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______ we had been looking forward to.A.Then came the hourB.Before Rose the new teacher st

______ we had been looking forward to.

A.Then came the hour

B.Before Rose the new teacher stood

C.When the hour came

D.After Kate stands the new teacher

更多“______ we had been looking forward to.A.Then came the hourB.Before Rose the new teacher st”相关的问题


By the time we got to the cinema the film()for half an hour.

A.has begun

B.had begun

C.has been on

D.had been on



Because of rising cost, we spent______ money on the project as had been planned.A.twiceB.t

Because of rising cost, we spent______ money on the project as had been planned.


B.twice more

C.twice as much

D.twice as



We were unable to reach a decision because we felt that the speaker had been and had avoid
ed answering many of our questions.







根据材料请回答下列各 I remember clearly the last time I cried. I was twelve years old, in
the seventh grade, and I had tried out for the junior high school basketball team. I walked into the gym; there was a piece of paper on the wall. It was ,a cut list. The boys whose names were on the list were welcome to keep on coming to practices. The boys whose names were not on the list had been cut; their presence (出席 ) was no longer desired. I had not known the cut was coming that day.I stood and stared at the list.The list had not been made with a great deal of consideration;the names of the very best players were at the top,and the other members of the team were listed in what appeared to be a descending(下降)order of basketball skills.I kept looking at the bottom of the list,hoping against hope that my name would appear if I looked hard enough. I held myself together as l walked out,but when I got home I began to cry.For the first time in my life.I had been told officially that l wasn’t good enough.Sports meant everything to boys that age;if you were on the team,it put you in the desirable group.If you were not,you might as well not be alive. All these years later,I remember it as if l were still standing right there in the gym.I don’tknow how the mind works in matters like this;I don’t know what went on in my head following that day of cut.But I know that my determination has been so strong ever since then;I know that for all of my life since that day.I have done more work than I had to be doin9,put in more hours than I had to be spending.I don’t know if all of that came from a determination never to allow my’self to be cui again--never to allow someone to tell me that Im not good enough again--but I know it’s there.And clearly it’s there in a lot of other successful men too… From the text we learn that the cut list had names of pupils__________.

A.who were still in the team

B.who were the old players

C.who were hard—working

D.who were too young to play



If it rains, we should not go out, but the sky ______ perfectly clear now.


B.will be


D.had been



第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A. B.C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的

第二节 完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A. B.C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的


Dad loved children and always wanted a (36) family. Eventually (最终) , he got what hewanted (37) there were twelve children in the family. Without fail, he would show us off to visi-tors.

once, Dad (38) presented the first three children in the family, Anne, Mary and Ernestine ,to some visitors. Then he picked up the fourth child, Martha, and said, '- And this is our (39model, complete with all the improvements. And don ' t think that this is all; we ' re (40) the1951 model some time next month. "

But what he (41) most was taking us out for a drive in the car. Just the (42) 0f all of uswould cause people t0 (43) their houses. On one occasion (场合) a man in a village we werepassing through shouted (44) that he had seen eleven people in our car, not (45) Mum and Dad. (46) , Dad called out over his shoulder, " You (47) the second baby up from the front here, Mister. "

Another time, Dad told us this joke, (48) we were not sure then whether he was telling usthe (49) . Mum, who was a psychologist (心理学家) , once went to give a lecture and left Dadin charge of the (50) . When Mum returned, she asked him if everything had run (51). He said that everything was fine (52) 0ne of the children had been taught a lesson because he had been (53) . When he pointed at the child that had been (54) , Mum looked at him calmly and said, "That' s not one of ours, dear. He (55) next door. "








翻译下列形式:tenti sumus()

A.we were held

B.we had been held

C.we were being held

D.we are held



DScientists say they now have proof to support the old-fashioned advice that it ' s best t


Scientists say they now have proof to support the old-fashioned advice that it ' s best to sleep on aproblem. They say sleep strengthens the memory and helps the brain organize the masses of infor-mation we receive each day.

Lead researcher Bob Stickgold at the Harvard Medical School said , " Sleep helps us draw rules from our experiences. It' s like knowing the difference between dogs and cats even if it' s hard to explain. "

The US research team studied how well students remembered connections between words and symbols(象征 ) , reports New Scientist. They compared how the students performed if they had had a sleep between seeing the words and having the test, and if they had not slept. They found that people were better able to remember lists of related words after a night' s sleep than after the same time spent awake during the day. They also found it easier to remember themes(主题) that the words had in common. But they forgot around one in four more themes if they had been awake.

Prof. John Groeger, of Surrey University ' s Sleep Research Centre, said, "People have been trying for years to find out what the purpose of sleep is, as we know that only certain parts of it have a restorative (有助恢复的 ) value. "

" We form. and store huge numbers of experiences in the head every day , and sleep seems to be the way the brain deals with it all. "

68. The phrase " to sleep on a problem" in Paragraph l most likely means to _________ .

[A]pay full attention to a problem

[B] wait until later for a decision

[C] sleep to forget a problem

[D] have difficulty sleeping



DI found myself facing a dry-cleaning store which had once been one of the best restaurant


I found myself facing a dry-cleaning store which had once been one of the best restaurants in New York. On Sundays the old man would take my mother and me for dinner. There had been a balcony (走廊) where a baker (面包师) in a tall white hat baked fresh bread, and been whenever a customer entered, the baker would look down and put in a fresh batch (一炉). I could see the manager who always sat down with us while we ate. He had some disease, I suppose, because the right side of his face was swollen (肿的) out like a balloon, but he always wore a hard wing collar and a white tie, and never seemed sick. A Negro with a moustache was looking through the store window at me. For a moment I was anxious to go and tell him what l remembered. I did not go into the store, nor even toward our house, I went downtown instead and sat in my room, trying to read.

Why did the writer stop in front of the store?

A. He wanted to take some clothes to be cleaned.

B. He was thinking about his boyhood.

C. He was looking for a good place to eat.

D. He wanted to buy some fresh bread.



If we had been informed in time, we ______ them for you. A.would have reserved B.would reserve

A.A.would have reserved

B.B.would reserve

C.C.will reserve

D.D.had reserved

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