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听力原文:People still celebrate ancient festivals in different parts of Europe with folk d

听力原文: People still celebrate ancient festivals in different parts of Europe with folk dances and processions, even though in many cases those who take part and put on special costumes are no longer sure what the dances represent. Almost all of them are associated with seasonal procedures that have been adapted to the Christian calendar. There are two main types found in a number of countries. The first, combat dances normally take place in winter or early spring and celebrate the battle between the old year and the new. In Austria, for example, at celebration time, people wear masks and dress up as ghosts and witches, and there are processions of men and women with drums and whips.

The other main group of dances takes place in early summer, especially at Whit sun or on May Day. In England, there are dances of men in some villages. Groups of trained dancers, dressed in white, dance with bolls on their legs and bodies. They leap in processions in double files, waving white handkerchiefs or green branches. In some places, there are men with animal masks or a Jack-in-the-Green, a man dressed in leaves who stands for the new vegetation of the summer.


A.The birthday of some ancient people.

B.The birthday of Jesus Christ.

C.Ancient festivals.

D.Some modem days.

更多“听力原文:People still celebrate ancient festivals in different parts of Europe with folk d”相关的问题


听力原文:The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are fight-handed. Up until recentl

听力原文: The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are fight-handed. Up until recently, people who were left-handed were considered old, and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today, left-hand- edness is generally accepted but it is still a disadvantage in a world where most people are fight-handed. For example, most tools are still designed for right-handed people.

In sports, by contrast, doing things with the left hand or foot is often an advantage. Throwing, kicking or hitting from the "wrong" side may confuse opponents, who are accustomed to dealing with the majority of players who are right-handed.

In the past, in most Western societies, children were often forced to use their right hands, especially to write. In some cases, the left hand was tied behind the child's back so that it could not be used. If, in the future, they are allowed to choose, there will certainly be more left handed people, and probably fewer depressed people as a result of being forced to use their right hands.


A.They thought them strange.

B.They considered they were funny.

C.They thought them clever.

D.They considered they were creative.



听力原文: Russia: At least nine people were injured when a small bomb exploded at a busy u
nderground train station at Moscow. The Emergency Situations Ministry says two of the nine are children. Officials say they suffered mostly burns that are not serious. Officials are still searching for the people who placed the bomb. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luskov blamed terrorists.

At least nine people were injured when ______.

A.a car bomb exploded in Moscow

B.two trains collided at a train station

C.a bomb exploded in Moscow

D.an airplane crashed in Moscow



听力原文:A: I must admit that I'm not really looking forward to it.B: No?A: Well, I've bee

听力原文:A: I must admit that I'm not really looking forward to it.

B: No?

A: Well, I've been to their parties before, and I don't suppose this one will be any better. All the same people are going on and on about their jobs.

B: Aha.

A: They all think they are so important. Honestly, I just can't be bothered with them. I never know what to say. Still I've been invited, so I suppose I'd better go.

B: Eh.

Q: What does the man think the party will be like?


A.It will be fine.

B.It will be too long.

C.It will be boring.



听力原文:I read in the newspaper the other day that we tell between two hundred and three

听力原文: I read in the newspaper the other day that we tell between two hundred and three hundred lies every day. It makes me wonder if honesty is still important.

There are so many times when we just seem to expect people to be dishonest rather than honest. We expect individuals to try to take advantage of other people whenever they can. And we sometimes expect politicians not always to be honest in their dealings. And we even expect students, sometimes, to cheat on exams or to do things to help their scores. I wonder that if it's really fair to these people, because I still think there are honest people.

The other day a very good friend of mine and I were in a restaurant. When the cashier gave him back his money after we got out of the restaurant, he realized that he had ten or fifteen dollars more than he was supposed to have. He didn't even hesitate at all. He went right back in and gave it back, and of course, the cashier was very happy.

But, I was pleasantly surprised, because it means that there really are people running around who are honest.


A.Between one hundred and three hundred~

B.Between two hundred and four hundred.

C.Between two hundred and three hundred.

D.Between one hundred and two hundred.



听力原文:Nairobi. Five United Nations aid workers released by Somali gunmen have arrived i

听力原文: Nairobi. Five United Nations aid workers released by Somali gunmen have arrived in Kenya. The former hostages say they are in good health. The aid workers were kidnapped Tuesday during an attack against the headquarters of the group "Doctors without Borders" in Mogadishu. At least 14 people died in the attack. The gunmen are followers of a local leader Musa Su Yallhal. He opposes the temporary Somali government. The gunmen are still believed to be holding four more United Nations workers. The UN says it is holding talks with the Yallhal group.

Q: When were the UN aid workers kidnapped?


A.On Saturday.

B.On Monday.

C.On Tuesday.



听力原文:The word "okay" is known and used by millions of people all over the world. Still

听力原文: The word "okay" is known and used by millions of people all over the world. Still, language experts do not agree on where it came from. Some say it came from Indian people. When Europeans first came to America, they heard hundreds of different Indian languages. Many were well developed. One tribe especially had a well developed language. They were farmers and fishermen who lived in the rich Mississippi valley in what is now the state of Alabama. When problems arose, the headers of this tribe discussed them with the tribal chief. They sat in a circle and listened to the wisdom of the chief. He heard the different proposals often raising and lowering his head in agreement, and saying, "okeh," meaning, "all is so". The Indian languages have given many words to English. Many American states have Indian names, and so do rivers, streams, mountains, cities and towns.


A.American Indian.

B.British people.


D.African people.



听力原文: An overloaded ferry sank in a rainstorm off Haiti's southern peninsula, and hund
reds of passengers are still missing. Authorities said 2,000 people were packed onto the ferry Neptune, but people familiar with the boat said the figure was probably closer to 1,000. The boat sank on early Wednesday 100 kilometers west of Port-au-Prince, in the Gonave Channel after leaving the capital on Tuesday night. It was destined for Jeramie, 300 kilometers to the west. Authorities said dozens of survivors were picked up along the coast and on La Goaave Island.

When did the ferry sink?

A.On Tuesday night.

B.On Wednesday night.

C.On early Wednesday.

D.On late Wednesday.



听力原文:Where Did the Americans Come from? There is a great deal of land in the United St

听力原文: Where Did the Americans Come from? There is a great deal of land in the United States, but there is also a population in America. Where did the people come from?

The first Americans who came to the land were Indians. Today there are about 900,000 American Indians. There is one part of the country with an especially large Indian population. That is the southwest. Blacks first came to America from Africa as slaves. President Lincoln freed the slaves in 1863. About eleven percent of the present American population are Blacks. The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. Soon immigrants began to arrive from many other countries, and they are still arriving. In 1790 the new nation had fewer than four million people. Today there are more than 300 million. These include people from all parts of the world.


A.African slaves.

B.The Dutch.

C.The Indians.

D.The British.



听力原文:W: You look really busy today. Are you going to have everything ready for tomorro
w's workshop?

M: I've just finished arranging a screen and projector, and I still have to bring the chairs and desks into the conference room. I also have to make a dozen copies of handouts for the participants this afternoon.

W: Actually, I've just realized that there would be more people showing up. So I think you'd better double them.

M: No problem. I' II prepare them this afternoon.

What are they doing?

A.They are counting the number of participants.

B.They are reserving the room for the workshop.

C.They are preparing for the workshop.

D.They are attending the conference.



听力原文:These days, lots of products are being designed with reuse or recycling in mind a
nd I believe, in general, people are much more aware of environmental problems. In some countries, like Sweden for instance, they have put a tax on black rubbish bags, so that people are encouraged not just to throw things straight in the bin, and to reduce their rubbish. The situation has improved in recent years, mainly because of new laws with tighter controls and higher standards. Having said that, individuals and businesses still need to work very hard to reduce and recycle waste.

What is the topic?

A.Product design

B.Swedish rubbish


D.The need to work very hard

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