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听力原文: Now, my name is Pat Baker, I work for student services and I'm going to tell you

all about our mentoring scheme for new students. What happens is this: each of you, if you want to, will be assigned a mentor—that is, someone who's been studying here for a year or two and who can show you how things work, give you advice and just generally be a friendly contact for you in the university.

What the mentor does is have a group of usually two or three students and he or she organizes meetings about once every two weeks—where you chat about your problems and your mentor will give you the benefit of his or her experience.

Mentors will be able to tell you about academic systems, which are so different at university from what you were used to at school. Also, because at university you are much more independent, they can suggest techniques for studying which will help you to keep up-to-date with your work.

This university is an enormous place, so another thing which they'll be able to help with is university facilities—you know, anything from sports halls to libraries to medical services and they can probably help you get involved in all sorts of social activities too, you know, parties, clubs and sports.

Your mentor will be able to show you how to get an e-mail account… they don't cost anything to students. For people who have never been away from home before, a mentor is a useful contact and support—somewhere between a friend and a parent.

15.According to the talk, who are mentors?

16.How often does the mentor organize meetings?

17.With regard to what mentors can help, which one is NOT mentioned?

18.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as university facilities?


A.First year students.

B.Second or third year students.

C.Senior students.


更多“听力原文: Now, my name is Pat Baker, I work for student services and I'm going to tell you”相关的问题


听力原文:M: It's so hot in here!W: It's noisy too, but the music is great!M: Yes, I like t

听力原文:M: It's so hot in here!

W: It's noisy too, but the music is great!

M: Yes, I like this record very much. Do you come here often?

W: Now and again at weekends. !How about you?

M. This is the second time I've come here. My friend Jack told me that this was a good place to enjoy ourselves, and I came here with him.

W: Then what is your opinion about it now? Are you having a good time?

M: Of course I am. My name's Patrick by the way. What's your name?

W: My name is Diane.

Where are Patrick and Diane?

A.In a disco.

B.In a cinema.

C.In a theatre.



听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?M: Well, I lost my cre

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?

M: Well, I lost my credit card this morning. And I forgot my credit number. My name is Howard Robin. My ID number is 370224061.

W: Just a moment please. I've stopped your credit card and there have been no bills issued for this morning. We'll send you the new card in 5 workdays and a service fee of 10 yuan will appear on your next monthly statement. Do you have any other questions?

M: Oh, thank you. But can I open my web bank now?

What is number of the man's ID?







听力原文:W: My name is Helen Ware. Can I get a class permit for biology?M: Oh, no. Not now

听力原文:W: My name is Helen Ware. Can I get a class permit for biology?

M: Oh, no. Not now. Registration for students whose last names begin with W doesn't start until tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The woman misplaced her class permit for biology.

B.The woman arrived for registration too early.

C.The woman missed registration for the biology course.

D.The woman got a wrong class permit.



听力原文:Good morning. My name is Taylor and I will be your tour guide today. Right now, w

听力原文: Good morning. My name is Taylor and I will be your tour guide today. Right now, we are in the Ambassador Room of the Rawlins Building. This room is used mainly as a meeting place between high officials and foreign diplomats. Guests arrive from those big doors, while the host greets them from where you are now standing. Recent guests have included the Queen of Denmark and the Prime Minister of Canada. Notice the wonderful artwork adorning the walls. Each painting is a portrait of the original Rawlins Building designers. Let's go to the next room.

What is the speaker's occupation?

A.A teacher

B.A tour guide

C.A travel agent

D.A hotel worker



听力原文:Hello, this is Barbara Rivers, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for the Recel
a Corporation. I will be in Europe, and therefore out of the office from the twelfth through the sixteenth of May. While I'm overseas, I will NOT be checking my voice mail, but if you leave your name, number and a brief message, I will get back to you when I return from my trip. If this is an emergency, please e-mail me at: brivers@ recelacorp.com. And if you need to speak to someone immediately, please press zero now to reach our secretary, and ask to speak to a member of my staff, or hang up and dial eight-three-one, one-thousand. Thank you.

Who is Barbara Rivers?

A.A secretary

B.A travel agent

C.A corporate executive

D.A company spokesperson



听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. Do you have a reservation?M: Yes, my name is Carl Lee. An

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. Do you have a reservation?

M: Yes, my name is Carl Lee. And I'd prefer a smoking room, please.

W: OK, sir. Here is your key. And the number of your room is 218. I'll have the porter bring your bags up.

M: Good. Thank you for your help.

What are they doing now?

A.The receptionist is introducing the hotel to the man.

B.The receptionist is helping the man bring his bags up.

C.The receptionist is helping the man to check in.

D.The receptionist is helping the man to check out.



听力原文:W: Can you help me? I seem to have lost my handbag.M: Calm down, Madam. I will fi

听力原文:W: Can you help me? I seem to have lost my handbag.

M: Calm down, Madam. I will fill out this report for you. What color is it?

W: Well, it is a white one.

M: How big is it?

W: I guess it is about one foot long and seven inches tall.

M: What's in the bag, Madam?

W: There is a watch, two keys, and some money.

M: And where did you leave it.?

W: I am sure I left it in the restaurant.

M: Don't worry, Madam. I am sure we can find it. Now give me your name and telephone number.

What is the color of the woman's bag?






听力原文:Hello, my name is Jennifer White, and I will be your tour guide here at this 13th
-century fort. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask me and I will be more than happy to answer. We are now at the famous gateway leading to the fort. This leads to the grand pavilion at the top that served as a royal court. Clap your hands under the dome here and people can hear you more than a mile away! The pipes there on the hillside were part of an efficient water supply system that carried water from the lake below to the fort's residents. We'll now see a special show that relates some of the major events that occurred here.

Who is this talk for?







听力原文:Welcome to the Saint Mary' s Hospital. My name is Senior Nurse Betty Nason, and I
am here to present the first-year nurse's orientation. As fresh graduate nurses, you will all be assigned a mentor from the senior staff. Your mentor will be there to guide you through your first few months in the hospital. You will also be subject to monthly evaluations conducted by me and your respective mentors. You will be evaluated on a number of factors, including bedside manners, understanding the patients' needs, punctuality, professionalism and your ability to conform. to the rules of the hospital. Your pay raises will be based on successful evaluations. Now follow me as I show you to the staff room and your lockers.

Who is the orientation directed at?

A.Graduate nurses

B.Senior doctors

C.School teachers

D.Chartered accountants



听力原文:WA Wow, this is really strange. I just had a resume cross my desk... and the name
on it is a guy who used to be my boss at Booker! Isn't that bizarre?

MA This person used to be your boss, and now you're looking over his resume? That IS pretty weird. Which job is this for?

WA It's for a Manager of Client Services position with the supply group. Actually, I think he'd do a pretty good job — I really liked him as a boss. I wonder what happened to him at Booker.

MA Well, if you think he'd be good, there's nothing wrong with bringing him in for an interview. It'll probably surprise him to hear from you!

Who are the speakers discussing?

A.The woman's former neighbor

B.The woman's former assistant

C.The woman's former schoolmate

D.The woman's former supervisor



听力原文:MB My name is Steve Sherman. I reserved the meeting room from eight-thirty until
five o'clock today. I was told to come to the counter to get the key...

WA Hi Steve, I'm Diana. We spoke on the phone when you called yesterday. It's nice to meet you in person. Hold on ... here's the key to the room.

MB Thanks. Now, I also ordered the catering package —coffee and sandwiches...

WA Yes, that's all taken care of. They're setting up the first coffee service now, and the sandwiches will be available at noon. There'll be a second coffee service at two.

What is true about the speakers?

A.They are both making presentations.

B.They are planning to meet for lunch.

C.They are meeting for the first time.

D.They are going to the meeting together.


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