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听力原文: It would seem that there are 3 kinds of travel books. The first are those that g

ive a personal description of travels which the author has actually made himself. If they are informative and have a good index then they can be useful to you when you are planning your travels. The second kind are those books whose purpose is to give a purely objective description of things to be done and seen. If a well-read, cultured person has written such a book then it is even more useful. The third kind are those books which are called "a guide" to some place or another. If they are good, they will, in addition to their factual information, give an analysis or an interpretation.

Whatever kind of travel book you choose you must make sure that it does not describe everything as "marvelous", "fabulous" or "magical". You must also note its date of publication because travel is a very practical affair and many things change quickly in this century. Finally, you should make sure that the contents are well presented and easy to find.

How many kinds of travel books are mentioned in the passage?





更多“听力原文: It would seem that there are 3 kinds of travel books. The first are those that g”相关的问题


听力原文:M:Don't you think John and Jim are telling the truth?W:It doesn't seem likely. It

听力原文:M:Don't you think John and Jim are telling the truth?

W:It doesn't seem likely. It would be hard to write two compositions so much alike unless of them one of them was copying from the other.

What seems to be the woman's opinion?


A.She doesn't like either of them.

B.John copied it from Jim.

C.Jim copied it from John.

D.One is the copy from the other.



听力原文:M: Don't you think John and Jim are telling the truth?W: It doesn't seem likely.

听力原文:M: Don't you think John and Jim are telling the truth?

W: It doesn't seem likely. It would be hard to write two compositions so much alike unless one of them was copying from the other.

Q: What seems to be the woman's opinion?


A.She doesn't like the composition.

B.In her opinion, Jim was cheating.

C.One of the students copied the other's composition.

D.She believes John and Jim were telling the truth.



听力原文:M: Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?W: Almost I got a watch for my hu

听力原文:M: Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?

W: Almost I got a watch for my husband, but I can't seem to find anything for my dad. He would probably like a book or a case for his coin collection.

Q: What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?


A.She has not bought him a gift yet.

B.She bought him a book.

C.She bought him a case for his coin collection.

D.She bought him a watch.



听力原文:In all languages there are different levels of formality and informality in talki

听力原文: In all languages there are different levels of formality and informality in talking to other people, The language and speech forms you use in talking to family members and friends are not the same as those you use in talking to strangers. The level of language you use in talking to strangers is more formal and usually contains more polite forms. In talking with strangers in English, people sometimes use extra-polite forms to show special courtesy.

In a dialogue, for example, someone says, "Would you be good enough to mm the radio down a bit7" (Instead of "Turn the radio down, please. ") If you used this extra-polite form. with a member of your family or with a close friend, it would seem very peculiar! However, when you use an extra-polite expression like "Would you be good enough'"" or "Would you be so kind as to…" with a stranger, you are trying to be very polite and courteous.


A.Informal language and polite forms.

B.Formal language and polite forms.

C.Formal language and impolite forms.

D.Informal language and casual forms.



听力原文:M: I'd like to examine your eyes and we'll start with the chart. Would you sit he
re and look at the chart? Can you see any letters?

W: Not really. The letters run together. They seem blurred.

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


A.In a hospital.

B.At a school.

C.In an office.

D.In a post office.



听力原文:I had been in that bad condition for near two weeks. I thought that headache of m
ine would have never gone away. But then this famous doctor just cured me.


A.I can't think when my head aches.

B.I didn't get my headaches when I went away.

C.My headache doesn't seem to be getting any better.

D.It took a while, but my head finally stopped hurting.



听力原文:Good afternoon everyone, I'm Latoya Marslington and this is the weather. The warm

听力原文: Good afternoon everyone, I'm Latoya Marslington and this is the weather. The warm front has moved in from the north and is making for an unseasonably warm March morning. The temperature is expected to continue rising throughout the day. It would seem that spring is finally here. But don't put away those wooly socks just yet. The temperature tomorrow is expected to drop back down to the usual 60 degrees, and remain that way throughout the week. Currently it's 72 degrees and 6 o'clock. Join us again in an hour for the full day's news and all the traffic updates.

What is today's weather like?

A.Cloudy and windy

B.Freezing cold





听力原文:(Woman) Hello, Juan. This is Helen Luna at Magnum Heating Supplies. I've been goi

听力原文:(Woman) Hello, Juan. This is Helen Luna at Magnum Heating Supplies. I've been going over our customer records, and I see that you currently use our Model 200 filters for your heating systems. I'm just calling to ask. Have you considered upgrading to the Model 201 filters?

(Man) I guess it's a possibility, but the 200's seem to be doing the job just fine for us.

(Woman) Well, the reason I ask is that for the next 90 days the Model 201 filters will be on sale for the same price as the Model 200's you're using now, so this would be a good time to change to the newer model.

(Man) Hmm. Let me talk about it with our maintenance staff and see what they think.

What is the purpose of the woman's call?

A.She wants to upgrade her heating system.

B.She wants to find out a price.

C.She wants to sell a product.

D.She wants to have a filter repaired.



听力原文:Thank you all for attending today' s meeting. I appreciate the fact that you are
very busy, so I understand the sacrifice you have made today to be here. The reason we asked you here today is to discuss an alarming rise in the incidence of office property theft. This may seem like a minor matter, but every year this problem costs the company more than a million dollars. Starting tomorrow, we are going to interview everyone in the company to find ways this problem can be solved. If you have any suggestions we would prefer it if you can raise them at your one-on-one meeting, and not at today' s meeting. Our security manager, John Bow, will be conducting the interviews and will contact you later in the day to schedule an interview. Thanks for your cooperation.

What is the purpose of this talk?

A.To inform. workers that they will be interviewed

B.To offer staff a pay raise

C.To announce a round of layoffs

D.To discuss a vacation schedule



听力原文:W: Please sit down. Let's see. You're Mr. Brown, is that right?M: Right. I'll gra

听力原文:W: Please sit down. Let's see. You're Mr. Brown, is that right?

M: Right. I'll graduate from college next June.

W: Have you ever done any work in this field?

M: No, never. We did some practice work in class.

W: You seem to be doing well at college. What kind of pay do you hope to get?

M: From what I've read, it seems that the pay at the beginning would, be around $12,000 a year.

W: Here we would start at $10,500 for the first year of training. Then you would get $15,000. After that it would depend on how well you work.

M: That sounds fair enough. What about other things, like vacation?

W: Those are all explained in this paper. You can take it along and look at it at home.

M: Do you really think I can get a job here? I really hope that I can work here. But I guess I'll just have to go home and wait.

W: Well, I'm talking to three people today and four tomorrow. The company will be hiring two people. You'll hear sometime next month. Good luck and thanks for coming today.

How much does the man want to be paid a year at the beginning?




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