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Only one week later, Mr. Smith came to realize _____________________(不是我就是他错了).

Only one week later, Mr. Smith came to realize _____________________(不是我就是他错了).

更多“Only one week later, Mr. Smith came to realize _____________________(不是我就是他错了).”相关的问题


根据以下内容回答下列各题,Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident. He was also a l
ittle deaf _51_ old age. Last week, he was taking a walk near his home when a thunderstorm came. He hid _52_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked _53_ the ground and woke up some 20 minutes _54_, lying face down in water in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in be D. A short time later, he awoke; his legs felt _55_ and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife entered, he _56_ her for the first time in nine years. Doctors _57_ that he had regained his sight and hearing obviously from the flash of lightning, but they were unable to explain that. The only _58_ explanation offered by one doctor was that, _59_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by _60_ traumA.


B.because of





听力原文:(29) The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police, who are looking

听力原文: (29) The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police, who are looking for what they now believe must be a well-organized gang of professional car thieves.

Most of the thefts have taken place in the rich residential areas round South-well Park, where last week alone, twenty-two car thefts were reported to the local police. Of course, (30)only one has been found abandoned in Rocking-hill Palace road twenty miles away. The others have not been found yet, except tot one which had been falsely reported missing. The owner later admitted that he had forgotten where he had parked it a few days before.

An interesting aspect of these thefts is that nearly all the missing vehicles have been taken from locked garages. The owners now admitted that they may have left the car doors unlocked, but only one owner was not certain whether he had locked the garage dour. The police have therefore assumed that the gang find it easier to break into garages, where vehicles are often left unlocked at night, than into locked cars, parked on the road-side in day time or at night. (31)They advise car owner to lock up their cars, even when they are kept in locked garages.


A.The increase in driving offences.

B.The increase in professional gangs.

C.The increase in car stealing.

D.The increase in car owners.



听力原文:In Greece only rich people will rest in peace forever when they die. Most of the

听力原文: In Greece only rich people will rest in peace forever when they die. Most of the population, however, will be undisturbed for only three years. Then they will be dug up, washed, compressed into a small tin box and placed in a bone room. If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed. Buying a piece of land for a grave is the only way to avoid this process. The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed. If no one pays for renting space in a bone room, the skeleton is removed and stored in a building in a poor part of the town. Lack of space in Athens is the main reason why the dead are dug up after the three years. The city is so overcrowded that, sometimes, dead bodies are kept in hospitals for over a week until a grave is found. Athens' city council wants to introduce cremation ,that is, burning dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problem. But the Greek Church resists this practice. They believe the only place where people burn is hell. So burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death. To save space, the church suggested burying the bodies standing up instead of lying down. Some people purposed building multi-storey underground graveyards.


A.Rent a grave.

B.Bury the body.

C.Bury the dead near a church.

D.Buy a piece of land for a grave.



听力原文:The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police, who are looking for w

听力原文: The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police, who are looking for what they now believe must be a well-organized gang of professional car thieves.

Most of the thefts have taken place in the rich residential areas round South-well Park, where last week alone, twenty-two car thefts were reported to the local police. Of course, only one has been found abandoned in Reeking-hill Palace road twenty miles away. The others have not been found yet, except for one which had been falsely reported missing. The owner later admitted that he had forgotten where he had parked it a few days before.

An interesting aspect of these thefts is that nearly all the missing vehicles have been taken from locked garages. The owners now admitted that they may have left the car doors unlocked, but only one owner was not certain whether he had locked the garage door. The police have therefore assumed that the gang find it easier to break into garages, where vehicles are often left unlocked at night, than into locked cars, parked on the road-side in day time or at night. They advise car owner to lock up their cars, even when they are kept in locked garages.


A.The increase in driving offences.

B.The increase ill professional gangs.

C.The increase in car stealing.

D.The increase in car owners.



The earliest films were short, lasting only one minute or less. People could, for one cent
, see simple action films of trains, fire engines, parades, crowds on city streets and similar subjects. Soon 20-minute pictures of news items were being shown in theaters at the end of the regular stage show. Later, films used a new method (putting the beginning of one scene upon the end of the scene before)for magical effects and to tie a story together. In 1903, a film was made about a train robbery, much of the action took place at the same time —— the robbers escaping, the men meeting and planning to capture them -- and the scenes moved smoothly, back and forth, from one scene to another instead of unnaturally showing each scene separately. This was the earliest successful film in which scenes were filmed at different places and times and then combined to make a logical story. A short time later, theaters showed for five cents a whole hour's entertainment of short films -- comedy, travel, and dramas. These films were simple and rough, and many were vulgar. Gradually the tastes of the audiences improved as the techniques improved.

Before 1910 actors were employed in films without their names being given because the producers were afraid that if an actor became well known, he might demand more money. But later, it became known that a film with a popular actor in it could be sold at a higher price to theater owners than a film in which the actor was not known. Soon "movie stars" won fame wherever films were shown. By 1915, the most popular stars were earning as much as $ 2, 000 a week, and large theaters were being built downtown in all the larger cities to show films alone. The films shown in those theaters were of several types: comedies emphasizing speed, movement and camera tricks; serious dramas, often with a patriotic theme; "westerns", which showed, then as now, the American cowboy fighting on the side of law and justice; murder mysteries and crime stories, and special films on art, music and other cultural subjects.

Pictures of parades shown in the first films went on for no more than ____.

A.one minute

B.a whole hour

C.20 minutes

D.about two minutes



听力原文:I only get one week's vacation at my new job. (A) He works at a travel agency. (B

听力原文:I only get one week's vacation at my new job.

(A) He works at a travel agency.

(B) That's not very much time.

(C) I found a new job.







That afternoon Molly almost danced along the street, as she walked home with her father fr
om the station. They had seen Mrs. Gibson and Cynthia off to London. She wished her step - mother would take herself off to London much more often.

"Well now, Dad." she said, "I'm going to have you all to my- self for a whole week. You must be very obedient."

"I hope you aren' t going to boss me, Molly. You' re walking me out of breath already. We mustn' t pass Mrs. Goodmays in our hurry." They crossed the street to speak to Mrs. Goodmays, one of the doctor' s patients. "We' ve just been seeing my wife and her daughter off to London. They've gone up for a week."

"Dear me, to London, and only for a week!" said Mrs. Goodmays, with surprise. "It seems hardly worth the packing. It'll be lonely for you, Molly, without your stepsister."

"Yes," said Molly, suddenly feeling as if she ought to have taken this view of the case. "I' 11 miss Cynthia."

"And you, Dr. Gibson, I hope you won' t feel like widower once again. You must come and have supper with me one evening. What about Tuesday?"

Dr. Gibson felt a sharp blow on his leg from the toe of Molly' s shoe, but even so he accepted the invitation, much to the old lady' s satisfaction.

A moment later Molly said to him, "How could you go and waste one of our precious evening! We' ve only got five now. I' ve been planning all sorts of things for us to do tonight." "What sort of things'?."

"Oh, I don' t know. Things you used to like." She looked at him boldly. "Forbidden things now."

Her father's eyes lit up, but his face remained serious. "I'm not going to be pulled down, Molly. With hard work and sensible guidance I' ye reached a very fair height of civilized behavior, and there I' m going to stay."

"Oh, no, you' re not. We' re having bread and cheese for sup

per tonight, in armchairs in front of the TV ! And you shall wear your dressing - gown at breakfast tomorrow--and every morning for a week ! And you shall read the paper at the dining-table f That' s only a start. I haven' t finished by a long way yet."

What were Molly's feelings as they walked home?

A.She was looking forward to Mrs. Gibson's return.

B.She was delighted to be alone with her father.

C.She hated being apart from Cynthia.

D.She wished she had gone to London too.



What happened a few days later?A.The person's friend stopped drinking beer.B.The person as

What happened a few days later?

A.The person's friend stopped drinking beer.

B.The person asked only for half a glass of beer.

C.The person asked only for one glass of beer.



Within only one week, ______.A.23 persons lost their livesB.protestants took away seven li

Within only one week, ______.

A.23 persons lost their lives

B.protestants took away seven lives

C.more than twice attacks happened to Belfast

D.most of the dead were Catholics



根据材料请回答 41~45 题 MemoryOne day more than fifty years ago, a young man had an acc

根据材料请回答 41~45 题


One day more than fifty years ago, a young man had an accident on his motor-bike in which he suffered a few apparently minor injuries.There was a bruise (淤青) on the left side of his forehead and some slight bleeding from his left ear.He was taken to hospital for examination but X-rays did not reveal any other injuries. Nevertheless, the doctor who was treating him decided to keep him in hospital for further observations because the young man was having difficulty in speaking and seemed very confused.

At the time of the accident, the young man was 22 years old, and the date was Au-gust, 1933.A week later, he was able to carry on what seemed a perfectly normal conver-sation.However, he told the doctor that he was only 11 years old and that the date was February, 1922.What is more, he could not remember anything that had happened since 1922.For example, he could not recall having spent five years in Australia, or coming back to England and working for two years on a golf course.

As time went by, part of his memory of the eleven missing years come back.A few weeks later, he even remembered his years in Australia.But the two years of his life just before the accident were still a completely a blank.Three weeks after his injury, he went back to the village where he had been living for those two years.Everything seemed unfa-miliar and he did not recall ever having been there before.Despite this, he was able to take up his old job again in the village and to do it satisfactorily.But he often got lost when walking around the village and found it difficult to remember what he had done during the day.

Slowly, however, his memory continued to return so that, about ten weeks after the accident, he could even remember most of the previous two years.There remained only one complete gap in his memory: he could remember absolutely nothing about what.he had done a few minutes immediately before the accident or the accident itself. This part of his memory never came back.

第 41 题 When did the accident happen?

A.In February 1922.

B.A few years ago.

C. when the young man was in Australia.

D.Over half a century ago.

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