as an accountant with my last company for four years.

M: Well, tell me, why did you leave?

W: Actually I didn't leave. The company closed down.

M: Closed down?

W: Yes, it went bankrupt. So I was out of job.

M: I see. What foreign language can you speak?

W: I can speak a little French, but I am good at German because my mother came from Germany.

M: Great! Our company has established business with a German company recently. We are in need of a secretary and interpreter. Do you think you' re qualified for the job?

W: I think so. I don' t mind hard work.

M: Well, we' ll call you, if we decide to hire you. Can I reach you by the fax number on your resume?

W: I' m sorry. My fax machine just broke down. But I check e-mail everyday.

M: O.K. That will do. Thank you. Good-bye.


A.She wants the job because she is bankrupt.

B.She can speak three languages.

C.She is 25 years old when she is attending the interview.

D.She is a student in N.C.State University.



听力原文:M: Congratulations on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, Miss Green !W:

听力原文:M: Congratulations on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, Miss Green !

W: Thank you, Mr Parker.

M: Oh, look at those trophies! You became a swimming star at the age of fifteen, didn't you?

W: Yeah, you're right.

M: Could you tell me something about your plans for the future?

W: To tell you the truth, I'm going to give up swimming from now on.

M: I beg your pardon?

W: I mean I'd rather not swim at all. I'm too old to. . .

M: Excuse me, if I'm not wrong, you're only twenty now. Is it too old twenty?

W: Yes, too old for a swimmer. If I swim in an international competition, I' ll hardly be able to win.

M: But. . . er. . . don't you enjoy swimming?

W: Certainly, and I enjoy visiting other countries, and the Olympics are very exciting. However, I missed more important things. I had to work very hard at swimming. There was training before school, after school, and at weekends. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming, swimming. But life isn't merely swimming, is it?

When did Miss Green become a swimming star?

A.At the age of 15.

B.At the age of 20.

C.At the age of 18.

D.At the age of 16.



听力原文:M: Congratulations on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, Miss Green!W:

听力原文:M: Congratulations on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, Miss Green!

W: Thank you, Mr Parker.

M: Oh, look at those trophies! You became a swimming star at the age of fifteen, didn't you?

W: Yeah, you're right.

M: Could you tell me something about your plans for the future?

W: To tell you the truth, I'm going to give up swimming from now on.

M: I beg your pardon?

W: I mean I'd rather not swim at all. I'm too old to...

M: Excuse me, if I'm not wrong, you're only twenty now. Is it too old twenty?

W: Yes, too old for a swimmer. If I swim in an international competition, I’ll hardly be able to win.

M: But... er... don't you enjoy swimming?

W: Certainly, and I enjoy visiting other countries, and the Olympics are very exciting. However, I missed more important things. I had to work very hard at swimming. There was training before school, after school, and at weekends. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming, swimming. But life isn't merely swimming, is it?

When did Miss Green become a swimming star?

A.At the age of 15.

B.At the age of 20.

C.At the age of 18.

D.At the age of



听力原文:M: This, in short, is what I've done with my life. Now you tell me all about your

W: I do a lot of traveling for X. T. L. , a big import export firm. My company has expanded very rapidly and I do market research for them.

M: Market research! I've often heard about that, but I don't quite know what it is.

W: Like many others, I compile all the information manufacturers, importers and exporters are interested in. Businessmen need a lot of information, not only about competition but also about prospective customers.

M: Manufacturers compete pretty hard, don't they?

W: They do, and they plan their marketing policy according to the information provided by market research, so that risks may be reduced as much as possible.

M: Then the aim is to find out what articles are demanded by a certain market, and when and at what price those articles should be sold, isn't it?

W: That's it.

M: And how's this information obtained?

W: Our Sales Department supplies us with figures; besides, we do a lot of reading, and we ask consumers for their opinion. As long as a businessman makes good use of the information he'll be able to reduce risks and losses.

M: All this is very interesting, but I thought you were going to tell me about your life.

W: But this is my life.

What's the woman's job about?

A.Gathering market information.

B.Making marketing policies.

C.Traveling to promote sales.

D.Importation and exportation.



听力原文:M: Come in.Please take your seat.W: Thank you.M: Now could you tell me a bit abou

听力原文:M: Come in. Please take your seat.

W: Thank you.

M: Now could you tell me a bit about yourself, please?

W: Yes, sir. My name is Linda King. I'm not 25 until the end of this month. I'm not married. I studied in the Department of Economics of N. C. State University. After graduation, I was working as an accountant with my last company for four years.

M: Well, tell me, why did you leave?

W: Actually I didn't leave. The company closed down.

M: Closed down?

W: Yes, it went bankrupt. So I was out of job.

M: I see. What foreign language can you speak?

W: I can speak a little French, but I am good at German because my mother came from Germany.

M: Great! Our company has established business with a German company recently. We are in need of a secretary and interpreter. Do you think you're qualified for the job?

W: I think so. I don't mind hard work.

M: Well, we'll call you, if we decide to hire you. Can I reach you by the fax number on your resume?

W: I'm sorry. My fax machine just broke down. But I cheek e-mail every day.

M: O.K. That will do. Thank you. Good-bye.

23. Which of the following information about Linda is correct?

24.Why does the man become excited when Linda says she speaks good German?

25.By which means will the company contact Linda when they decide to hire her?


A.She wants the job because she is bankrupt.

B.She can speak three languages.

C.She is 25 years old when she is attending the interview.

D.She is a student in N. C. State University.



Part BDirections: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one

Part B

Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:M: Congratulations on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, Miss Green!

W: Thank you, Mr Parker.

M: Oh, look at those trophies! You became a swimming star at the age of fifteen, didn't you?

W: Yeah, you're right.

M: Could you tell me something about your plans for the future?

W: To tell you the truth, I'm going to give up swimming from now on.

M: I beg your pardon?

W: I mean I'd rather not swim at all. I'm too old to...

M: Excuse me, if I'm not wrong, you're only twenty now. Is it too old at twenty?

W: Yes, too old for a swimmer. If I swim in an international competition, I'll hardly be able to win.

M: But... er... don't you enjoy swimming?

W: Certainly, and I enjoy visiting other countries, and the Olympics are very exciting. However, I missed more important things. I had to work very hard at swimming. There was training before school, after school, and at weekends. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming, swimming. But life isn't merely swimming, is it?

When did Miss Green become a swimming star?

A.At the age of 15.

B.At the age of 20.

C.At the age of 18.

D.At the age of 16.

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