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A.Most people who go to yard sales are not looking for anything special.B.Some people

A.Most people who go to yard sales are not looking for anything special.

B.Some people might buy an object simply because it costs so little.

C.Some people enjoy negotiating over prices, even if they really do not need the object.

D.Most people go to yard sales only try to sell their own things.

更多“A.Most people who go to yard sales are not looking for anything special.B.Some people”相关的问题


A.Most people do not go to public schools.B.There is a lot of controversy over the pro

A.Most people do not go to public schools.

B.There is a lot of controversy over the pronunciation.

C.No two people can be said to pronounce words in exactly the same way.

D.Dialect speakers do not want to change their pronunciation.



A.Most people like listening to music.B.People in the USA often go to psychologists to

A.Most people like listening to music.

B.People in the USA often go to psychologists to settle their problems.

C.Watching TV is not a stress reliever as popular as listening to music.

D.Taking a shower can also relax us.



Which of the following is true according to the conversation?A.Most Thai people have eleph

Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

A.Most Thai people have elephants.

B.People usually go to the north to ride elephants.

C.Thai elephants can live only in the north and northeast.

D.People always ride elephants in the streets.



Which of the following is true?A.Most of Australia is too dry for people to live in and it

Which of the following is true?

A.Most of Australia is too dry for people to live in and it is the same with the USA.

B.Some of the Australian farms are very large.

C.The people on the farms don’t have neighbors because they live far away from each other.

D.The Australian children don't like to go to school at all.



What can we assume from the passage?A.Most people who feel they have been wronged have a r

What can we assume from the passage?

A.Most people who feel they have been wronged have a ready remedy in court of law.

B.Many people would like to bring a case to court,but are unable to because of time required.

C.The judicial system in the United States is highly acclaimed for its efficiency.

D.Pretrial conferences will someday probably have replaced trials completely.



According to the third paragraph, ______.A.most computer criminals who are caught blame th

According to the third paragraph, ______.

A.most computer criminals who are caught blame their had luck

B.the number of computer crimes is increased rapidly

C.most computer criminals are smart enough to cover up their crimes

D.many more computer crimes go undetected than are discovered



It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A.most people who have been polled believe

It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.most people who have been polled believe that the problem of unemployment may not be solved within a short period of time

B.many farmers lost their land when new railways and factories were being constructed

C.in preindustrial societies housework and community service was mainly carried out by women

D.some of the changes in work pattern that the industrial age brought have been reversed



In our population, which is now about 167 million, it is estimated there are more than 33
million people with I. Q. 's below 90; it is a disturbing thought that these people will never, at any age, read much more than comic books, newspaper headlines, and the simplest of best sellers, nor will they be able to make intelligent judgments on any complicated, important national or international problem. The intellectuals, of course, are at the other end of the scale, they are people with I. Q. 's of 130 or more, and there are slightly more than five million. From130 to the top of the scale, there are only 2.1 million people. Careful tests have shown that at least half of these high I.Q. people are never discovered, do not go to college, and live out their lives in humble, even though usually respected, occupations. The identified intellectual, therefore, will at best be only one person in 46, and is more likely to be one person in 150. It is not surprising that he feels a little queer, and is regarded by others as even more so.

The fact that there are divisions between groups along the I. Q. scale is an intricate matter. For one thing, the people at any given level show a curious tendency to disapprove of the mental activities of the people at every other level, above or below. The scorn of the highbrow when he sees a comic book reader is equal to the contempt of the vigorous, median-I. Q. foot ball player for the genius who pities oneself, reading poetry when he could be getting a good workout in the gym. It is a curious fact that high intelligence is rarely associated with the excess adrenal activity necessary for success in the hard, competitive world of business; the high brow comes rather low on the pecking order of humans. Each group sublimates its hostility, the intellectual often by writing something cutting about the businessman, the latter by driving a remarkably more expensive car than the former can afford.

A complicating factor is the rise of the mass media of communication--television, radio, the movies, and magazines with multimillion circulations. Many observers have pointed out that while all of these, to succeed, must be aimed at the median I. Q. , the creative efforts involved have to the made at a much higher level: this situation frequently stultifies the creative intelligence of those who earn their livings through mass communication.

Careful testing has revealed that, of the high-I. Q. people,______.

A.most go on to complete four years of college

B.many find their way into difficult professions

C.many are never discovered

D.many live out their lives in respectable occupations



What can we assume about photographers in the 1800s?A.Most of them had originally been pai

What can we assume about photographers in the 1800s?

A.Most of them had originally been painters before they became interested in photography.

B.Portrait photographers were in the highest demand since people wanted images of their families.

C.There were only a few photographers who were willing to work in such a new profession.

D.Some of them must have experienced health problems as a result of their laboratory work.



听力原文:W: It never occurred to me that you were an athlete.M: Most people who meet me do

听力原文:W: It never occurred to me that you were an athlete.

M: Most people who meet me don't think so either.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.Most people that the man met think differently from the woman.

B.The man is surprised to hear what the woman says.

C.The man doesn't look like an active participant in sport.

D.The woman always thinks the man is an athlete.

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