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听力原文:A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from the severe pain in his stomac

听力原文: A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from the severe pain in his stomach. The doctor in the village had tried a number of treatments but been unable to cure him. The farmer decided to see a doctor in the nearest town. As he loved' money badly and spent as little as possible, he thought he would find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that his patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time. As he came into the doctor's room, he said, "Good morning, doctor. Here I am again. The doctor was a little surprised. Then he asked the farmer a few questions, examined his chest and took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. The doctor said with a smile. "Well, sir. There is nothing new. Please continue to take the same medicine I gave you the first time you came to see me."

For what reason did the farmer go to see a doctor in the town?

A.He wanted to pay less money.

B.The town was not far from his home.

C.The doctor in the village failed to cure him.

D.The doctor in the village refused to treat him again.

更多“听力原文:A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from the severe pain in his stomac”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Do you know that the picture was painted by a farmer painter?W: Really? I thou

听力原文:M: Do you know that the picture was painted by a farmer painter?

W: Really? I thought it was painted by a professional.

Q: Who painted the picture?


A.A farmer painter.

B.The man's friend.

C.A professional painter.

D.The woman's professor.



听力原文:W: Nice to meet you, Mike.M: Nice to meet you, Li Lei.Q: Who are they?(19)A.Mike.

听力原文:W: Nice to meet you, Mike.

M: Nice to meet you, Li Lei.

Q: Who are they?



B.Li Lei.

C.Mike and Li Lei.



听力原文:M: Look! Who is behind the tree?W: It's Li Ming. He is reading there.Q: What's Li

听力原文:M: Look! Who is behind the tree?

W: It's Li Ming. He is reading there.

Q: What's Li Ming doing?


A.He is reading.

B.He is playing.

C.He is singing.



听力原文:W: Hello, Li Ming. Have you heard from Tom recently?M: Yes. I got a letter from h

听力原文:W: Hello, Li Ming. Have you heard from Tom recently?

M: Yes. I got a letter from him yesterday.

Who wrote a letter to Li Ming?

A.Li Ming.


C.A girl.



听力原文:Professor Li is not at school now. He is on the business trip, so I am not going
to bother him. Besides, I've got a couple of references already.


A.I'm ready to see that couple.

B.I'm already married.

C.I have two references now.

D.I have referees who are prepared.



听力原文:Mark was a farmer who lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and

听力原文: Mark was a farmer who lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everybody thought he would die. They sent for a doctor in town, who arrived two days later and examined the sickman. The doctor asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen or paper in the village, because no one could read or write.

The doctor picked up a piece of burnt wood from the fire. Using the wood, he wrote the name of the medicine on the door of the house. "Get this medicine for him," he said, "and he will soon get better."

Mark's family and friends did not know what to do. They could not read the strange writing. Then the village baker had an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his cart and drove to the nearest town. he bought the medicine, and Mark was soon well again. He would not let anyone wash the magic words from the door.

Why did everybody in the village think Mark would die?

A.He was seriously ill.

B.He was badly wounded.

C.Doctors would do nothing for him.



听力原文:A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digg

听力原文: A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she could manage to do the planting; and he knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for them. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, "Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there."

Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, "I think somebody read your letter before it got out of the prison. Someone arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What shall I do now?"

The prisoner wrote back at once, "Plant the potatoes, of course."


A.Because his wife was ill in bed.

B.Because the farm work needed him badly.

C.Because the weather was so bad that his wife could not dig up the land.

D.Because his wife didn't know how to do any farm work.



听力原文:Mrs Ruth Li, a Chinese woman, was living in Hong Kong with her baby gift when the

听力原文: Mrs Ruth Li, a Chinese woman, was living in Hong Kong with her baby gift when the Japanese attacked Hong Kong. But their ship sank. during their voyage when they left Hong Kong. Mrs Li placed her six-year-old daughter on a bit of floating wood. Later the mother was rescued, but her little girl could not be found.

Many months later, four thousand miles away, a group of American soldiers found a Chinese girl who was half dead. No one could tell how she had got there. She refused to talk or give her name after she recovered.

When the New York Times told about the finding of the girl, Mrs Li's sister, then in New York, read the news and wrote to her sister about it. Could the girl be the lost child of Mrs Ruth Li? The mother made the long voyage to find out. The girl was indeed her own daughter.

Who was first rescued from the sea?

A.Mrs Ruth Li.

B.Mrs Li's sister.

C.Mrs Li's daughter.



听力原文:Certainly I can give you some example. Factory farming is very bad for the enviro
nment, but it makes factory farming companies very high profits; companies aren’t concerned about the destruction of the rain forest and they are often not concerned about the conditions their workers work in.

For questions 13-17, choose the person who is speaking.

Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.

Do not use any letter more than once.

After you have listened once, replay the recording.

A. manager of a fast food company

B. employee representative of a dairy company

C. personnel manager

D. farmer

E. lawyer

F. bank manager

G. journalist

H. manager of a farm



听力原文:Mrs. Ruth Li, a Chinese woman living in Singapore, named her baby girl Patsy Li.

听力原文: Mrs. Ruth Li, a Chinese woman living in Singapore, named her baby girl Patsy Li. This name means in Chinese" white plum blossom. "When Pasty Li was six years old, the Japanese attacked Singapore. Mrs. IA and Patsy Li escaped on a ship which was sunk. Mrs. Li placed Patsy Li on a bit of floating wreckage. Later Mrs. Li was rescued, but her daughter could not be found.

Many months after, four thousand miles away on the Guadal Canal, a group of American soldiers on the sea found the little Chinese girl. No one could tell how she had got there. She refused to talk or give her name. The priest in the army who spoke Chinese, named her Patsy Lee because he thought she looked like a white plum blossom.

When The New York Times told about the finding of" Patsy Lee," could Pasty Lee be the lost child Patsy Li? The mother made the long voyage to find out. The little "white plum blossom" was indeed her own Patsy Li.


A.White apple blossom.

B.White peach blossom.

C.White pear blossom.

D.White plum blossom.

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