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听力原文:I wouldn't give that rumor about Jim any credibility.(27)A.I wouldn't buy the rid

听力原文:I wouldn't give that rumor about Jim any credibility.


A.I wouldn't buy the ridiculous story about Jim.

B.I don't think the rumor is incredible.

C.The rumor about Jim is believable.

D.I wouldn't give Jim any credibility because of the rumor.

更多“听力原文:I wouldn't give that rumor about Jim any credibility.(27)A.I wouldn't buy the rid”相关的问题


听力原文:W: It sounds like Jenny isn't happy at all with her new roommate. Did she say why

M: Believe me. I tried to find out. But I simply couldn't pin her down.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Jenny won't be getting a new roommate after all.

B.Jenny wouldn't give specific reasons for her feelings.

C.He hadn't heard that Jenny had a new roommate at all.

D.He couldn't talk Jenny into getting well with 'her new roommate.



听力原文:Why did the mother say that she wouldn't give him anything to eat?(7)A.Because he

听力原文:Why did the mother say that she wouldn't give him anything to eat?


A.Because he had already had breakfast and lunch.

B.Because he shouldn't feel hungry at that time.

C.Because she wanted him to do his homework.

D.Because she wanted to teach him a lesson.



听力原文:M: Hey. why not take one of my name cards? It'll be more convenient for you if yo
u want to contact me later on.

W: Thank you. I wish I'd had some name cards like yours. Then I wouldn't have to write my name and telephone number down every time when I meet with some new friends.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She used to have some name cards.

B.She didn't like to give her name cards to new friends.

C.She should have some name cards for convenience.

D.She gives name cards to some new friends.



听力原文:W I'm really nervous. I'm supposed to get my employee evaluation today. M I would

听力原文:W I'm really nervous. I'm supposed to get my employee evaluation today.

M I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. You're a hard worker, you'll be fine.

W Yeah, but I was late twice last month. The construction around my house really blocks traffic. I have to leave 30 minutes earlier than usual.

M Well, you'll be measured on your overall performance. Being 2 days late isn't a big deal, especially since your department has been doing really well lately.

Why is the woman nervous?

A.She has a job interview.

B.She has to give a presentation.

C.She will get her work evaluation.

D.She will meet the company president.



听力原文:W: John, it's 7:30. I wonder how much later they are going to be?M: Oh, you know

听力原文:W: John, it's 7:30. I wonder how much later they are going to be?

M: Oh, you know Terry and Susan. They never arrive on time.

W: Yes, but half an hour late! My dinner will be ruined.

M: Oh, maybe they got stuck in traffic. You know what the traffic is like at this time of day.

W: Yes, but they said they were taking the subway so they wouldn't get caught in traffic.

M: Well, they shouldn't be late then. Why don’t you give them a call and see if they've left. Maybe they forgot about the invitation.

W: They couldn't have forgotten about it. I was just talking to Susan last night. Anyway, let me just check if they are in. Their number is 2143556.

What is probably the time for the appointment?






听力原文:W: ABC Computers, this is Lara. How may I help you today?M: Hi, Lara, my name is

听力原文:W: ABC Computers, this is Lara. How may I help you today?

M: Hi, Lara, my name is David Jones-, and I'm wondering if you could tell me the name of the manager in charge of the human resources department in your L.A. office. I sent them my resume recently, and I'd just like to see if they received it.

W: Our personnel manager there is Ms. Lori Garcia, but I should warn you that she prefers not to take calls about job postings. She will contact you if she wishes to schedule an interview. However, if you are concerned that your application has been lost, I can give you the number of her receptionist.

M: Oh, thank you. I wasn't aware that phone calls were discouraged. If the receptionist wouldn't mind speaking to me, that would be great. Could I have that number?

Who is David Jones?

A.A client.

B.A new boss.

C.A friend of Ms. Garcia.

D.A job seeker.



听力原文:W: I'm thinking about transferring out of state college into another school in th
e spring.

M: After a year and a half? How come? I thought you liked it here.

W: I do. But our commercial art department doesn't give Bachelor's degrees, only associate. I want a Bachelor's.

M: So where do you want to go?

W: I wouldn't mind going to Westwater University. It has an excellent reputation for commercial art, but I have a feeling it's very selective.

M: But you've gotten grades in the three semesters you've been in the state college, haven't you?

W: Yeah, mostly As and Bs.

M: So what are you worded about, just ask your professor to write letters of recommendation for you, and you'll be set.


A.Start a new program at State College.

B.Study at a different school.

C.Work at an art gallery.

D.Move to a warmer state.



听力原文:Why did the woman say that she wouldn't give him anything to eat?(7)A.Want him to

听力原文:Why did the woman say that she wouldn't give him anything to eat?


A.Want him to eat nothing.

B.Because want him to clean shoes.

C.Want him to eat anything.

D.Because his mother want to correct his bad habit.



听力原文:M: I'm thinking about transfering out of state college into another school in the

W: After a year and a half? How come? I thought you liked it here.

M: I do. But here our flight program doesn't give degrees, only licenses, and I need both a license and a degree.

W: So where do you want to go?

M: I wouldn't mind going to Makmillen university. It has an excellent reputation for its school of aviation, but I have a feeling it's very selective.

W: But you've gotten good grades in the three semesters you've been in the state college, haven't you?

M: Yah, mostly A's and B's.

W: So what are you worried about then, just ask your professors to write letters of recommendation for you, and you'll be set.

What is the man planning to do?

A.Study at a different school.

B.Move to a warmer state.

C.Get a travel agent's license.



听力原文:M: Did you watch undersea Discover), last night?W: No, I missed it. Did you?M: Ye

听力原文:M: Did you watch undersea Discover), last night?

W: No, I missed it. Did you?

M: Yeah, it was pretty good...It was about barnacles.

W: Hmm.

M: You know how they stick themselves to stuff in the ocean ... like rocks or boats?

W: Uh—huh.

M: Well, they do that when they're young, and then they stay in the same place forever.

W: It figures. Have you ever tried removing one of those things. Last summer I tried to scrape some off a pier...I had to give up after a while. You'd think they wouldn't be able to stick like that undcrwater.

M: That's one. reason scientists are-trying to figure out what their glue's made of. It's one of the strongest adhesive in nature, and it's a natural protein, so it probably wouldn't be harmful like some synthetic glues.

W: Really?

M: Yes. these biomedical researchers were talking about its possible uses. Orthopedists could use it for mending broken bones; or it could be used in dentistry.

W: I wish I'd seen that.


A.The reproductive cycle of barnacles.

B.A new source of protein.

C.Types of sea animals.

D.The adhesive quality of barnacles.

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